Deb says:
…while I wanted to actually mention Harper and the Conservatives, I agree with Chears that that would probably be hard to get submitted.
So I made the ad as generic as I could while still getting the gist. At least I hope so.
The layout is like the one Chears ran and is intended as a starting point. Input from everyone is welcome and appreciated.
There is other advertisement discussion at
(Note:Β I’m just putting this in one place in case people want to discuss options of what they’d like to do.Β I am not the coordinator for this effort, just the poster.)
[ Click on image for larger / clearer look. ]
Newer ad from Chears, the first being the “final” / the final FINAL above:
Original ad from Chears:
Folks the markets are going to crash and bring down this crooked evil Capitalist system. Like it or not, believe it or not. Which side are you on?
@Calgary411 RE the “FINAL AD”
I still have major concerns that the statement ” …YOUR PRIVATE Financial Information will now…….” is too strong and, in reality, a misrepresentation of what the bulk of Canadians will face on July 1 when FATCA kicks in.
Not all Canadians WILL have their information sent to the IRS.
If we misrepresent this, IBS will not be taken seriously and we need to foster no hint of distrust, especially now.
Better to have the text say “YOUR PRIVATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION could be sent…..” or
“YOUR PRIVATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION might be sent…..” or “the PRIVATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION of many Canadians will be sent….. ” or something similar (less absolute-certainty/definitive than the word “will”).
LM, I am just the poster of the ads for Deb and Chears. It is up to others for what they are going to be and how they will be used. I made a couple of comments in the same capacity as the rest of the commenters on them.
Sorry, for the delay. Here is Chear’s Final FINAL ad:

LM. I don’t care if they trust us. We are in a war. I would hope our enemies don’t trust us. Stop taking the “high road” as it leads to defeat when you are dealing with a system that thinks we will be good wimpy Canadians and roll over with our butts in the air. I think you are missing the point. This system will not be changed by playing nice
@calgary411 – Is it possible to bump this thread off the front page? I’m not sure it represents the best first impression of this community.
Anyway, if I get a call tomorrow saying that no one here send money to run the ad Thursday then I’m finished here, moot point. Can’t afford to keep paying out of my pocket and then come here and see the BS about the ad details. So, if Bob doesn’t have the balance of the 375.00 by noon Monday it will be my last time I put a penny into this cause. I’m already in for $1,000.00 and all I get is grief. People, because design of ads can be changed in a wink, pardon me but for the armchair ad experts here: shut up and show us the money. 150.00 needed yet. Puhhleeeese
I don’t have the capability to do that, Wren. That has to come from Petros or perhaps Pacifica. By tomorrow, this post may move down in order with whatever new post takes its place.
Oh man. Thats not a good ad. Nobody is gong to read it or care. Its all about “american” persons.
One has to be aware of the fact that if so many of us are getting absolutely ill and distraught at finding out these things- then how much is a canadian going to avoid being involved as well? They are relieved that it doesn’t concern them- which is why I think it is so important to make the point that down the road- it DOES and it WILL concern them.
Agree, this affects all Canadians.
The concept of US stealing Canadian assets and we are paying them to do it expressed by John R. really hit me over the head in realizing how this effects all Canadians, not in the future but in the present. That concept might appeal to all in an add.
@ChearsBigEars – Whether it’s money for a one-off advert or loss of your financial freedom, we are ALL paying for FATCA.
@all – Peace – we are all here for a common good – some are conservative and some left wing – yet we have a common interest in a common good. We do not need to get too steamed up about differences of opinion on design of adverts – we need to keep putting our feet forward one after the other. There can be several ads – over time there can be several ads in the same media. This is not likely to go away in a week or two … this is going to be a long march. I am so grateful that there are so many people who have so many talents that share our common interests. As Bob Marley used to sing “One Love, One Heart, Lets Get Together Now and Feel All Right”.
Exactly Don, every Canadian is going to end up paying at least something for this mess Harper got us into….Ho Ho Ho mama obama won’t sign a FATCA agreement with Russia ….boo hoo hoo. I’m going to charter a plane to take a bunch of us to a new home in Sochi
BTW the ad you see up thread is not the ad I’m running
This is it×72.jpg
Yes Polly, that’s not the ad. I was only trying to make that one more palatable for one person here. I’m not running that one today, if I run any at all. No money, no ad at all. You guys decide. I have 3 hours. Anyone chipping in or are we still debating the wording until eternity π
In terms of advertising, anyone interested in helping with a direct mailing (my dime)?
I’ve gathered a lengthy list of well-known Canadians with a US birthplace. WhiteKat has helped with writing a letter (I still need to do a last polishing) and GrouchyandMad has helped with gathering a number of addresses (snail-mail, email, tweet, website). But there are still many names with no contact info.
My preference would be to snail-mail fairly soon but one does what one can in this day of technology.
Anyway, is there anyone out there who would be willing to put in some time (in the next week or two) to gather addresses?
Another thought, there are lists out there of famous Canadian-born folks who are now in the USA (think actors, musicians, comedians, journalists,etc). Do we think maybe a very different letter might intrigue some them/give them pause / encourage donations to a Charter Challenge if/when we get there?
Your thoughts?
I will help you, tell me where to start!
I have run ads in kijiji (paid ones that have the logo/link running across front page, top & highlited), craigslist, Eventbrite, Meetup groups (we have 3-one for the GTA, one for Canada and one for Europe); paid campaigns for Facebook and a number of classified ads (often location specific) since the very first FATCA forum in Dec 2012. All information sessions have gotten the “full treatment.” All meetings are “Tweeted.” The number of views are consistently good for this type of endeavor. The overwhelming majority of attendees see it be Brock.
It would be helpful if more could join the Meetup groups, use their FB pages to share events, and learn to tweet. Social media has become the most effective and cheapest way to advertise, hands down.
I have a lot of experience in promotion from the non-profit I have volunteered for for the last 31 years. To spend money for paid display ads is only effective if done in a consistent, ongoing campaign. PR is only effective if developed as a relationship within a community over a period if time. Regarding the ACA meeting, plans are underway for reaching out to CBC and other media we have had contact with as well as all the smaller listings mentioned above. There are endless possibilities…..
@ Pacifica & @ Charl –
Thanks, Charl.
Pacifica – please send Charl my email address so we can get this going. π
@ Tricia/ nobledreamer
Hugs and more hugs!!!!!!!
Great to hear we have your extensive expertise!
@ LM,
Happy to forward your address to Charl.
Would you like to send me an e-mail? I think there might be a typo in your e-mail address.
Hugs to you as well! What a good idea and glad to hear others are helping yo!
And please, there’s no “expertise” here, just plain old “doing,” Nothing fancy here. LOL!
Tricia’s right. And let’s not forget G+. I’ve shared stuff there, as well. On Twitter I use the #FATCA hashtag so much I’m starting to irritate my friends. I don’t care. π
We could use some help engaging the anti-Harper #cdnpoli crowd on the FATCA file. If we can get them on board, they are a loud, persistent bunch.
@ Deb
I hope you are still around. Your writing and design abilities are appreciated here. These “tweaking sessions” on Brock can be tiring though. The Squamish Chief had a comment section glitch and your excellent rebuttal to Mr. Cavanagh disappeared (along with 60 other comments). I’ve notified them but so far they haven’t fixed the problem. I hope you’ll repost your comment there at the new URL: