Just Me was successful in promoting our cause with James Fallow at Atlantic. We are all in debt to Just Me’s tireless efforts in this regard. I wrote this yesterday at the expat forum:
One of the reasons for the recent media attention to our issues is that people like “Just Me” and CAFREEB have tirelessly contacted the media whenever they can to congratulated them when they write an article on a subject, then in their communicaton to the author, they will add a perspective or two. (Win them over with honey not vinegar–something I have to learn how to do).
Also, point them to the Isaac Brock Society any chance you get, in comments and on online sources that permit it, where we have a growing base of resources for journalists and victims caught up in this affair.
James Fallow even credits expats writing to him and especially a certain MVH (who is known to some of us).
So let’s keep up the effort of getting our side of the story out there. It is just now starting to reap rewards.
Great news and a wonderful start to 2012.
Thanks for making my point! I really try hard to keep this from being a partisan issue or a caustic rant, and appreciate it whenever a well known media reporter puts some effort into understanding and writing about the story. There are many competing narratives for their attention, and stories with strange acronyms like FATCA and FBAR don’t resonant. Stay polite and genuine without too much ranting, as I do think it works better for getting a response. And, stay persistent! Do not expect a good response rate! 🙂 However, you know the old adage…”Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Finally, I just want to put in a good word for American Citizens Abroad ACA. They are a group that readers here should consider partnering with, as they do have some lobbying effort and contacts in DC and have been working the issues seriously. Their information has been a great help to me, and they often are quoted in stories that you have read. MaryLousie Serrato and Jackie Bugnion have been wonderful to work with, so encourage you to become members, get their email newsletter or frequent their web site. It is a great resource.
Hey Thanks “Just me” and Cafree for supporting this.
Petros, why not forums on here for specific issues, opinions?
Hi Geeeez: how does that differ from what we are already doing?
Just Me explains on Victoria’s blog his approach: http://thefranco-americanflophouse.blogspot.com/2012/01/2012-diaspora-tax-wars.html?showComment=1325891536796#c5538957774873363949
Does anyone know if Cafreeb got her Canadian citizenship today?
Hope so and if so, sincere congratulations!!!! We miss you.
@calgary: This is an odd place to put that question. Is it because getting citizenship is honey? Not vinegar to be sure.
Because it referred to Cafreeb using honey in her dealings with the media.
Haven’t heard from her…..
I hope this is the right place to pose this question. Does anyone know if Cafreeb will be doing anymore internet radio blogs? I listened to all 4 that I could find and they were excellent but they left me wanting more.
Strange coincidence that you should ask today, Em. I’ve been trying to reach her again tonight, after a very long time, so hopefully we’ll hear from her soon. I was one of the on-air participants of her radio shows and found them to be a great experience.
@ Deckard1138
Ah, then I know your voice. I’ll keep an eye on this spot too, hoping to see something to indicate she is willing to do more broadcasts. It was like sitting down in the kitchen listening to some very bright people thrash through a very big problem. It was a balm for the raw nerves I was experiencing at the time. I’m still in a pickle but things are getting better.
@Em and Deckard1138, I just listened to the first episode today, and blessed Cafreeb and her guest – it got me through my grim afternoon with forms and spreadsheets – and made me feel like I had some good company who understood – distracted me from the worry – even though it was about the very things that are plaguing my mind. Almost felt like we were meeting over a coffee …. I know what you mean @Em.
Thank you thank you Cafreeb and 416! I will return to listen to the other shows – and pass the link on to others.
: )