Some of us have been invited to appear on Thatchannel‘s Liquid Lunch today. Expect us at about 1:30 pm on the live stream.
UPDATE: Gwen, Peter Dunn and Tricia Moon spoke with Hugh Reilly and Sandra Kyrzakos. Here is the actual video, the actual segment begins at 1:27:50
Not sure if you already have the numbers but the latest numbers are out for the number of americans renouncing their citizenship in the last quarter of 2013. They are more than 10 times higher than the quarter a year before.
Thanks Petros, am getting my sandwich and coffee ready.
: )
Ready over here too….
Thanks so much!!! We are getting on the map because of people like you! Kudos!
I just finished watching the show! Very exciting to see you live! Who are the very articulate ladies? Wish you had had more time to explain. Congrats, best wishes from a non-Canadian in the other down under!
Very good show and thank you for participating in the interview.
Did you guys have a liquid lunch? You would have earned it. Get this story out!!
Thank you so much for doing this!!!! I tuned in late; I hope that there will be a podcast that we can post here and send as appropriate.
You all did a great job covering a lot of territory in the short time you had. Thank you!
I just called a good friend whose son is about to marry an American girl. The young couple will be opening joint bank accounts to save for a downpayment on their first home, for a car etc. I told her that doing so opens her son´s finances to IRS scrutiny . She called me an alarmist. I am right , am I not? If their savings amount to 10k USD they´ll have to file an FBAR. Too bad that, in general, people dismiss my warnings as paranoia. Information about the true implications of this nightmare is needed urgently down here.
I hope we can get to see a recording later. I caught the interview with Petros , Nobledreamer and Gwevil. It was very good and they were invited back… Good Show!!!!
you guys knew your stuff.
@northernstar, as soon as I learn that the video of the show is up, I will post it.
@petros-can’t wait to see the youtube video.t hanks again for you and your colleagues’ continued care for the 7 milliomn+++ overseas USPs……
Watching right now. Good stuff! When I saw the thread title I thought some Brockers were organizing a meet-up somewhere at a bar to drown their IGA blues with a “liquid lunch”. This is sooooooo much better.
Sure hope there will be another serving of liquid lunch to discuss the IGA, now that the big betrayal bomb has finally been released by the Harper government on all US targeted Canadian taxpayers living in Canada, as well as their families and associates. John Richardson certainly played his part beautifully to get out so many of the facts of US CBT and the US FATCA law (all of which he is has been aware of for a long time — no doubt before the Toronto forum even). Trish and Peter, you were terrific.
We really need to organize a large scale protest in fron of Jim Flaherty’s office. My letter of Nov 23 2013 was NEVER answered. It looks like I got my answer now… nobody cares about our family, not even enough to answer a simple god dam letter. This calls for huge protesting…. sorry, just feel we need a way to get them to listen.
Many thanks to you Petros, Gwevil and Tricia for appearing live and illuminating the effects of CBT and FATCA in Canada – and spreading the word that much further in the public eye. What a huge task you all undertook very bravely – to convey as much about FATCA and CBT as possible for a novice audience – facts and significance of which are a challenge to convey at the best of times.
You are totally correct. Unfortunate that your friend does not understand. She will soon enough.
Thanks for the great support Brockers! It is really very empowering to have a chance to speak about this and be heard. Hopefully opportunities like this will begin opening up and spreading all over the globe.
The image that came up for the Youtube video was quite rude for some reason. So just click on the picture or the link and watch the segment on Youtube.
Spread the words, the bank’s unintentional marketing campaign will start soon.
Someone should post a list of banks that fall under FATCA and the ones that are worth less than $175M. Let’s see some of the smaller credit unions bolstered by FATCA and see the big banks see some of their deposits drain out.
Petros it was nice to see you in person. What struck me was that the initial total ignorance of the two interviewers turned into total amazement about the situation “duals” in Canada now face, and this turned into support and suggestions for action.
I said that “liquid lunch” should mean that we got to have beer while we chatted! LOL
One thing on watching this again. My husband pointed out that we were not able to get across that this is not just a problem for “American” Canadians but for Canadians and Canada’s sovereignty as a whole. I had thought we had touched on that during the segment, but maybe it was edited? Or maybe it was mentioned fleetingly and I missed it…not sure. Did anyone catch the sovereignty issue in the segment?
Glad that clip is now available so I was able to catch the entire segment. Excellent work, Peter, Gwen, Trish. Excellent!! Thanks so much.
Next time you can emphasize that. It sounds like they want to stay on top of the FATCA story!
What we need to learn here is that there is no longer a “dual” citizen in Canada. Canada recognizes “Canadians” with one set of laws and rules and it recognizes “US persons” with another set of rules and laws along with no protection for the “US person” status “people” Does this sound like the way the US says there is no such thing as a “dual” ciitzen? Canausa is now our official name….
This is probably the most extensive discussion of this on a show so far. If anyone knows, please tell us how widely this is watched—is that an internet network, small time cable, or something else?