Here is the full Audio for the event. Albright represented Clinton. Her response to the questions was quite cold and standoffish.
Bernie stumbled into his standard homelander “offshore” schpeel, caught himself, and parroted what he was expected to say for this selected exposure. It seems that he might have gone away being puzzled about what he might have said to please the audience. If he might not be focused upon his next appearance, he probably would have been asking his aides as to what it was that he was agreeing to.
For those that are #TheBern followers, please keep pressing him to see if he knows what it is that he says he agrees to. If he becomes the next to step in, he will have a tough fight to have the opposition agree to what they might already agree upon.
Ask your expat-oriented questions of Hillary’s representative and of Bernie himself.
This is for those that may be active in the US process, and those that may participate with that party.
Make sure that candidates who speak to expats speak about expat issues, that their responses are meaningful, and supportive of expats.
“Democrats around the world will participate in a Global Town Hall this Sunday, February 21, at Noon eastern time (that’s 6pm in Europe). The Clinton and Sanders campaigns will be speaking directly to us via secure video connection, and responding to our questions. This will be a historic event–the first time ever that DA has been addressed directly by presidential campaigns during a primary–and you will not want to miss it. Joining us to answer our questions will be Jake Sullivan, Hillary Clinton’s top Foreign Policy Advisor, and Senator Bernie Sanders, candidate.”
You can JOIN THE TOWN HALL in the comfort of your own home!
even though it is on a closed network, the number of connections are limited, so you’ll want to ACT NOW.
Donations are requested and the request comes after the RSVP.
There might be a method of asking questions after signup, you can try and report what you know here in the comment section.
To reference their positions, according to the questions framed for them by Democrats Abroad, see this
Another opportunity to make expat issues heard in Vancouver:
rally for Bernie Sanders meetup in Vancouver, Saturday 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, Cedar Cottage Neighborhood Pub
3728 Clark Drive
Vancouver, BC V5V 4Y6
Canada Kensington-Cedar Cottage
I wouldn’t put much faith in either of these candidates. Bernie honeymooned in the old Soviet union and is a proponent of free stuff for everyone. They both think that expats are a source of revenue for their drunken spending habit. Obama activated the mechanism for collecting the taxes from the expats and Clinton says she will continue the policies of Mr Obama. Bernie says he will propose a 90% tax rate for marginal income. That won’t affect me and most expats, we just don’t earn enough to fall into their marginal tax trap. We do know that when they get a tax passed they habitually adjust it so the burden falls onto the middle class. They got the 16th amendment passed by saying only the rich would ever pay the income tax and we know how that turned out. I would not waste my time on asking these two or their surrogates questions….They lie just as all politicians do and their lies are simple minded but hurt us in the end. Would you trust a man who admired communism and I’d be afraid Hillary would let out the loud chicken kackle if anyone asked a question she didn’t want to answer. She got the idea for laughing at your question from the old Soviet sympathizer Saul Alinsky’s book,;;RULES FOR RADICALS” thereby discrediting the questioner.
Good at least the responses will be on video for later use.
@Wilton Jere Tildwell
Hillary’s statement was surprisingly poor. The thing that worries me on the Republican side is that Rubio, Bush, and Paul all were sympathetic, but they aren’t the ones who are leading. Trump has said nothing about citizenship-based taxation at all and he is increasing his lead.
Sadly it’s getting to the point where a “middle finger” is the only way that we are going to get peace.
JakDac received the following update from Democrats Abroad, and he mentions that “Many people could ask pertinent questions let no stone be unturned.”
“Democrats Abroad
Dear Jak,
Global Town Hall Update
Senator Bernie Sanders has accepted our invitation to join this Sunday’s Democrats Abroad Global Town Hall. And from Secretary Hillary Clinton’s campaign we will be joined by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Clinton’s top foreign policy advisor, Jake Sullivan. That’s this Sunday, February 21 from 12 PM -3 PM (Washington, DC time – please note the expanded time).
This is a great opportunity to hear the campaigns speak directly to Democrats Abroad and answer our questions ahead of the Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary. If you haven’t already RSVPed for the Global Town Hall, RSVP here now: http://www.democratsabroad.org/global_town_hall
Global Presidential Primary Reminder
Just a reminder, the Global Presidential Primary starts March 1st and runs through March 8th. Voting in the Global Primary affects how many delegates each candidate receives from Democrats Abroad – so take the opportunity to vote where you live and help make that decision.
For more information about the Global Presidential Primary, go to http://www.democrats abroad.org/gppto find out where your Voting Center is – or to download a ballot so that you can vote by mail or email.
See you on Sunday!
Julia Bryan
International Secretary
Art Schankler
International Treasurer”
I’m sure we’re all curious to see how (and whether) Sanders, and Clinton’s “Burn in hell” proxy Madeline Albright, will comment on RBT and FATCA, after Sanders’ mildly promising remarks in that DA questionnaire. Too bad the timing for this is 1:00 in the morning for me. I’m not good at that hour. I hope many Brockers will take part and make sure the conversation dwells on FATCA and CBT and not the nonsense that the DA leadership probably hopes to cover, such as foreign policy and immigration.
I still think it’s Sanders’ and Clinton’s aides who answered for them on the questionnaire, so Sanders needs to be put on the spot to see whether he personally understands the issues. I’m guessing Albright thinks FATCA is the greatest thing since poached eggs.
In the meantime I’ve downloaded the Democrats Abroad primary ballot, and my hand is hovering over the check box for Rocky de la Fuente, whom I’d never heard of before, but who made clear statements about repealing FATCA and changing to RBT.
Hillary was not present, she was represented by Madeleine Albright. The questions to Hillary were posted from Democrats Abroad Ukraine, in sort of a “Mission Accomplished” theme.
“Mr. LUGAR (for himself, Mr. BIDEN, Mr. VOINOVICH, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. DEMINT, Mr. CHAMBLISS, and Mr. MCCAIN) submitted the following
RESOLUTION: Expressing the strong support of the Senate for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to enter into a Membership Action Plan with Georgia and Ukraine”
Important: Rubio’s promotion of replacing CBT with RBT applies only to corporations – not individuals. All tax payers are treated equally, just some more than others!
See page 30, q&a 28:
Q28. Would the territorial system apply to corporations only? Would US individuals still pay tax on their worldwide income (with a foreign tax credit)?
A28. We assume that the territorial system applies only to corporations.
Maybe IBS Admins would like to highlight this matter to those who think from the Brookings’ posting that Marco Rubio is for repealing CBT. He isn’t quite.
Misleading statement from Brookings:
“Marco Rubio’s Plan: Converts the federal income tax into a consumption tax, moves the U.S. to a territorial tax system”