Updated with a poll at the end.
Wayne State law prof article reveals interesting attitude toward #FBAR #FATCA and #Americansabroad https://t.co/9QfEjdxr6z
— U.S. Citizen Abroad (@USCitizenAbroad) November 26, 2015
Thanks to Trish Moon for her “work in progress” documenting the history of the “FBAR Fundraiser” and how President Obama, Secretary Geithner and Commissioner Shulman launched their assault on those they considered U.S. taxable property U.S. citizens abroad. The post referenced in the above tweet references a blog post by Wayne State Law Professor Linda Beale which reveals much about the “Homelander Mindset” towards these matters. Professor Beale has been he subject of previous discussion at Brock.
As we consider how to explain our position to Homelanders, I strongly suggest reading some of her posts and comments. She (like many Homelanders) appears to be unable to conceive that there is a world outside the United States. Because of the strength of her convictions (ill conceived or not) it’s important to understand her positions.
For example:
Wayne State Law Prof Linda Beale explains why the FEIE is unfair to Homelanders https://t.co/G8ZDGJdkhZ – Time for #Homelanderreachout
— U.S. Citizen Abroad (@USCitizenAbroad) November 26, 2015
Mike Citizenship carries both benefits and responsibilities. So renounce. Fine with me. But til you do, all I ask is that you comply with the law. As for the exclusion for foreign earned income, one could easily see how the person staying at home could find it unfair that someone from their company working broad for 2-3 years and earning the same or more in gross income from the firm would pay taxes on a very small portion of that. Like the “active business exception” to offshoring company assets, the exclusion acts as an incentive to encourage working abroad and results in tax discrimination against those who don’t do so.
I would be interested in how to best counter the argument that the FEIE (Foreign Earned Income Exclusion) discriminates against Homeland Americans because they can’t exclude part of their income.
Is the answer the same as that suggested by many Homelanders:
Well, the same laws apply to everybody. If you don’t like it then you can move abroad too. Just don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
By the way, I have just discovered that Wayne State has a new faculty member – Senator Carl Levin himself. Understand that this provides the best opportunity for dialogue that there ever was. This is great news and the possibilities are endless.
See the comment below that asks the question:
Should Americans abroad take the position that the FEIE be abolished?