Bubblebustin has had to postpone the protest but would like to have one in the near future.
Bubblebustin would like to know if there are any West coasters interested in being part of a FATCA protest in downtown Vancouver, Ministry of Finance, 300 Georgia Street West, Monday Dec 2 at 1 pm. The press are invited:http://www.fin.gc.ca/notices-avis13/2013-11-29-eng.asp
I will be there. I have to cut a meeting a bit short at work. Bubblebustin is making my sign but I suggested some phrases,
FATCA: An extra-territorial imposition of US laws around the world
FATCA: added burden of tax reporting to USA by law abiding US persons in Canada
FATCA: it affects ALL Canadians!
@bubblebustin, I’ll be thinking of you and the others on Monday.
Still thinking of slogans to fit the FATCA acronym;
Stop FATCA in Canada:
Made-in-US FATCA = Funding America (by) Taxing Canadian Assets
STOP the US FATCA fundraiser:
STOP .Funding A.merica’s T.axes (with) C.anadian A.ssets
FATCA = a Made-in-US law designed to steal Made-in-Canada assets.
KISS = keep it simple stubid. Badger its too complicated. Just need a one take read without thinking about it. Maybe bubblebustin can distill your comments.
U.S.A. Set to Invade Canada — AGAIN! Will Minister Flaherty fight for our country like Sir Isaac Brock did in 1812 or will he throw us to the U.S. wolves in order to assuage the bankers’ fears? Is the U.S.A. taking a deliberate dig at Canada by making July 1st the start date for FATCA?
@ kermitzii
That wasn’t a slogan I just wrote … just me thinking with my typing fingers. Don’t over think the day — it will turn out just fine and we’ll be eager to hear about your experience afterwards. Good luck!
@kermitizii, you are entirely free to decide what KISS means for your own signs.
Read the Robert Morris essay FATCA and The New Birth of an American Empire
You will a lot of ideas for slogans for signs.
Really emphasize how our sovereignty is being taken over by the USA.nall Canadians are in danger of losing our laws and rights.
I wish you all the best in this protest. Remember, Canadians will lose their jobs once their employers find out how toxic US persons are when company accounts will have to be shared with the IRS to prove pension contributions etc. Canada will not be the same if the government signs an IGA. I will stand in any Ontario protest that is coordinated, but I am with you all in spirit…. Play safe and thank you all.
Thanks for the slogans, Badger and Kermitzii. Thanks for the practical protest suggestions, Mark Twain. I put them on the respective info sheets. Best wishes for a great day to the protesters!
We’ve had three Ontario protest so far – glad to know we can count on you for the next one!
Sorry everyone, I’m going to have to postpone this protest to a later date. Some family issues have come up, and combined with the short notice, it seems that the universe has conspired against me actually carrying out my plans for tomorrow. Any west coasters interesting in congregating in front of the Art Gallery sometime?
Don’t feel bad Bubblebustin! Family comes first, and yeah, everything seems to be conspiring against a protest tomorrow. Maybe, bigger and better opportunities will come your (and your other family’s) way soon!
Not to worry, bubblebustin. Your time will come and I hope all your family matters are quickly and happily resolved.
@Badger, I realized that was an inappropriate comment the second I posted it. But I cannot delete or edit it unlike facebook. Sorry. Bubblebustin’ emailed me today saying we could do another protest in front of Vancouver Art Gallery. My response is that we need to do this while bankers or finance ministers are at a meeting. These do not occur that often in Vancouver, while Toronto and Ottawa have many such meetings. The other thing is that to make an impact, we need a critical mass of people. I would say at least 10 are needed to gather any attention. To get so many, we need to overcome the obstacle that many of us actually earn income in Canada and work during the work. That is why USA is sniffing us. Its like a homeless dog looking for scraps. The dog will not find it in Canada!
@kermitzii, it is fine. Everyone should choose what they personally feel is most appropriate and powerful, as a sign is a personal expression of resistance. Suggestions here are just that, and are ‘works in progress’ – free to anyone and all to hone and tweak. You are right about KISS, a sign has to capture attention and educate in one fell swoop.
I wonder if monicabrava knows anything about the high demand for US CLN’s? 🙂
as a retired fraud analyst I can confirm Fraud ID is a thriving business. Very sad that it is not really taken seriously by merchants and it is so hard to get cleared up by the victim..
@WhiteKat, northenstar, all,
Removed monicabrava’s post selling fraudulent identification as Brock does not allow advertising or support fraud.
Thanks for your comments on it, though.
Thanks for removing that noxious post, Pacifica777.
So FATCA leaves it up to a bank employee to determine the authenticity of another country’s documents? Me thinks that both the bank and the USG might want to verify the authenticity of any CLN presented by a bank customer. You can guess that a customer who has a CLN won’t be too happy about this.