Merry Christmas Brockers from your elf allies at Maple Sandbox.
Did you know Santa Is A Canadian Citizen?
At Maple Sandbox, we have warned IRS not to FATCA (Foreign Account TOY Compliance Act) or to FCAR (Foreign Cookie Account Report) Santa.
We have also wished IRS a lump of coal in their stocking this year because they have been so naughty.
For all of you, we wish you a gaily wrapped gift of freedom from IRS tyranny and a happy and prosperous 2013 free from IRS intrusion into your lives.
*Merry Christmas everyone. And may 2013 be a US-free year for you all!
Via @MorningEdition @NPR David Sedaris Reads From His ‘Santaland Diaries’ This is a christmas classic. The entire diary is at This American Life, Act II.
It is more fun than “The Night before Christmas” If you haven’t heard it before, be sure you take the time. π
Merry Christmas from the TSA π