Earlier today, the Handleszeiting posted a wonderful article critical of America’s treasured national origin discrimination titled:
Amerikanische Bürger: Herkunft als Hürde
American Citizens: National Origin is a Hurdle
Shortly afterwards, this was picked up by Die Welt with a much more fitting title:
Fiskus vertreibt US-Bürger aus der Schweiz
The Treasury is ethnically cleansing US citizens from Switzerland
Then, America woke up and immediately the title changed, shifting the blame:
US-Bürger in der Schweiz geben ihre Pässe ab
US Citizens are turning in their passports
The article mentions that the US embassy in Bern refuses to be honest and transparent about the number of Americans who are turning in their passports.
Laut Schätzungen der amerikanischen Gemeinschaft haben letztes Jahr 700 bis 900 US-Bürger in der Schweiz ihren Pass abgegeben. Die Botschaft in Bern will diese Zahl nicht kommentieren.
According to estimates made by the Amerian community, around 700-900 American citizens in Switzerland gave up their passports last year. The Embassy in Bern does not want to comment on this number.