Canada is kicking the snot out of the United States in the Winter Olympics. With about 1/10 the population of the US, Canada’s medal count should be divided by 1/10 in order to come up with an equivalent, meaning that Canada’s medal count of 20 is worth 200 compared to US’s count of 25. Norway by contrast has a population of only 5 million and is easily decimating all contenders with a population-based medal count equivalent of 1260.Now I am not watching the Olympics nor do I really care. What I am worried about is how the US politicians will react. Yesterday, Stephen Harper was gloating about winning a case of beer from Barack Obama. Do you suppose that the retribution will include the extending of FATCA and citizenship-based taxation not just to so-called “US persons” but to all Canadian citizens living in Canada? Perhaps it would have been better to tell those fierce Canadian women hockey players to step it back a notch and take one for Team Canada. Who knows what other aspects of Canadian sovereignty Barack Obama will force Stephen Harper to hand over to Washington?
I really feel sorry for Norway and the Netherlands.
Harper would more readily hand over Canadian citizens than a case of beer.
@Bubblebustin, I’m sure Harper would sooner hand over one of his non-existent testicles.
Or spread his cheeks
Obama now owes Harper two cases of beer. The Canadian men’s hockey team beat the US men’s team 1-0.
Canada will face off against Sweden on Sunday for the gold.
US will play Finland for the bronze. I hope the Finns win.
All this posturing and beer bets are off putting. I’m very tired of the old boy political whose balls are bigger staging. Obama is fond of beer summits, and beer bets. He’s such a frat boy. I hope the beer Harper gets is at least good beer and not that American water they sell down there.
I can’t believe Harper sold Canadian rights down the river and the main meeting he’s had lately with Obama is in Mexico. Obama doesn’t seem to want to come to Canada much. Neither does Kerry, and where is the ambassador?? They probably all get the picture that Canadians aren’t too thrilled with any of them lately.
At least we won in hockey!!!!
Harper should lay off the beer or he should get a suit that fits. He may become the first world leader invited to appear on “What Not to Wear”
As I type this we (#3) are ranked above the U.S. (#4) in the medal standings. Go Canada!
YES!!!! As a Canadian, I’m damned proud of our women and our men. 3-2 win for the women’s team in OT; 1-0 for the Canadian Men’s team.
Looks like the Americans get to keep Bieber.
But in the Yahoo articles, looks like the American apologists are out in full force. “Congratulate the Americans on their play…and be the better human being.” Sorry, I’m going to revel in it and stick it to them. After FATCA…the Americans aren’t our friends, they’re our enemies.
As far as I’m concerned…Brockers are CANADIANS…end of story.
My tweet to Harper, guess I’m on CSIS’s shit list now: Hey, @pmharper, you sure you didn’t want USA team to win? After all you sold Canadians out for #FATCA. Wouldn’t be that far of a stretch.
Here’s what I give a damn about in terms of what happened today in Sochi:
Other than that, the USA is the big 1 ton elephant in the room. I just wish someone would shoot it and put it out of our misery.
Don’t know if anyone was watching…
But ‘VIC WILD” is an (American Born) – Russian 2X Gold Medallist in the Olympics Snowboarding…
(ps…..this affects the rankings as well)
I heard about Vic Wild, Benedict Arnold. Interesting story from what I’ve read. I can’t find any confirmation that he’d actually renounced citizenship, but perhaps his real name Victor Ivan shows up on the name-and-shame list somewhere in the last few years. He may just end up having to pay tax on those cash prizes associated with each medal.