Good #FATCA reporting via @CBCToronto and @jlancasterCBC on CBC News at 6p. Starts at minute 14.50 THANK YOU!
— Marvin Van Horn (@FATCA_Fallout) January 14, 2014
This is a nicely done clip that appeared (in all places) on Toronto news at 6.00 p.m. The news starts off with a continuation of the Mayor Ford Chronicles (as the mainstream media continues its desperate campaign to re-elect Rob Ford).
This video continues with a familiar cast of characters. But, the part that I found particularly interesting was a representative of the Canadian Bankers suggesting that to protest FATCA is the same as protesting winter. Seriously, yes!
“Saying NO to FATCA is like saying no to winter, both will arrive.”
He then confirms his view that the only relevant issue is the well being of the banks and their customers.
“If we were to be non-compliant there is a great financial risk the banks would face and a great financial risk their customers would face.”
I used to think that @CdnBankers were unprincipled wimps. I now think they are completely mindless wimps and are therefore incapable of any principle.
It’s important to remember that the Canadian Bankers Association is basically begging the Federal Government to sign an IGA to protect the Canadian banks!