Bubblebustin just commented that Minister Flaherty’s holding a press conference tomorrow in Markham:
Perhaps some TO area Brockers would like to organize a protest. So far, I have heard back personally from one Brocker willing to go if she has company. As Atticus and I know from experience, it only takes two people to get media attention.
UPDATE: There must be thousands of ‘US persons’ living in Toronto, many of whom are just waking up to the fact that they are ‘US taxpayers’, and waking up to FATCA, and who frequent this site.
When things do not turn out as you would like, please don’t blame Gwen, or Petros, or IRSCompliant, or NobleDreamer, or Marie, or Blaze or Schubert, or NorthernStar, or Badger, or Bubblebustin, or Calgary411, or any of the others who have been working on your behalf to put an end to all this FATCA nonsense. ‘US persons’ from all over the world come to this website, and look to Canadians for answers. We are the only light they have in the darkness of all this madness. Hundreds of thousands of people are counting on Canada to save them. When opportunities to make ourselves LOUD, such as tomorrow’s announcement, come around, to not take advantage of them, is to show weakness, and to admit defeat. Don’t let them win. Now is our time.
perhaps we need an All stars list or Hall of fame.
Those who post and comment here (and we all contribute by doing so if we stay on track with the purposes) do what we can do time-wise, emotional-wise, threat-wise.
Rather than some kind of recognition, I feel we’re good with the fact we are fighting for our rights, for our families’ very futures and for those who don’t have a voice to stand up for themselves.
Let me know where I need to show up for the next protest. Sorry I missed this one.
@Calgary & Northern Star
Well said Calgary. I have been worried about people being left out, which is always the issue with being recognized whether by mention, list etc.
That said,
And White Kat, who along with our other ” soccer Mom in sneakers,” inspired us all to take it to the new level of protesting. And also an invaluable member of SWAT!
In my opinion, the only recognition we need is from the people who are in the position to actually change these stupid laws! We all effect change in many different ways – often to an indeterminable end. As far as I’m concerned, everyone deserves kudos.
Yay, everybody!
Now let’s get back to work
We’ll take that recognition, bubblebustin.
Or, just an straight answer: Do all Canadians have the same rights, Mr. Flaherty?
So, Minister Flaherty and the Ministry of Finance say;
“…..“We are asking Canadians what concrete actions can be taken to reduce costs for families, solidify our recovery in a fragile and uncertain world, and position Canada to compete and prosper over the long term,” said Minister Flaherty. “We are hearing from Canadians on where they want us to control spending and how to further encourage private sector growth.”….
Of course, he won’t mention that a FATCA IGA will INCREASE costs for ALL Canadian families – as we all pay as taxpayers to implement a Made-in-US law to oppress Made-in-Canada savings. He won’t mention that if he signs the FATCA IGA, we’ll all be bound forever to pay for the US ill-conceived extraterritorial law imposed on Canadian citizens and tax residents -with ZERO benefit to Canada. And that our banking fees will all be increased in order for the Financial Institutions to set up and maintain the FATCA-nizing of ALL their accountholders.
Flaherty says:
As Finance Minister, my job is to make sure that the Canadian economy is growing and that the finances of the Federal Government are in good shape. That means keeping taxes low, so you can keep more of your hard-earned dollars, and investing in programs and services that are important to you and your family.
As I build the budget every year, I hear from many experts, like private sector economists, academics and business representatives, as well as my Cabinet colleagues. But I also need to hear from Canadians from across the country and from all walks of life.
I am seeking your views on my upcoming budget again this year. Specifically, I would like your perspective on how we can strengthen and build on the successes we have achieved as a country through our Government’s Economic Action Plan.
Although we fared better than most throughout the recession, the global economic outlook remains highly uncertain. Indeed, much of our potential as a nation remains unfulfilled.
So today I am asking you to help shape the future by sharing your thoughts on how we can take the necessary steps to continue to build a stronger, more prosperous Canada.
I encourage you to answer any or all of the questions that matter to you on this online consultation and share them with your friends, family, and colleagues. All Canadians have a stake in the answers to these questions, so all Canadians should have a say in answering them.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance
Participate Now!
Tell Minister Flaherty and the Harper government that as part of his pre-budget consultations, we’d like to know how much he has budgeted to implement FATCA in Canada. How much will FATCA cost us?
He says: “As Finance Minister, my job is to make sure that the Canadian economy is growing and that the finances of the Federal Government are in good shape. That means keeping taxes low, so you can keep more of your hard-earned dollars, and investing in programs and services that are important to you and your family.”…
Well what is his stand on the US taxation of those in Canada? Over 1 million of Canadian taxpayers cannot keep their taxes low – because they are liable for US taxes and reporting as well as the Canadian ones they have already paid.
Tell him that the US extraterritorial taxes on our registered savings, plus the accounting costs to report them costs Canadian taxpayers in lost investment income and in lost opportunities to save for the future. Tell him that we now know what he has to have know for years – that the current US/Canada tax treaty DOES NOT exempt any of our registered savings (except RRSPs and RRIFs – with the annual 8891 election -made without fail) and we are liable for double taxation, and for US tax on the sale of our Canadian principal residence. Those with disabilities are taxed by the US on their RDSP AND disability grants. Children are taxed by the US on their RESPs. The unemployed and those on maternity leave are US taxed on their Canadian taxfunded benefits.
Tell him that the PRPP is doomed for the same reason – > 1million Canadians will not be able to have one – because the US will deem them ‘taxable foreign trusts’ and penalize them accordingly. http://www.canadianbusiness.com/economy/lost-in-the-execution/
From two thousand miles away, my thoughts are with your protest. Thank you so much.
May your work be the ripple that triggers a majestic wave in the ocean….!
That the ripple effect works received unexpected proof today:
The local newspaper of the rural Pennsylvania county that was once my home ran that superb article that Ruth did for the McClatchy News Service.
Surprised and pleased, I wondered if other outlets were running it too. To find out, I entered into Google its first line (in quotation marks to get an exact quote), i.e. “For Ruth Anne Freeborn, it boiled down to a choice”.
The result was beyond our wildest dreams ….
There were 25,300 results!!!! Absolutely awesome work. Huge thankyous!
May your protest today be another ripple in this gathering tsunami. And may each of our actions flow together to create the waaaaaave that will wash away CBT and reshape the shore into humane, proportionate tax laws wherever they are needed.
Good on you all!
Hi Gang….migraine is back! ugh…I couldn’t have dragged myself up to Markham to confront Flaherty this morning in this condition
So, I have plans to blanket my hood with flyers this weekend and also next week with nobledreamer.
I have emailed a well known reporter at CBC with a personal appeal to cover our story. I know him as an acquaintance through common friends and have seen him at various school events in my neighbourhood. Lets hope he responds. I will be following up with a call as well. We may need some brockers who are already “out” to speak on camera if he agrees to cover this. I will speak anonymously for those of us who are “accidental Americans” if need be. Every bit of publicity helps!
Great points, Badger.
I asked Minister Flaherty almost exactly those same things during last year’s budget submissions…
I have had a response from the CBC reporter! Everyone keep fingers crossed…this may become a national story soon!
Thanks for the good news, Gwen.
I hope this reporter will build on the recent very good CBC items (linked in this comment, my email to Harvey Cashore (for which no response but really didn’t ask for one): http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/2013/11/27/canada-leads-the-way-tells-usa-no-fatca/comment-page-2/#comment-725872), not label the story ‘tax evasion’ and allot enough words for a thorough story, real journalism.
(Hope the migraine is leaving — Imitrex?)
@ Gwen
My fingers are crossed and I hope you’re feeling better soon. If you can get that much done with a migraine I think you might just be unstoppable without one. And I’m with calgary411 on this … I hope “tax cheats/evaders” doesn’t come up in the article. It’s time for “FATCA victims” and “U.S. bullying” to take the lead.
@calgary411 and Em thanks for the sympathy regarding the migraine. Its a doozy and is now closing in on 48 hrs. I took relpax twice and its still hanging on.
As for this reporter, don’t worry, if this goes as I hope, it won’t be a small article in a paper, but a national tv segment.
Sorry to hear about your migraine. I hope it passes soon. Great news about the CBC interview. Did you tell them about your experience at the FATCA debate?
Wonderful. National TV coverage would be great; don’t think FATCA has had any coverage such. Thanks, Gwen. In the meantime, shut down if you can and get well.
@bubblebustin yes I did and I mentioned the other reporters at CBC who had covered this. I hope that this will interest him based on a human interest perspective. Since he knows me, I think he’s quite interested. I have to thank an old friend of mine who was a reporter at one time for suggesting I make this a personal story and approach a reporter from that angle. My friend said that’s how to get a reporter interested! And to his credit…he was correct!
@all thanks. ..unfortunately there is no rest for me. Kid’s school concert tonight (the other one lol) and work in the morning :/
Yikes, Gwen, a school concert is not where you go to get rid of a migraine!
You are a dutiful individual, I can tell. Enjoy these special moments with your family.
Even “young sprouts at Brock” need to pace themselves. Hope you all will enjoy the concert tonight. Take special care.
Just back for a day away grocery shopping .. and so much to see …
I received an answer to an email I sent to Kevin Shoom concerning FATCA and my SUN retirement pension. I am sure I found it on a Brock Post.
The U.S. Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and your group retirement plan
December 3, 2012
In March 2010, the U.S. federal government passed the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
For more information about this legislation and how it may impact your retirement and savings plan, please refer to the information published by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc..
I wrote him You are my representatives in government . You work for me. Can you give me an answer this week?
This is money I earned working in Canada and only in Canada. I am a widow who also lost a son through horrifying cancers. I do not need this.
I am not rich. I am not a Mitt Romney. Why are you allowing this to happen to me?
What does the IRS have to do with this?”
Here is his reply;
“Thank you for the e-mail below and other recent messages you have sent me.
With respect to your question about your pension, I am not in a position to comment on taxpayer-specific situations. I would also note that the implications of FATCA in Canada will depend on the outcome of negotiations. “
Kevin Shoom wrote: “the implications of FATCA in Canada will depend on the outcome of negotiations.” There’s got to be a better word than “negotiations” to describe what’s going on, when the Canadian government should be taking the uncompromising stance that our retirement savings are NOT NEGOTIABLE!
I will write back that..
My retirement savings are NOT NEGOTIABLE!..
anything else I should add. I do appreciate everyone’s help in giving him a good reply. .