The Atlantic magazine, read widely by progressives on the East Coast, has a good article about the consequences of the recent announcement that Germany will be signing (has signed) a FATCA IGA.
The title is:
The Unintended Consequences of Cracking Down on Tax Dodgers Abroad
A regulation makes banks report foreign accounts to the IRS, but some are finding loopholes in the law aimed at closing loopholes.
This article was first posted by SwissPinoy here, and there has been some subsequent discussion and comments around this article that needs more attention and comments. I encourage Brockers to post on The Atlantic because, frankly, you need to engage the progressives where they live and read. I, for one, am going to paste it on Sven Giebold‘s web page, where he doesn’t let comments out of moderation, unless they come from Victoria…
Comments regarding this article are included below for easier reference…