Media and Blog Articles – Part 1 of 11 (to 26 May 2015)
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EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. You could mention such articles in the comment stream for this page, or if I see one on another thread, I can copy the link to here. I’ll keep adding to the list, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” too. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
Note also: JC suggests to see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate.” Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
New Survey finds US expat voting could impact 2016 Presidential Election, Greenback Expat Tax Services, NASDAQ GlobeNewswire.
This congressional committee wants to hear all your FOIA gripes, Colby Itkowitz, Washington Post, US.
The black money recovery skills of IT department are nothing to write home about, Vivek Kaul, The Daily Reckoning.
The Intersection of US Federal Tax Law with Collection of International Information- – Including Other Federal Agencies, Patrick W. Martin, TaxExpatriaation, US.
America the not so brave: America has led the global assault on tax dodgers and their enablers. But the reality still lags behind the rhetoric, The Economist, UK.
Cash Banned from Chase Safe Deposit Boxes, Matt Chilliak, Live and Invest News.
US Steuergesetz hat unerwartete globale Konsequenzen, Colleen Graffy, Geopolitical Information Service. Also at Consequences of US widening net to catch tax dodgers, Colleen Graffy, World Review.
The horse may have bolted … but, Angelo Venardos, Asia Asset Management.
Important Correction: Passports Required to Enter and Leave US — but SSNs May be Optional, Patrick W. Martin, Tax Expatriation, US.
Americans working abroad face unexpected financial issues, Sarah O’Brien, NBC, US.
Senate tax reform groups get more time, Bernie Becker, The Hill, US.
Malaysia will defer FATCA reporting, FSI Tax Posts.
America’s Self-Inflicted Wound, Moises Naim, The Atlantic, US.
Janice Mays: The Tax Guru Who Guides House Democrats, Alex Brown, National Journal, US.
Sen. Rand Paul Launches Filibuster in Protest of Patriot Act Renewal, C-SPAN, US.
This article needs to be hammered with comments.–citizenship-is-about-to-get-a-lot-more-expensive-150405883.html
Issac Brock Society mentioned in body of this. Also focus on 7 million wronged rather than on catching the tax cheats.
The comments (400+ so far) in the yahoo article are very interesting. Homelanders are starting to view the $2,350 for what it really is — another brick in the Berlin Wall.–citizenship-is-about-to-get-a-lot-more-expensive-150405883.html
For example:
“Doesn’t this make us prisoners?”
“People can’t easily leave their country but their jobs sure did.”
“Instead of changing the reasons why Americans are renouncing their US citizenship, the government is worried about making a profit on the deal. Wealthy business owners and entrepreneurs are leaving as the US continues it spiral downward, economically, socially and morally.”
“US Gov’t. employees looking to suck on the Citizens teat treat Americans like dogs on a lease. No matter where you go in the world and make some money there the IRS wants their cut to spend as haphazardly as they wish. No wonder more people are packing it in.”
Further to the yahoo article:
Most homelanders responded to the Exit Tax with the usual “don’t let the door hit you in the ass” routine. The politics of envy works well with the masses.
However, $2,350 for everyone may turn out to be the “tipping point” in public opinion because it hits Joe Six-pack right in the wallet if he is thinking about perhaps wanting to leave.
The comments are definitely worth reading, the $2,350 for expatriation (emigration) appears to be blowing back, especially when juxtaposed with the $680 for immigration.
@Jow Blow
Thanks for pointing out that article and summarizing the comments.
I like this one: ““US Gov’t. employees looking to suck on the Citizens teat treat Americans like dogs on a lease.”
Back in my day people used to own their pets outright. Things certainly have changed. 😉
GOP takes up call for RBT:
I’d counter with: Being forced to pay 20x more than what citizens of any other developed nation have to pay to renounce their citizenship IS the door hitting us in the way out.
Some interesting posts in this one.
We should all send Kevin Nightingale’s article to every Democrat we know and watch the fur fly!
Alex Newman hit the nail on the head about the Democrats’ love affair with CBT:
“Democrats and propagandists in the establishment press initially tried to frame the Republican efforts to stop FATCA and citizenship-based taxation as a scheme to protect “the rich” and “tax evaders.” The half-baked tactic failed spectacularly, however — especially because those suffering the most are poor and middle-class Americans who cannot afford armies of lawyers and accountants.”
“The group Democrats Abroad, stuck in a Catch-22, is now on defense, trying to walk a fine line between not alienating the millions of embattled Americans abroad while also not criticizing their party’s handiwork too vociferously. It recently accused the GOP of pandering for votes, noting that no bill to repeal FATCA has been introduced in the Republican-controlled House. The media has remained almost entirely silent on the latest GOP resolution.”
The Democratic Party is the main problem for expats because they still have a creepy bondage-like fetish for CBT. They deserve to lose every single expat voter they ever had, if there any are still out there.
“The Democratic Party is the main problem for expats because they still have a creepy bondage-like fetish for CBT.”
I needed some laughter today, Bullwinkle. Thanks!
I went over Kevyn Nightingale’s column and read his responses to other’s input. He truly is out to lunch and couldn’t care less about anything other than US law. I wouldn’t hire this guy to do MY taxes that`s for sure. He’s no friend of ours.
Brock got a mention and link in this Activist Post article by Janet Phelan:
A bunch of chatter in Chinese on Twitter about FATCA and “global automatic information exchange standard.” Some excitement of Chinese nationals with wealth overseas getting uncovered. With one party official having at least $350 million in Swiss bank accounts. Title: Completely collapsed ! Jiang family hiding assets overseas will be fully exposed.
So maybe the Chinese will not be so resistant to FATCA at least on the receiving side of the information.
Some press out of Russia that FATCA threatens the financial system:
Kevyn Nightingale said: “FATCA is an enforcement mechanism, not an actual tax.”
That’s akin to saying that a victim of strangulation didn’t die as a result of the murder’s hands on his throat, but simply due to lack of oxygen.
Kevyn Nightingale should be added to the Brock list of shame.
Good one, Victoria!
On the Canadian US lawsuit:
CNBC says it – but nothing new:
Saw this on CNBC this morning. 59% say we should punish companies that invert. The reporting has been terrible. News reports have often just said stupid stuff like BK won’t pay American taxes anymore.
Treasury already said there was nothing they could legally do in the past but now they are going to do something (I guess it’s illegal stuff).
I think this is a bad place for the country to be. This is how we got Obama and FATCA. Point at a group and say it’s ‘not paying it’s fair share’. The add some laws to get tax a whole bunch of people more that may not even include the original group.
Mmm. My link got switched to the next video:
I used to think that democracy is the only way to go. But what if the most votes are from people who are uninformed and uneducated? These 59% are just the masses who dont know how economics work and are out for revenge.They are just going from one form of unjust taxation to the next form of unjust taxation. And nothing is being FIXED.
@Polly Over the years I have become quite skeptical of polls. Often they are asked with “leading” questions that introduce bias and skew results. I think part of the 59% opposing is that they don’t like the idea of a U.S. company moving oveseas, although I think the bigger part is the wish for punishment. It is kind of a misdirection. What about the companies like GE that make billions in the U.S. but pay no U.S. corporate income tax? Oh, can’t change the laws to prevent that, they were a top 20 Obama campaign donor.