Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments – Part 5 of 11 (Year 2018)
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Media and Blog Articles
EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. I’ll make a permanent list of links posted here and keep adding to it, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” of FATCA/CBT articles. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
From JC: To see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate. Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
From Badger: On an important archival note, please use the Internet Archive Wayback machine (see bottom right ‘Save Page Now’ box to enter URLs of webpages you want saved for posterity, and try to save backup copies of articles and other items of interest in some other form – such as a datastick or external drive. Some important and very significant webpages and the fulltexts of articles are no longer available (although some can be retrieved if someone using the Wayback machine saved them).
Be sure to read the comment stream for this thread — there are usually very recent articles mentioned
New bill could lessen tax woes for Canadian residents with US citizenship: but the outlook is bleak for thousands grappling with Trump’s repatriation tax, Elizabeth Thompson, CBC News, Canada.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let’s Get This Passed! Anthony Parent, John Richardson, Keith Redmond, IRS Medic. US.
TTFI bill introduced today, great news for Americans living in Canada, Reddit Forum.
FATCA: Significant Relief in New Proposed Regulations, Jeremy Naylor, Amanda H. Nussbaum and Martin T. Hamilton, Mondaq.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act, Democrats Abroad.
TCJA and US Expats, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal, Patriot Rising.
IRS Issues Proposed FATCA Regulations, Adrienne M. Baker, Joseph A. Riley and Jeff J. Kang, Lexology.
IRS Issues Proposed Regulations on FATCA, Other Reporting Conditions, ABA Banking Journal, US.
How the IRS as Gutted, Paul Kiel and Jesse Eisenger, ProPublica, US.
December 2018 International Tax Reform Updates- FATCA -GILTI – TTFI, Anthony Parent interviews Keith Redmond and John Richardson, IRS Medic. (video)
Explaining GILTI – Individual Impact, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Luxembourg: Exchange Of Information Vs Data Protection: A Brave New World Of Transparency, Antoine Dupuis and Guilles Sturbois, Mondaq.
2018.12.00 (December 2018 edition)
EU parliament versus FATCA, Financier Worldwide.
Newsletter, Purple Expat.
Articles from earlier in 2018 are in the Media and Blog Articles 2018 Archive. Links to previous years’ archives are also at that link.
Embee – “Rather obvious way to divert the flow of capital into the USA, I’d say.”
It has certainly worked out that way. I’m a little doubtful as to whether that was the plan. I’m inclined to think they were hoping to get hold of a lot more bankers and turn them upside down and shake them, as with the Swiss Bank Program. But the UK, along with the rest of the G5, offered to make it possible for the banks to comply rather than pay up. And the US saw the advantages (shield against transparency), and bit.
I may be wrong – maybe they actually foresaw that FATCA would work so well it would pull in all that funny money. Doesn’t fit with my image of them, that they would be that smart, but who knows.
Self-employed Argentine accidental gets FATCA’ed
> My father was born in the US in the 60, but came to live in Argentina when he was 4 years old. He now has dual citizenship, is married and is self employed. Recently he was notified that he needed to present the form W9. He has a lot of experience with taxes laws here in Argentina but doesn’t have a clue with taxes laws in the US. Also, he can barely reed the basics in english. If I could get any advice of where to look or how to get started i would be very gratfull.
Total renunciation number for 2017 is overdue, but extra time should be given for government shut down.
I’m not on Reddit, but someone who is should just let him know to sign the W9 if that’s what it takes to keep his bank account, and otherwise ignore it. With only a FATCA balance the IRS ain’t going to do much.
They are way more clever than they look. It always seems to be “Oops I did it again” with them, doesn’t it? AARO discovered a few years ago that a social security change in the early 1980s that seemed to hit Americans abroad accidently had been done knowingly. It is patently obvious that the Trump changes go far beyond base erosion.
Not sure where to put this but I figured I’ll call attention to it so moderators can move it to the proper place. Phil Hodgen has posted a very interesting discussion about the late filing of Form 8854:
Even though Phil (I think) mostly has a high net worth clientele, on his blog he is very free with general information useful to all of us.
RO Chairman Bruce Ash, ATR President Grover Norquist, & RO Vice Chairman/CEO Solomon Yue met/agreed 2 jointly focus on 2 tax reform items in 2018: a capital gains taxes cut by indexing capital gains 2 inflation 4 corporations & individuals & a stand-alone #TTFI bill around April.
This was my Reply to Solomon Yue Pls RT/Like
Great news.
A stand alone #TTFI bill might include prohibition on U.S. financial institution discrimination against Americans with an overseas address.
There is no mention of #FATCA in that tweet. If FATCA penalties continue so will discrimination from FFI.
Hey, just another example of US hypocrisy. If I understand correctly, Puerto Rico has a special tax status allowing USCs to live free from various levels of IRS reporting.
What do you know?……
Americans abroad hit by Trump’s new repatriation tax rules
Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York
no date stamp yet says an hour ago, ~ 11.30 p.m. Monday 5 February, New York Time.
Susan Delbene wants to know what economic issues are troubling me. I told here it’s the complexity of dealing with taxes as an immigrant with foreign accounts. She has a lot of immigrants in here constituency so you guys can pretend to be one and let her know the same thing.
FYI – If you don’t know already, there is a new website taking up the cause:
Is Carolyn Mulroney now running for the ON PC leadership a “US Person”?
The Toronto Star this evening seems to say so.
” Did not Conrad Black endorse Mulroney in the National Post over the weekend? She has the Ivy League education, the American C.V., the private schools for her children and her work with venture capitalists at Wellington Financial; her American-born husband Andrew Lapham is chairman of Blackstone Canada, part of the world’s biggest private equity group. Both are dual citizens, a campaign spokesperson confirmed.”
At least one child was born in the US. Hope those “UStaxablepersons’ ‘abroad’ in Canada are doing their FBARs on their Canadian birthday accounts themselves, as the US Financial Crimes Network directs children with ‘foreign’ accounts to do.
If successful, would CM as the head of the PC party have any signing/co-signing authority on any non-personal ‘foreign’ (e.g. Canadian) accounts that would result in an FBAR duty? How would the PC Party welcome their accounts then being reported to a foreign government – to the US IRS and FINCEN?
Maybe they’ll tell her to “just renounce” ala the advice given us by federal Conservatives ( ex. ).
And to those Cons who voted for FATCA and now support her as a fellow Conservative, didn’t you tell us that those of us Canadian citizens and residents who acquired US status by whatever route – whether by birth, birthplace, etc. were actually not real Canadians, but merely ‘Americans residing in Canada’?
Another article about the repatriation/transition Tax
New EU data protection rules coming into full force. Successful in bullying New Zealand; the US might not be so easy. Wondering if they’d suspend FATCA information exchange if the IRS is hacked again. Wondering if the FinCEN site for FBARs is deemed secure.
Please Retweet/Like on Twitter:
Sophie in ‘t Veld, EU Parliament member from The Netherlands chimes in on taxation without representation. Where are the U.S. politicians on this issue?
The site of the accidental American Association should be online next week. ! From Fabian.
U.S. tax reform to bring double taxation to some Canadians
Changes will hit those with American property, dual citizens with Canadian earnings and even needy startups hoping for VC funds from U.S.
February 6, 2018 Julius Melnitzer
A number of quotes from Berg.
Comments open via Facebook. I torched the Canadian Government.
From the above referenced article:
This is the first I’ve seen about this. Having said that, I don’t understand the ramifications as I didn’t think cost base came into estate calculations.
And that penalty against the estate would be collected how, exactly?
Voluntarily paid by a confused/terrified executor is the likely scenario.
Yup. One more reason for non-compliant USCs to be extremely careful in choosing an executor.
Solomon Yue has increased tweets and engagement on the injustices perhaps in the past week or two.
I forgot about this “Dualist” blog until I got a notification that someone commented there today. Newcomers may want to check it out: