Media and Blog Articles – Part 1 of 11 (to 26 May 2015)
You can access all years at this link:
EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. You could mention such articles in the comment stream for this page, or if I see one on another thread, I can copy the link to here. I’ll keep adding to the list, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” too. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
Note also: JC suggests to see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate.” Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
New Survey finds US expat voting could impact 2016 Presidential Election, Greenback Expat Tax Services, NASDAQ GlobeNewswire.
This congressional committee wants to hear all your FOIA gripes, Colby Itkowitz, Washington Post, US.
The black money recovery skills of IT department are nothing to write home about, Vivek Kaul, The Daily Reckoning.
The Intersection of US Federal Tax Law with Collection of International Information- – Including Other Federal Agencies, Patrick W. Martin, TaxExpatriaation, US.
America the not so brave: America has led the global assault on tax dodgers and their enablers. But the reality still lags behind the rhetoric, The Economist, UK.
Cash Banned from Chase Safe Deposit Boxes, Matt Chilliak, Live and Invest News.
US Steuergesetz hat unerwartete globale Konsequenzen, Colleen Graffy, Geopolitical Information Service. Also at Consequences of US widening net to catch tax dodgers, Colleen Graffy, World Review.
The horse may have bolted … but, Angelo Venardos, Asia Asset Management.
Important Correction: Passports Required to Enter and Leave US — but SSNs May be Optional, Patrick W. Martin, Tax Expatriation, US.
Americans working abroad face unexpected financial issues, Sarah O’Brien, NBC, US.
Senate tax reform groups get more time, Bernie Becker, The Hill, US.
Malaysia will defer FATCA reporting, FSI Tax Posts.
America’s Self-Inflicted Wound, Moises Naim, The Atlantic, US.
Janice Mays: The Tax Guru Who Guides House Democrats, Alex Brown, National Journal, US.
Sen. Rand Paul Launches Filibuster in Protest of Patriot Act Renewal, C-SPAN, US.
@ badger
Awesome! Thanks. I didn’t know about this cache thing. I’m reading the instructions right now. Sometimes when I think of you I think of the “Bletchley Circle” and always I think of your super researching powers.
IRS Voluntary Disclosure Regime Expands Maximum Penalty Bracket
Obama proposal would say Inheriting Grandma’s House Comes with Tax Bill
Glad to be of any help @Embee, no special knowledge on my part really (flattered that you think of me that way, but alas, I can only wish that I had the mental powers/skills of the Bletchley women on that BBC show!).
I think also someone here (possibly usxcanada?) also suggested trying the Wayback Machine to retrieve things as well.
The “Grandma’s House Tax” proposal seems to be similar to what we have in Canada. As I understand it, in Canada, when a person dies without having an inheriting spouse, there’s a deemed disposition of assets and tax is payable on any gains that would have been payable had the person sold the asset when alive (so, principal residence is excluded).
I think this is reasonable as it can be characterized as the collection of deferred taxes. The US proposal, however, falls down to some extent because a) the US has an estate tax (unlike Canada), and b) principal residences are being included (since their sale is taxable in the US).
The deemed disposition tax plus plus an estate tax seems overly broad. So, I wonder if perhaps this is part of a plan to eventually offer to trade off the estate tax (which can’t bring in too much money with a $5.43M exclusion?) for this new tax.
Grandma`s house tax bill
Imagine if a family is dreaming of moving into the family home – one that has been inherited down the line for generations. We now know that the younger generations have less in the way of wealth than their parents – so this will mean that many estates that belonged in a family will have to be sold. I think it is a horrific law. If the same went for a business, then family businesses will be lost too.
Forgot to mention how USCs and their relatives in Canada once again get screwed should the new US tax ever come into being. Example: in Canada, last surviving parent who happens to be a USC leaves principal residence to Canadian-only kids. The estate (i.e., kids) must now pay the “grandma’s house tax”. It’s also likely that the NRA spouse of a USC would get hit with this tax should the USC spouse pass on, since there would be no way for the US to collect its “due” otherwise.
Reiterates a very good reason to cut the cord on US citizenship – one never knows what the next idiot fest in Washinton will inflict on the already tortured expat USC.
@tdott re” 5.34 m estate tax exclusion. This only works if one spouse dies and the other is a US citizen then no death tax on the first spouse. If the surviving spouse is a nonUS citizen then they get an exemption by may get the 5.34 exclusion if they create a QDOT Trust managed out of the US with death tax on remaining assets on death of second spouse. Compliance and Tax purgatory!
Would Rosa Parks File Her FATCA Forms Or Move To The Back Of The Bus?
Isn’t filing your FATCA forms like moving to the back of the bus? Any FATCA freedom fighter comparable to Rosa Parks would move their money to a non-reporting FI and give their bank the one finger salute!
I have deployed my new favorite word to describe the opposite of loophole. The word is sinkhole. People in the US think that if you are a US person living overseas you benefit from loophole. The reality is that you get subjected to a tax and compliance sinkhole.
3 IRS Strikes? FATCA, FBARs, An ‘Abode’ In U.S. Although You Live Abroad
Some education needed here:
London offers world stage and war chest for Republican 2016 hopefuls
re; Grandma’s house, why not introduce asset reporting requirements for homelanders DBAR and DATCA
(dumber and daffier) and start levying a wealth tax
CBS Marketwatch article mentions that staying connected to the US financial system while abroad is “crucial” and warns of the “potential for damage along the way” for temporary expats (namely, young Americans teaching English abroad):
No mention of PATRIOT Act or FATCA. Particularly amused by the assumption that returning to the U.S. is a matter of “when” rather than “if”, though of course this is probably correct: permanent emigration will become harder and harder.
…and whatever you do, don’t mix with the natives!
@Bubblebustin: of course not. the FBI already warned me against doing that:
UBS is under fire again. This time for bearer bonds.
It’s a big, bad world out there, but the US government is still the single biggest threat to Americans living abroad. But they provide little in the way of warning about that.
As consolation to you foreign types living in countries with mud huts who have to pay the ACA penalties or at least jump through hoops:
This bit is just golden:
Illegal aliens are exempted from this penalty. Page 2 of the instructions for Form 8965 has a Coverage Exemption Table. In the fourth block one can find “Not a U.S. citizen, not a U.S. national, and not lawfully present in the U.S.” as criteria for being exempted from paying this penalty.
Have a nice day!
There have been some complaints about the ACA from people here. Of course you have to pay the 3.8% if your ‘rich’. You can use exemption code C to avoid the penalties it seems:
A U.S. citizen or resident who spent at least 330 full days outside of the U.S. during a 12–month period;
The way that’s worded in the IRS docs is any year will do. I don’t it’s like that in law.
Two interesting articles:
Hayekian take on FATCA. No place for comments.
Economist. Might be worthwhile commenting.
I just realised that a paywall message comes up if you click the link. I got to The Economist article through a google search. The title of the article is:
“Tackling Tax Evasion: Follow the Money” And the first line is:
“As countries share more information, opportunities to squirrel away cash abroad will continue to narrow”
The author seems to overlook the problems FATCA has created and notes that other countries have wondered how the U.S. managed to raise so much money from it. Perhaps some people would like to enlighten him?
Interesting link:
Answers a lot of questions as to where the hell the MSM media is. Don’t expect to hear any important issues effecting Canadians on Global. They are based out of Calgary, home of you know who.
Wonderful job done by Joe Arvay:
The first story includes that the Harper government has been ordered to pay all court costs.
An abominable “accountability” bill has been introduced by Re. John Katko. It’s called the TSA Office of Inspection Accountability Act (H.R. 719).
Economist: New Bill Turns TSA into Tax Police