Dangerous FBAR’s and FATCA’s are known to slurk around in the wee hours of the morning outside of US jurisdiction. To combat self-responsibility, all US persons and only US persons have now been prohibited from working late-night shifts or consuming local beverages which might encourage them to act independently.
MANAMA, Bahrain — A 1 a.m. curfew is now in force for all U.S. personnel, civilians and dependents in Bahrain, Navy officials announced Thursday.
Previously, curfew times varied depending on a servicemember’s rank. Dependents, civilians and contractors could stay out all night as long as they were with at least one other person.
The new policy retains a prohibition on public consumption of alcohol between midnight and 5 a.m.
Lt. Marissa Myatt, a U.S. Navy 5th Fleet spokeswoman, said the new policy simplifies and clarifies the previous regulations.
“It’s smart to get people off the streets,” she said. “Nothing good happens after 1 a.m.”
All that talk of arming teachers did for me was to further solidify my decision to renounce.
When I first read that statement after the Sandy Hook Massacre, I was exasperated enough to spew coffee all over my desk. I literally thought they had all lost their freaking minds!
….read it online, I meant. I tried watching it on CNN and Fox News for shits and giggles. All I can say to that is, wow, just…..wow. Never again will I do that! Yes, it was a horrible event, and it’s further sickening that there were children involved in it, but they keep pumping up that fear and milking it for everything that it’s worth, and for what? Ratings? Profits? Power and control?
I didn’t even bother to tune in when the bombings in Boston happened. Who wants to see the fear factory ramp up their production numbers yet again? Foreign news as far as I’m concerned.
And having to overhear on the TV in the other room the voice of Bill O’Reilly spewing his vile bullshit on The View makes me want to vomit.
From yesterday:
Yikes, that article would be funny if it wasn’t so true. The American’s favourite method of suicide? Self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
I think they are referring to military members. This kind of “babysitting” is common in the military, and somewhat necessary. You’re talking about a group comprised of mainly 18-29 year olds. If there iisn’t this sort of control in place, many of them would likely do something stupid with themselves or with other people.
Regarding the other comments, yeah, things in the US look pretty crazy sometimes.