Bubblebustin just commented that Minister Flaherty’s holding a press conference tomorrow in Markham:
Perhaps some TO area Brockers would like to organize a protest. So far, I have heard back personally from one Brocker willing to go if she has company. As Atticus and I know from experience, it only takes two people to get media attention.
UPDATE: There must be thousands of ‘US persons’ living in Toronto, many of whom are just waking up to the fact that they are ‘US taxpayers’, and waking up to FATCA, and who frequent this site.
When things do not turn out as you would like, please don’t blame Gwen, or Petros, or IRSCompliant, or NobleDreamer, or Marie, or Blaze or Schubert, or NorthernStar, or Badger, or Bubblebustin, or Calgary411, or any of the others who have been working on your behalf to put an end to all this FATCA nonsense. ‘US persons’ from all over the world come to this website, and look to Canadians for answers. We are the only light they have in the darkness of all this madness. Hundreds of thousands of people are counting on Canada to save them. When opportunities to make ourselves LOUD, such as tomorrow’s announcement, come around, to not take advantage of them, is to show weakness, and to admit defeat. Don’t let them win. Now is our time.
I’ve got my sign up, flyers printed next chance I get here in Vancouver
Ditto for me in Ottawa.
If anyone can go for it they should! Where he is there be the press and he will see you are there again. Which he needs to see. Wherever thou goest Minister Flaherty…lol. To me it’s nothing against him but, rather it needs to be noted again and again and again publicly that we will show up.
I just got an email from Gwen who says: “I’d be willing to stand there as a warm body and hand out flyers if others came along to ask questions! “
Oh, I wished I live there still….Petros…I used to live near where you live and close to the US Tax office.
I hope some people can make it. He needs to see we are going to be his FATCA ghosts of the present .
BTW …anyone go to the Diane Francis book signing I would love to hear about it.
Yup! I’m willing to be there if others can come too…let me know!
I just called the media person associated with this event. To clarify: This is an event only for the media and for a separate selected group of 15 or so people. The public will not be allowed to attend the meeting inside, but you can bring signs, pass out flyers, and hand questions to media to be presented to Minister Flaherty. .
Northernstar, there is a rumour going around that some Brockers did in fact attend the Diane Francis event– but are too terrified of sanctions to disclose their attendance to the Isaac Brock Society.
Thanks for looking into this.
When Atticus and I protested in Ottawa at Ottawa Trailers, we did not even attempt to go on the property, but stood outside on the side of the road with our last minute signs in hand. That was enough to generate media attention, a pointed question to Flaherty by a reporter who spoke with us prior to the announcement, as well as a globe and mail article about FATCA that day. I hope someone joins Gwen for more of the same!
I hope you can get some more support…I will be there in spirit.
what kind of sanctions ?
Gwen, I sure hope you find someone, even though you did very well flying solo at the FATCA debate in Toronto.
This is the problem. So many US Persons in Canada. So few to stand up to protest or come forward or sign a petition. If we had a ground swell of support, this would be so much easier.
(My second day, with the help of Outraged, protesting in Calgary was much more effective and, for me, less intimidating than all by myself the first day.)
I felt very conspicuous when I carried my sign on to the ferry last week, but quickly got used to the stares. Only one person said anything, and only said “hear, here” when they saw it. It said “NO IRS SNOOPING IN CANADA – SAY NO! TO FATCA”. I did it as kind of a warm up – and it worked. I guess in Canada we can count on one in about 30 people passing us being a US person.
Yes, it’s really unfortunate that people are afraid to step forward, as that’s really the story isn’t it? People living in fear who have no voice.
Indeed it is the story, bubblebustin!
My solo day, too, got easier as the day went along and I no longer felt conspicuous. The encouragement and interest I got from the Calgary police and from other protesters there protesting other issues that day made the difference. We really did get much more response and more questions with two of us the next day. That said, one is better than none. I hope Gwen will go ahead — who knows when the announcement we’re waiting for will take place. I’d like to be present that particular day.
If I find myself protesting alone again, I’ll have a sign that indicates “I’m here to protest FATCA for others in Canada who live in fear and have no voice — because their Canadian government won’t give a simple “Yes” or “No” to the question: Do all Canadians have the same rights?”
See this comment from Blaze / Lynne today at Maple Sandbox: http://maplesandbox.ca/2013/do-all-canadians-have-the-same-rights-letter-to-finance-minister-jim-flaherty-issued-jointly-by-maple-sandbox-and-the-isaac-brock-society/comment-page-1/#comment-11397
I’ll join you if you go out again .I didn’t find this website untill after your last protest. I think protesting in front of the American consulate would be good.
Hi everyone. I may not be able to do this as I have been suffering from a 24 hr migraine. I would have to leave my house by 7:30 am to get up to Markham in time for this event. I will have to see how I’m feeling by morning
There are 4 other people who have done an enormous amount of work which I want to make sure are mentioned: Pacifica, AtticusinCanada, Just_Me and USCitizenAbroad. I’m sure there are more who should also be included.
Gwen, no — not if you are not well, especially by yourself!!! Even a day after a migraine, you are not back to well.
Many are contributing in the myriad ways as they are able. Like a quilt where all the unique scraps sewn together – or a sturdy rope fashioned from many strands; the community here and on related sites helps to keep us and our families safer from the unjust and unwarranted US tax and penalty aggression directed towards those born and or living abroad.
@calgary411 don’t I know it. Its been up and down all day long, so I was more hopeful and spunkier earlier today…its been a bit more downhill since :/
I have a friend who is a former reporter and he is going to give me some direction on how to get the message out to the press more effectively, so I hope to be able to follow his direction and see where that gets us.
Thanks for that offer, Border Baby.
So many to be named since the inception of this site. In doing so, we inadvertently omit so many.
Thanks to everyone that has made this site that Petros maintains — and the one that Blaze maintains, Maple Sandbox — such a godsend for us all from around the world.
Where else would we know that we are not the only ones in our individual fights? Where else do we find people who understand what we are saying? Where else would we find the compilation of information from literate and committed individuals (however difficult to better organize), including the voices of many professionals who have helped us?
You are one of the “young sprouts at Brock with the imagination and ingenuity to help us out with this” that Em is wishing for.
Good luck in your discussions with your former reporter friend on ideas for getting the media more interested in this — so important in order to bring more on board to help in this fight.
Take care.
Please rest and take care of yourself. There will be other opportunities. All of your efforts are so appreciated.
Gwen if I was able, I would be right there with you. Being a contract Electrician, I do have work booked for that day. If I had at least a 3 day notice of any protest/information day, I will GLADLY be there….
And our very special, unstoppable Brock SWAT team member
who has put up with so much abuse and continues to battle with ignorance and misguided hatred every day from those commenting on blog sites, articles, etc.
A very special veteran.
And Allison Christians and James Jatras who have supported us with their knowledge and guidance.