Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner has RENOUNCED! Renounced the evil ways of his earlier life of sin, that is. He has sworn off those wicked days of yore in which he repeatedly flouted the Homeland’s tax laws, and has been walking the straight and narrow path, rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.
And today, Caesar demanded a list of names. Yes, for the second quarter in a row, Mr. Secretary has brought us — in a timely fashion — the Quarterly Publication of Individuals, Who Have Chosen To Expatriate, as Required by Section 6039G. This list contains names of former citizens and green card holders who are on Chuck Schumer’s hit list no longer U.S. Persons. (To be clear, Geithner’s name is not one of them). He still hasn’t fixed the superfluous comma in the title, or the misspelling of HIPPOPOTAMUS, but hey, no one’s perfect, right?
However, even though Treasury Timmy met his publication deadline, it remains an open question whether he has published the names of all of the individuals with respect to whom he received information in the preceding quarter or quarters. The number of names in this quarter’s list is much smaller than in previous quarters. Furthermore, absent from the list are a number of people known to have given up U.S. citizenship in 2011 and early 2012, including Belizean anti-crime activist Yolanda Schakron, Jamaica’s former Commissioner of Customs Danville Walker, and notorious Canadian terrorist Peter Dunn of Isaac Brock’s Army.