[–]RepealFatca 1 point  ago

1) As a tax accountant, how do you feel about FATCA and its consequences it will have towards Americans abroad? (This includes accidental Americans, green card holders, people with no ties to the US)

2) Do you think that FATCA will ultimately lead to the further economic decay of the US? Will it even be possible/feasible (without going broke) for Americans abroad to be compliant with both the tax laws in their country of residence and as well as the ones that the IRS/US mandates towards its citizens working in another country?

For those people who are unfamiliar with FATCA and its damaging effects towards average middle class persons with little or no American ties, please visit these sites for more info:



[–]CircularJerkuler[S] 2 points  ago

I appreciate your insightful questions about a very interesting issue.

I am not one who is a fan of government over-regulation, however this was something that needed to be done. First and foremost, this was done to address revenue lost by high wealth individuals hiding their money overseas. Additionally, this helps to protect (to a limited extent) against the funding of terrorism or other undesirable parties.

FATCA is very difficult to implement, and we have been playing catch-up from day one. It’s difficult to understand, and expensive to do properly. However, like most other laws, it’s the best current option in the first phase of eliminating foreign malfeasance. I would expect this to be revamped over the next 10 years.”

[–]CircularJerkuler[S] 2 points  ago

And even to risk the downvote, I’m going to say while it may be damaging for those with little or no American ties, FATCA is good for America.