Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments – Part 5 of 11 (Year 2018)
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Media and Blog Articles
EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. I’ll make a permanent list of links posted here and keep adding to it, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” of FATCA/CBT articles. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
From JC: To see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate. Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
From Badger: On an important archival note, please use the Internet Archive Wayback machine (see bottom right ‘Save Page Now’ box to enter URLs of webpages you want saved for posterity, and try to save backup copies of articles and other items of interest in some other form – such as a datastick or external drive. Some important and very significant webpages and the fulltexts of articles are no longer available (although some can be retrieved if someone using the Wayback machine saved them).
Be sure to read the comment stream for this thread — there are usually very recent articles mentioned
New bill could lessen tax woes for Canadian residents with US citizenship: but the outlook is bleak for thousands grappling with Trump’s repatriation tax, Elizabeth Thompson, CBC News, Canada.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let’s Get This Passed! Anthony Parent, John Richardson, Keith Redmond, IRS Medic. US.
TTFI bill introduced today, great news for Americans living in Canada, Reddit Forum.
FATCA: Significant Relief in New Proposed Regulations, Jeremy Naylor, Amanda H. Nussbaum and Martin T. Hamilton, Mondaq.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act, Democrats Abroad.
TCJA and US Expats, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal, Patriot Rising.
IRS Issues Proposed FATCA Regulations, Adrienne M. Baker, Joseph A. Riley and Jeff J. Kang, Lexology.
IRS Issues Proposed Regulations on FATCA, Other Reporting Conditions, ABA Banking Journal, US.
How the IRS as Gutted, Paul Kiel and Jesse Eisenger, ProPublica, US.
December 2018 International Tax Reform Updates- FATCA -GILTI – TTFI, Anthony Parent interviews Keith Redmond and John Richardson, IRS Medic. (video)
Explaining GILTI – Individual Impact, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Luxembourg: Exchange Of Information Vs Data Protection: A Brave New World Of Transparency, Antoine Dupuis and Guilles Sturbois, Mondaq.
2018.12.00 (December 2018 edition)
EU parliament versus FATCA, Financier Worldwide.
Newsletter, Purple Expat.
Articles from earlier in 2018 are in the Media and Blog Articles 2018 Archive. Links to previous years’ archives are also at that link.
Plaxy: that’s a great article, on the acquittal of Stefan Buck in November 2017. American homelanders evading the IRS in Switzerland are the foundation of FATCA, and thus of most of our troubles (even though CBT and reporting of foreign accounts were already there). It is nevertheless good news that the banker was acquitted in a refreshing admission by the justice system that US laws do not apply abroad.
Fred – “good news that the banker was acquitted in a refreshing admission by the justice system that US laws do not apply abroad.”
Yes I was very cheered. It sends a clear message to the US Treasury/IRS: even their own courts won’t support their attempt to criminalize law-abiding residents of other countries.
It’s interesting to note that Buck could have ignored the US indictment; instead, he risked his neck by going to America to stand up in court and tell them they were prosecuting the wrong person. And the US court agreed. He’s done us all a service. Three cheers, Stefan Buck.
“American homelanders evading the IRS in Switzerland are the foundation of FATCA, and thus of most of our troubles”
According to Byrnes, the seed that grew into FATCA was planted in 1999-2003, with John Doe summonses on credit card companies. Might never have turned into the current worldwide oppression, of course, without other factors such as the Swiss scandal, plus most disastrously the hell-paving good intentions of the only honest occupant of the White House in the past fifty years.
Here’s the NBC story where the birth hotel story originated. Opportunity to contact the reporters.
Plaxy: “the hell-paving good intentions of the only honest occupant of the White House in the past fifty years.” I like-that. Honest, or at least decent and thoughtful. I suppose he doesn’t even imagine how FATCA would’ve made his mom’s life in Indonesia quite more difficult.
I love that Birth Tourism trend. Hype it up and let Trumpers have a field day … and maybe stumble on a solution for accidentals along the way. Or wait 20 years till tens of thousands of Chinese and Russians tell the IRS to go to hell. Fun. Either way though, won’t change anything for now, alas.
“More than half the foreign financial institutions on the IRS FATCA reporting list come from just six countries.”
(Cayman Islands, UK, Brazil, Japan, Luxembourg, British Virgin Islands, and Canada)
Hmmm…I make that seven?
Pressure to have kids become US citizens by consulate in Montreal
American living in Montreal, Canadian wife, trying to get ITINs for his kids
I can’t be arsed to sign up on Reddit, but someone needs to tell them the following:
In the view of the US government (though not everyone here) the children are US citizens already. It’s not something the parents decide to apply for. It’s not optional. So following that logic, the consular employees are acting correctly in not wanting to issue ITINs, because the kids are citizens.
If this person doesn’t want the US to hassle his kids, don’t use them to claim a deduction! Wanker… Don’t ever mention them. (And stop filing US tax returns while you’re at it.)
Millions of Americans have moved overseas — and it’s not because the U.S. is a ‘shithole’
By Philip Bump January 12 at 3:59 PM
Interesting twist of events that also highlights why people have ended up overseas. I believe helpful to our cause. Comments open.
That WAPO article deserves its own post. I wonder if Marylouise Serrato of ACA mentioned anything about CBT, and they just chose not to mention it because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
Yes, the article I helpful in that there are many natural reasons why someone would want to leave the US, none of which involve being a tax evading, unpatriotic quitter!
The article made no effort to distinguish between – let alone provide numbers for – “expats” versus dual citizens and accidentals. That is an important distinction.
But why do people feel they have to justify leaving the US?
I doubt very much if anybody in America cares where I choose to live – just as I don’t care where they choose to live.
“…being a tax evading, unpatriotic quitter”
A non-US-tax-paying, non-US-patriotic quitter of the US?
That’s me to a T. And?
The IRS attempting to use FATCA to try and get around SOL.
“…In 2010 Congress enacted the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (HIRE), 124 Stat. 71. Subtitle A of HIRE (§501 et. seq.) implemented what had been a separate bill called the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). FATCA requires many individuals to report their foreign financial assets under certain circumstances. Violation of the reporting requirements carries several consequences, including monetary penalties and an extension of the limitation period for the IRS to audit a return. That’s the issue in last week’s case of Mehrdad Rafizadeh v. Commissioner, 150 T.C. No. 1 (January 2, 2018). In Rafizadeh, the IRS seemed to try and use that latter consequence to crack open otherwise closed years. At least that is what the Tax Court appears to believe. The sticking point was that the years at issue were years before the FATCA reporting requirements took effect. See below the fold for why the IRS thought that the FATCA provisions extending the limitation period applied, and why the Tax Court held otherwise………”
Treasury again extends exemption for a certain class of individuals from FBAR reporting – as below (but continues to refuse to do so for individuals with legal local accounts, or to raise the ridiculously low aggregate $10.000. USD threshold, or to exempt non-personal non-beneficial accounts belonging to employers, etc.);
On 22 December 2017, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN),
a bureau of the United States (US) Department of the Treasury, issued
Notice 2017-1, which further extends the filing deadline for certain individuals
who previously qualified for an extension of time for certain persons to file a
Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) with respect to signature
authority over foreign financial accounts. This Notice is only relevant for reports
of: (i) certain officers and employees of publicly traded or widely held companies
with signature authority over foreign financial accounts held by group members;
and (ii) employees of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered
investment advisors with signature authority over foreign financial accounts
owned by customers that are not regulated investment companies, such as
hedge funds, venture capital funds and private equity funds. ….”….,_Form_114)_over_certain_foreign_financial_accounts/$FILE/2018G_00177-181Gbl_US%20reporting%20signature%20authority%20over%20certain%20foreign%20financial%20accounts.pdf but refuses to change anything for individuals with legal local accounts , including the ridiculously low reporting threshold.
Schumer wants the IRS to give his constituents a break. Unfair. Lack of clarity.
Tax reform’s hidden revenue raiser, tax bracket creep:
Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Filing Taxes Separately? Here’s Why
Robert W. Wood ,
NOV 30, 2017 @ 08:58 AM
It appears Forbes is no longer accepting comments.
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The Netherlands expels Eritrea’s top diplomat over ‘diaspora tax’ enforcement
Date 17.01.2018
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Grover Norquist strikes again:
American expats are left high and dry by Trump’s tax reform. Uncle Sam needs to stop penalizing Americans and U.S. green card holders living abroad.
U.S. citizens who live and work abroad are some of the country’s most important unofficial ambassadors. They play an important part in shaping how their international coworkers, friends and family members view the U.S. and American values. President Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and other members of Congress would do well to use the next tax bill as an opportunity end the double taxation of U.S. citizens abroad.
The new tone in the White House created by Trump is : We dont care what the rest of the world thinks of us. We are the biggest and the best and we dont need anybody else.
Re: Grover Norquist article.
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JC – good find. “Dutch Foreign Minister Halbe Zijlstra said the actions aimed at sending a ‘powerful signal’ to the Eritrean government that it must end its illegal policy of enforcing a tax on Eritrean expatriates”. Although I’m sure Eritrea considers it legal. Maybe it should try to sign an IGA…