Ben Steverman, a reporter for Bloomberg (New York), is preparing a personal finance article on special tax issues that expat lambikins face as they file US taxes from outside the jurisdiction of the USA. He understands these lupine tax obligations have become increasingly aggravating and expensive.
Interested lambikins should contact him before Monday when he hopes to conduct his interviews. He can be reached at his bloomberg.net email address, (bsteverman@).
I feel your pain, little lamb.
I said I’d talk to him. I must be baaaaaaaaaaaad.
@BB, That makes you good.
@BB — Thanks! I wish I could, but at the moment we are in the middle of everything and it’s not a good time for us to go public. Once we come out the other end, though….
When will journalists do a story about how risky it can be for someone who has been cobbled with US personhood to step out of the shadows of anonymity? Those who are not safe from IRS tyranny (if, indeed, anyone ever is safe) would like their stories told but they dare not step forward. If they got a story from a “government source” they would, upon request, respect that source’s anonymity.
EmBee – I have spoken to several journalists about FATCA. The main problem with FATCA is it’s described by one journalist as a ‘slow burn.’ The other problem I sense is the reluctance to write about an issue affecting a subset of society.
One thing that’s apparent though if someone doesn’t find a common thread in the FATCA narrative to raise public awareness, the US is going to continue to build the FATCA machine with little opposition.
At the very least a victory in court to get Parliament involved.
I contacted Mr Steverman, but never heard back. Apparently he had a large response.
Bloomberg article “Owe Taxes? Lose Your Passport” is now available. The journalist understands the topic and the frustration of Americans who live outside of the homeland: