- Note this is a post that I wrote December of 2011. I have cross posted it from RenounceUScitizenship. It dovetails with some of the recent posts published here about the costs and foolishness of waging war on the sovereignty of other countries.
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“What do the recent G20 discussions and the IRS’ enforcement of foreign asset reporting have in common and why should “dual nationals” be concerned?”
From: Fear Factors: Dual Nationals and the IRS
A recent G20 summit was held in Toronto, Canada. The internet is a great thing – gives you instant access to the newspapers in any part of the world. As a result I was able to read both the local commentary and international commentary. The local (Toronto) newspapers were marveling at the extent and cost of the security offered to these “great leaders”. A friend commented to me that:
“If they were such great leaders, then they wouldn’t need that kind of security.” Continue reading