This page is intended as a place to cite the portions of Constitutions, Charters, Declarations and the like that prohibit discrimination on the basis of national origin. Many of us have often argued –at IBS, Maple, and elsewhere– that prohibiting participation in certain types of financial accounts and/or applying additional tax to income and/or wealth and/or forcing particular reporting requirements to a foreign jurisdiction upon people living and paying taxes in a country protected by one or more of these documents constitutes discrimination on the basis of national and/or ethnic origin. FATCA, FBAR and Double Taxation are thus largely unenforceable.
Author Archives: Jefferson D. Tomas
Response from Swiss State Secretariat for International Financial Matters, Swiss Parliamentary Vote on FATCA IGA to Take Place Next Summer, Proposed Swiss Federal Law to Apply FATCA
Further to my post last Sunday here at IBS, SWAT–Switzerland IGA: Still not enough information available in Switzerland, I received a reply email from the Swiss State Secretariat for International Financial Matters (SIF) yesterday. I stand corrected: it seems that I didn’t search hard enough on the Swiss Federal Authorities site ( and that not only the agreement text is now available in Swiss national languages, but also a “law of application” has been drafted to enforce the agreement. From what I understand, Parliament will be formally informed of the package to vote on by 15 March 2013, but is not expected to vote on the issue until next summer. It would appear that the Cantons, Communes, Political Parties, etc. are expected to provide feedback by 15 March and this feedback will go to Parliament in some formal fashion, but of course this does not preclude lobbying directly to deputies outside of the formal consultation procedure between now and the vote next summer.
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Ex-President of Novartis Daniel Vasella leaves Switzerland for the USA
Translation from the French: Continue reading
SWAT–Switzerland IGA: Still not enough information available in Switzerland.
I am flabergasted that the only official Swiss government press release that I seem to be able to find on the FATCA IGA contains only and merely the same sort of general summary of the agreement that we saw in the announcement last summer about impending negotiations and the December announcement about pending signature.
[Addendum: As it turns out, while the press release did not give links to the agreement in its text, there was a link in the righthand column to a French translation of the agreement: as well as a link to documents related to the parliamentary consulation on the agreement, which I had clicked on the other day but didn’t see anything related to FATCA–you have to scroll down several pages or CTRL-F and search for FATCA: I will be creating another post today on the response I received from the Swiss State Secretariat for International Financial Matters].
Almost a month later, the Swiss people are being kept in the dark. I wrote the Swiss federal government spokesman that issues the press releases today on this matter:
Bonjour Monsieur Tuor,
Je trouve aberrant que votre annonce sur ( à propos de FATCA ne donne ni référence au texte de l’accord, ni au texte du règlement d’application FATCA, à savoir : implications de FATCA en termes de son complexité ainsi que les menaces posées par son application méritent une analyse approfondie par le peuple suisse et ses élus au parlement.
Il n’est également pas évident si le parlement va débattre l’accord pendant la session de mars 2013, ou plus tard. Auriez-vous des informations à ce propos ?
Aussi, comment est-ce que le conseil fédéral puisse signer un tel accord sans referendum obligatoire (Art 140a,b, 141a CFS) accompagné des modifications constitutionnelles nécessaires, vu que FATCA est incompatible avec des multiples protections garanties par la Constitution, comme par exemple : liberté d’opportunité économique, anti-discrimination, droit de famille ? Sans mentionner la loi réglant la question de nationalité dominante (RS291 Art 23). Si l’accord FATCA est approuvé, le résultat est l’adhésion à une communauté supranationale parce que le principe juridique américain en matière de taxation « Last in Time Rule » permet les autorités américains de changer les règles de jeu quand ils veulent, malgré des traités, conventions et accords. Et alors, le conseil fédéral n’agit pas en bonne foi et ne veut pas protéger les suisses contre l’arbitraire (Art 9 CFS).
Une acceptation d’une loi extraterritoriale étrangère comme FATCA est une claire violation du mandat constitutionnel « La Confédération suisse protège la liberté et les droits du peuple et elle assure L’indépendance et la sécurité du pays. » (Art 2 Al 1 CFS).
Et tout ça à l’insu du souverain peuple suisse !
Je demande des explications !
Jefferson D. Tomas
All Brockers who can speak and/or write in French, German, or Italian, please SWAT this guy (Special Writers and Theses): +41 31 322 46 16,
Victoria given green light to go to OECD meeting.
I can’t find the thread here where we discussed this during the bumpy ride last week as Petros jacked up the IBS bus and redid the wheels, but according to Allison Christians blog it seems that Victoria has, after initial refusal by the OECD to the ACA, gotten the go-ahead to attend OECD meeting “on behalf of ACA and all the people I know who are keenly interested in this topic. I plan on taking lots and lots of notes” I understand that she will be attending today, the 12th.
For those of you who do not know Victoria, here is her own blog:
Bon Courage Victoria!!!
Americans’ 90% tax rate
I would suggest that we SWAT flood this CNN Article with comments about the various taxes USPs abroad face. Perhaps we can stress double taxation due to non FEIE on welfare, unemployment, disability, retirement benefits.
…some of the working poor face marginal tax rates “approaching 90% as they lose benefits attempting to better themselves.”
Readers were incredulous, asking how it could be that in a nation with a top federal income tax rate of 39.6% on individuals making more than $400,000 a year, anyone could face a 90% rate.
It is true. Marginal tax rates, especially for those below the top rate brackets, are chaotic, confusing, and all over the map.
As a result, some of the working poor face extremely high rates on their next dollar earned.
Financial Times: Brussels fights US data privacy push
The Financial Times writes that a clash between European and US rules are “… likely to spark a diplomatic battle between Brussels and Washington, which has actively been trying to water down the EU’s tough new privacy legislation by handing US companies a de facto exemption from it.”
What about the data privacy issues posed by FATCA? Shouldn’t we be hearing more from the EU Justice commissioner about this?
Ex-Pentagon chief Gates OK with drone oversight
Special, secret courts will decide on executing US Citizens with drone strikes. How can this be legal?
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Pakistan hatches scheme to claw back tax
“We are going to block their ID cards, and we are going to block their bank accounts, and we are going to block their foreign travels until the either pay or file an appeal,”
CNN: Path to citizenship should be a long hike
CNN: Path to citizenship should be a long hike
This article is about immigration and the path to citizenship. There are a lot of comments. I think we should SWAT the comments with information about issues new US citizens can face with their accounts and investments back in their country of origin (FATCA, FBAR).