Fearing Up for #FATCA– with all Necessary Propoganda from the Administration
As the administration and friends were looking for someone else to fund both their deficit and their new domestic jobs bills (such as 2010 HR 2847 Jobs for Mainstreet Act), they looked around for new ways to get money from people they didn’t like. However, they needed to get it from people who couldn’t fight back. They also needed to make sure that no one else would come in and defend those people.
G.Obombda Barracks (G.O.B. or OB for short) asked his team: “What is the largest segment of US citizens that can’t fight back?” His team answered: “There are 7.6 million US citizens living outside the USA, and we make it difficult for them to vote–as difficult as we can, that is”
OB: “Any others?” Team: There are 10’s of millions of legal immigrant residents, whom we don’t need to please because most of them can’t vote.
OB: “Is that all you got?” Team: “Course not—they all got spouses and kids”
OB: “Better. But not good enough.” Team: “A bunch of ‘em got business partners, too”
OB: “What else can you get me?” Team: “We can get you entire families overseas with green cards”
OB: “Looking better and better.” Team: “And their green cards don’t even need to be active or usable.”
OB: “I like it. Let’s call them all “US Persons” What else?” Team: “Here’s the best part–they don’t have to BE those things, they just need to be SUSPECTED to be those things”
or copy past link: http://bancdelasteroideb612.wordpress.com/2014/11/11/america-gang-bangs-its-own-citizens/
What’s most upsetting to us is the meme manufactured and controlled directly out of that big white house. It is nearly impossible to take on this attack upon on head on. The resources that are devoted to screwing us are way too high.
The post is meant to instill the importance of what we all know–that something is needed to start a new meme about US expatriates (and green card holders, and immigrants, and spouses, and business partners……). Some new meme needs to overtake Schumer’s and Levin’s and Bill Nelson’s and Barbara Boxer’s smearing of US persons.
>we make it difficult for them to vote
Mmm. The British took away my vote after being here 15 years or so. Not that I ever voted after I left.
The general point is true, but it goes way back. Members of Congress and presidents have been playing this game for a good 100 years now, if not 150 years.
This calls for rebellion against the empire
We need a Jedi
I have another thread with a summary of this problem. I have asked one and all to tear it apart, find the inaccuracies so that I can get it spot on correct. One or more have posted that the definition of US Person is not as broad as shown here. I believe it is, but can not find hard references. Can anyone here help out with this?
“What they rally want is to drive the prosperous and intelligent out and bring in the undereducated, poor Central and South Americans who will act as the willing idiots when they vote.”
This is an openly prejudiced comment. It should not be allowed on this site, and the author should be suspended.
Thank you for your comment, Friend_Guate. As I am going through comments this morning that came to the site last night (as an administrator), I see your comment, agree with you and have put that comment into Pending. Comments here should adhere to the site’s policy of discussing FATCA, FBAR and the consequences of U.S. citizenship-based taxation.