Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments – Part 4 of 11 (Year 2017)
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Media and Blog Articles
EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. I’ll make a permanent list of links posted here and keep adding to it, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” of FATCA/CBT articles. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
From JC: To see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate. Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
From Badger: On an important archival note, please use the Internet Archive Wayback machine (see bottom right ‘Save Page Now’ box to enter URLs of webpages you want saved for posterity, and try to save backup copies of articles and other items of interest in some other form – such as a datastick or external drive. Some important and very significant webpages and the fulltexts of articles are no longer available (although some can be retrieved if someone using the Wayback machine saved them).
Be sure to read the comment stream for this thread — there are usually very recent articles mentioned there that aren’t on this list yet.
It’s time to address the double standard about tax havens, Angela Wrights, Macleans, Canada.
The US Is Becoming the World’s New Tax Haven, The Editors, Bloomberg View, US.
Rep. Dina Titus Supports Americans Abroad Tax Reform, Democrats Abroad, US.
Now That The GOP Tax Bill Is Approved, The IRS Gets Busy, Brian Naylor, NPR, US.
Taxpayers will have to wait to find out how they fare under new legislation , Renae Merle and Aaron Gregg, Denver Post (reprint from Washington Post), US.
U.S. Shareholders –Take Action by December 31, KPMG.
Have You Ever Felt Sorry for the I.R.S? Now Might Be the Time, Patricia Cohen, New York Times, US.
EU finance ministers issue warning to Trump over tax reforms, RTÉ, Ireland.
Banque: les consequences étonnantes de l’accord FATCA, Edouard Lederer, Les Echos, France.
As Australia ousts MPs with dual citizenship, Canada’s Parliament embraces many in its ranks, Kathleen Harris, Canada. (mentions MP who “assumed his U.S. citizenship was automatically rescinded because he did not meet several requirements for continued citizenship. [But when travelling to Washington] was told he was ineligible to enter the U.S. on a Canadian passport because he was a U.S. citizen. He was . . . allowed in on a one-time basis . . . it cost him $3,000 to later sort out the administrative requirements.”)
The American Diaspora: Outreach and Organization, Victoria Ferauge, The Franco-American Flophouse, Japan.
Foreign-owned banks to be hit by US tax rules, Financial Times, UK.
Trump Tax Plan Worries Europe, Christian Reiermann, Der Spiegel, Germany.
For articles earlier in 2017, click here.
Depends what you hope for.
Not to be chased by the IRS – already available
To be free of America – already available
To hope that the US will be made to see the error of its ways and stop treating its citizens like shit may be a hope too far. They’ve had 250-odd years.
Change may come, if it suits them to allow that to happen. Personally I wouldn’t count on it.
Solomon Yue Tweets:
Republicans Overseas plaintiffs in #FATCA challenge seek US Supreme Court review. This fight 4 9M overseas Americans’ constitutional rights & freedom continues. It is part of RO multipronged attack: FATCA lawsuit & House hearing & regulation review by Treasury, + #TTFI 2 end #CBT
I responded:
Perhaps late in this #FATCA / FBAR suit,
Yet #FBAR deserves more than one claim of Unconstitutionality.
I bring your attention to:
“Home country [USA] causes job limitations abroad”
Report employer accounts !
.@GOPIsrael @SwissTechie @TCKmysteries
#TaxReform FAIL
@JC Yes, Americans abroad is often associated with tourism. It is increasingly being used for U.S. athletes who may be abroad for only a few games.
@BB Americans overseas is a term that is indeed associated with the U.S. military.
I note that AARO is Americans resident overseas, perhaps to get around this issue. Maybe adding the word living, residing to Americans abroad is a way around this?
Under NO circumstances expatriate. It can mean former citizen and has all the wrong connotations.
The name might do well to appeal to something Americans believe they value (equality, liberty, etc.). It is a shame that the T.E.A. (Taxed enough already) Party name is taken, since that is us in a nutshell.
Hope may be badly battered, but it isn’t dead. Thanks to all who have posted some very positive recent developments. The fight is on and we are even gaining the beginnings of support from the Democrats. Good to see!
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and, to everyone, a better year in 2018 than the one now passing into history.
Not exactly an article but I cannot think of a better place to put this.
I am in contact with some people who are interested in having a demonstration in London UK. There are no specific dates/places yet, just an initial idea. I indicated I would post in a few places. If you are interested please email me and I will put you in touch with them. nobledreamer16 at gmail dot com
I’m amazingly in the spirit in spite of being delivered a lump of coal by Donald Trump and the GOP FOR Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all, and may we find a peace we can live with in the New Year.
Free on Amazon for the time being:
How to Become a Citizen of Any Country by Jon Sterling
It’s worth the price, but little more. It doesn’t mention any of the citizenship-by-ancestry options (e.g. Ireland, Poland, etc.), leaves out quite a few of the citizenship-by-investment (e.g. Bulgaria, Belgium), doesn’t even mention Israel’s Law of Return, and so on. The biggest omission is that it leaves out one country: the United States.
This book is a great idea, hastily and badly collected. Someone ought to do it properly.
Its best feature is that it lists the addresses of the embassies (in the USA) of most countries. So if you want to apply for Eritrean citizenship, at least you know where to send your application.
Pls RT / Like
@GroverNorquist discusses plight of Americans overseas vis-à-vis taxation at 3:45 in video today. Thank you! FINALLY someone mentions this injustice on a US TV medial outlet! @foxnews @foxandfriends … #FATCA #FBAR #Taxreform #TaxJustice #citizide #CBT #TTFI
“The EU’s Tax Haven Blacklist – Will the U.S. Eventually be Added?”
Will the new tax bill finally nail the US as non-co-operative for tax purposes.
The US a new tax haven? Seriously?!!
The plot thickens!
Sounds like invasion plans and “hush hush” about the specifics ~ “lose lips sink ships” !
Sounds to me like partisan struggles over which political faction gets credit for proposing remedies for CBT/FATCA.
Which is ok if it means change does actually happen. Who cares which bunch claims credit – not I.
Je concur, plaxy.
Happy New Year!
Likewise BB, and to all.
@BC_Doc…. ¿Qué pasa?
Hey, a Happy New Year from the other side of the pond!!
Hey, the best thing of our long road together? We have learned the big bad wolf is sufferring from COPD. May it be fatal sooner rather than later.
@BC Doc…I just sent my MP a copy of the ACA press release on the State Department Credit Union checking account for expats……
I want SDFCU to take out full page ads in The Telegraph, Daily Express, Guardian….
Happy New Year all! And the wish for RBT in 2018!
Mention of US hypocrisy, but not focused on FATCA.
This thread is now closed due to its length and the start of a New Year. Please comment on the new thread, Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments, Part 5 of 5. Thanks.
Best wishes to all and to success in our anti-FATCA/anti-CBT projects in 2018!