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The contents of the Isaac Brock Society are the intellectual property of its respective authors. Except as otherwise indicated (in particular when we had to obtain permission from an author to publish a post here), authorization to use the material herein, with correct attribution to the respective author and a link to correct page or post–and a reference to the Isaac Brock Society–is permitted.
Looking for help with necessary forms–anyone willing?
There is a lot of great information on forms, as well as individual reports on experiences at different US consulates / embassies in the Consulate Report Directory at You might do a good review that information and then ask any questions you still have on that thread.
On second thought, you may not be referring to forms for expatriation from the US, instead perhaps compliance forms??
We have tried contacting you for permission in using your Stop Fatca logo adapted to the Swizterland resistance movement against Fatca. I am the president of the Lobby des Citoyens (Citizen’s Lobby) who
coordinate with other Citizen groups to launch a referendum against the application of Fatca in Switzerland
that the Swiss parliament ratified on 27th of September 2013.
We thought by using an adapted version of your logo would start an international wave of indignation and resistance amongst citizens which, hopefully, will put a pressure on those govenments who have signed or are intending to sign FATCA and FBAR agreements.
We look forward to receiving your prompt agreement in using the logo on our website.
Best regards
Marc R. Studer
Isaac Brock Society Board Members:
Le Lobby de Citoyens is working to repeal FATCA in Switzerland. Below is their website and a page showing their board members. Marc R. Studer is the President:
Could a IBS board member respond to his request?
Thank you.
Thanks, Innocente. I have inquired who should give permission to Marc R. Studer. I think perhaps Victoria — I’ve sent an email to both Victoria and Petros. I first thought of James Jatras “REPEAL” FATCA logo, but this may be what he is asking permission to use:

@ calgary411
Yes that’s the one but LLDC has modified it with a Swiss Cross in the hand and the slogan Foreign Attack To Control All (Blaze’s words I believe). It looks great. Canadian Girl came up with the original graphic but the “stop hand” is likely out there as a free download.
FWIW I don’t feel any ownership of that logo nor do I consider my intellectual property (but then, I’m not the one who thought it up). If anyone in Switzerland wants to use or adapt it, I personally have no problem with that. But I only speak for myself (which in fact is true of everyone on this website, we aren’t incorporated as far as I’m aware and hence don’t have a “board of directors” really, just some off-line email groups that kick things around sometimes).
Thanks, schubert.
As far as I’m concerned, the logo should be used wherever it can do good, but I am not speaking for the person(s) who came up with the “STOP FATCA” logo — like schubert only speaking for myself. I’m just a “spam remover” from the site and saw the request while I was going about that.
I’ve sent an email to CanadianGirl and asked if she can read this thread and put something in the comments.
FWIW, looks like it’s a free download “hand,” and looks great in both Canadian Girl’s graphic and how the Swiss Lobby des citoyens has adapted it. Excellent graphic design (really clear recognisable meaning) — would be quite good if anti-FATCA groups around the world end up using basically the same logo customised as they see fit.