I am going to follow the lead of Blaze from Maple Sandbox.
Blaze has congratulated Finance Minister Flaherty, by email, with copies to Kevin Shoom and others:
Congratulations on continuing as Canada’s Finance Minister.
I hope Canadian citizens and residents who were born in the United States can continue to count on you to ensure our rights under Canada’s banking, privacy and human rights laws are protected. I hope we can continue to count on you to ensure we have the same rights as all other Canadian citizens and residents to manage our finances with confidence and in privacy with our financial institutions without interference from a foreign government. I hope we can count on you to ensure we are not second class citizens in our country of choice. I hope we can continue to count on you to ensure Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to all Canadians, regardless of their national origin or place of birth.
Please tell US they can’t FATCA Canada or Canadian citizens and residents. Please do it now.
Every Canadian here at Isaac Brock should think about doing the same. Can we even imagine educating a new Canadian Finance Minister on FATCA?
The NY Times carries an opinion piece today called “Bonjour, America!” about French-Canadians coming to the US and the tradition of open borders between the US and Canada. It is open for comments. Perhaps a few Canadian Brockers could expand on how FATCA is harming relations between the two countries and making American-Canadians a second class citizens, etc.: