Can’t Stop The Machine: During Shutdown, IRS Computers Still Churn Out Tax Liens, Levies And Bills
It now turns out there is additional bad news for taxpayers, particularly those with IRS problems, known or unknown. Taxgirl, after studying the IRS’ preliminary shutdown plan, reported that National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson and 44 of her employees would continue working. But in the IRS’ final shutdown plan, released Monday afternoon, not a single employee dedicated to protecting taxpayer rights was included in the 8,824 (out of workforce of 94,516 ) kept on the job.
That unfortunate change was called to my attention by Olson herself, who emphasized she was “merely exercising my free speech rights as a citizen’’ and using her personal cell phone to do so. “I’m sitting at home with my two cats and my knitting,’’ she quipped. Olson wasn’t just being cute; it would be a violation the Antideficiency Act of 1884 for her to speak on her government issued Blackberry (she didn’t) or in her official capacity (she didn’t). A violation could get her fired, fined or thrown in jail.
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