Meet with your Member of Parliament – Talking Points & Reports
LM prepared these excellent talking points, along with a useful list of links, for a meeting with her Member of Parliament. In the talking points, she incorporated her ideas and those which other Brockers suggested to her last week.
Please feel free to use this template, as-is or as a starting-off point, in preparing for your meeting with your MP — or with any other persons you may be educating about the FACTA IGA.
If you have suggestions on this topic, please add suggestions them on this thread.
If you create a template (or adapt from this one) or create a link list, please send a copy to and I’ll upload it and link to it here. A letter you write to your MP is also useful to others, so please post here or send to me by e-mail.
Also, please report on your meetings here (or e-mail me and I’ll upload and link to it). We’d like to compile these reports as we’ve been doing with consulate reports.
Thanks very much, LM for this template! And thanks in advance to others who’ll be commenting on this thread and/or providing templates and reports.
Talking Points by LM
Links related to Talking Points by LM
Letter Requesting Meeting with MP by Karen
Letter to MP re Meeting by JakDac and MPs letter to JakDac after their meeting
What the Agreement of the Canadian Government to Implement FATCA in Canada Could Cost the Canadian Economy PER YEAR by Stuart Mestelman and Mary Brickhill
Costs to Canada – Average Annual Tax Payments by Stuart Mestelman
Contact Info for Canadian Members of Parliament This info is provided in 4 lists: alphabetically by MP’s name, by riding name, by province; by cabinet and committees, by LM
Members of Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee (House of Commons, Canada)
@ JakDac- While a quick dot point document might be helpful, I found that this issue has so much history and complex tendons into all sorts and kinds of financial, marital, international trust, changing tax policy, pivacy and other laws that a simple point fom hand-out was insufficitnt. I provided for my MP all the items listed on my prep notes plus the list of website links – – AND MY PREP-NOTES!!! and she expressed great gratitude for the range of information made available to her to fully understand the issue(s).
I figure, don’t do the MP’s work for him/her – – this is a complex, international issue that he/she needs to learn about to support their constituents (including you and, likely, hundreds of other “USP” in the riding. Good luck and let us know how things went.
I’m not sure where to put this, and don’t know if this might ruffle some feathers, but:
As of March 2016, there are 685,300 Veterans in Canada –
The Wikipedia article reports that there were reportedly 1,400,685 Indigenous peoples in Canada in 2011 –
There are 1,000.000 “US Persons” in Canada
Now, there is a Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs AND a Minister of Veterans’ Affairs.
Should pressure be brought to bear to establish a Minister of US Persons????????
Congratulations on the meeting with your Liberal MP. I agree with MuzzledNoMore, well done! Lucky you are to have a Liberal MP who listens. My MP, Dianne Watts, is Conservative and seems to be totally in line with Harper views on FATCA from my brief correspondence with her.
I’m sorry to say that from all reports, no Liberal MP is going to break from the party line – that is when they figure out what it is.
LM, I’m so glad that your MP listened, heard and commented that she was quite appreciative of your bringing in so much data to assist her with understanding the problem. As well she should be!
No matter how well all that was done (and it surely was, all the work you put into it), the proof will be in the final outcome — Liberals I have talked with have listened and heard and seemed to understand. However, that is not where they are today. I surely hope yours will be different and represent you — the person she should be working and speaking for.
What a learning curve of realization of how *the system* works. Onward to the litigation, if only with the required witnesses.
An addition and an update to the document links in the main post above this week:
(1) Good news from Australia! JakDac met with his MP Ross Vasta this week. As a result, his MP is now contacting a senator regarding FATCA. Correspondence between JakDac and Mr. Vasta is now in the document links above. As well, JakDac has written about this on the FATCA and Australia page. Great job, JakDac!
(2) LM has updated the Contact Information for Canadian Members of Parliament. In addition to the listings alphabetically by MP’s name, by riding name, by province, she has added a listing by cabinet and committees Thanks much, LM, this is really useful!
A post from NoName (University-Rosedale riding in Toronto) today on the ADCS thread. Great idea to get in touch with NoName if you’re in University-Rosedale or, if not, try a group approach in your riding!
No name says
April 12, 2016 at 11:24 am
My MP has forwarded our letter to the Treasurer – he sent us a copy of his cover letter yesterday.