Congress is having a hard time balancing the budget and every little bit helps. Peter W. Dunn has learned about a proposal that could seriously reduce the US federal budget deficit.

I heard a rumour in November that Congress has come up with a solution for the $1.5 trillion deficit. They are considering the creation of a new filing obligation called KFOR, the Kitty of Foreign Origin Report. You have to fill out a report for every foreign kitty living in your house who was born outside the United States: including the name of the kitty, the total amount of kibble consumed (in lbs), and the total amount of kitty litter used. If you fail to report the KFOR annually, but non-willfully, there will be a $10,000 fine per year per kitty. Willful and recalcitrant American persons who fail to provide the Department of Domestic Pets with a yearly report by June 1 of each year, can be fined up to 1/2 of their total wealth, per year per Kitty. If you have 4 kitties, the maximum fine will be 1200% of your total wealth (4×50%*6 years statute of limitations).
If that doesn’t work, there is also in consideration a dog of foreign origin report (DFOR) and Foreign Christmas Trees Report (FCTR).
Oh no! After reading this, I better put my cat Millie down before I am discovered again as non compliant! Thanks for the chuckle!
LOL! Makes me glad I don’t have a cat
The government gets a KFOR bonanza:
Oh nooooos! Does this apply to loaner cats too? The DODP will never believe we repay our loaner with cuddles only. They will surely come after our non-existent kibbles stash. 🙁
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