We’ve had a few posts in the recent past, addressing different aspects of the upcoming election in October. For anyone wanting to keep track of our perspective of all things “Harper Govt:”
Canadian Federal Election: It’s Time to Throw the People Who Betrayed Us Out of Office
Help Me Keep My April 5 Promise Revisited-We Will Never Forget the IGA Betrayal by the CONs
And now we have an excellent post explaining how “first past the post” works. Maybe I’ll link to a page in the next few days to keep all these together as references all in one place….
cross posted from adcsovereignty.wordpress.com
Message in a bottle 3: “First past the post” – How to win a majority government with a minority of the votes https://t.co/Ya8DkACy0s
— ADCSovereignty (@ADCSovereignty) July 9, 2015
Prologue – From “Message in a bottle 2: Democracy, the appointment of judges and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms”
The post included:
I was reminded of a post that I wrote on this very topic during the 2011 Canadian Federal Election campaign (prior to FATCA and President Obama’s FBAR Fundraiser). You may recall that the Harper Government went into this election with a minority government. The reasons that he won a majority government exist today. The reality is that the Conservative Party of Canada – led by Stephen Harper has an excellent chance of retaining their majority government. That’s the price of the “first past the post” electoral system.
The “First past the post electoral system – How does it work and how does it encourage non-representative democracy?”
"First the post explained" – How to win a majority governement with a minority of the votes http://t.co/4H1XJe40IB – Think about it!
— Citizenship Lawyer (@ExpatriationLaw) July 8, 2015
The video in the above tweet explains how the “First past the post system” works.
The “Conservative Government” of Prime Minister is extremely unpopular. Yet, it has a “majority government”. How can this be? If you watch the video in the above tweet, you will see an explanation of how “First past the post” works.
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