Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments – Part 5 of 11 (Year 2018)
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Media and Blog Articles
EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. I’ll make a permanent list of links posted here and keep adding to it, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” of FATCA/CBT articles. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
From JC: To see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate. Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
From Badger: On an important archival note, please use the Internet Archive Wayback machine (see bottom right ‘Save Page Now’ box to enter URLs of webpages you want saved for posterity, and try to save backup copies of articles and other items of interest in some other form – such as a datastick or external drive. Some important and very significant webpages and the fulltexts of articles are no longer available (although some can be retrieved if someone using the Wayback machine saved them).
Be sure to read the comment stream for this thread — there are usually very recent articles mentioned
New bill could lessen tax woes for Canadian residents with US citizenship: but the outlook is bleak for thousands grappling with Trump’s repatriation tax, Elizabeth Thompson, CBC News, Canada.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let’s Get This Passed! Anthony Parent, John Richardson, Keith Redmond, IRS Medic. US.
TTFI bill introduced today, great news for Americans living in Canada, Reddit Forum.
FATCA: Significant Relief in New Proposed Regulations, Jeremy Naylor, Amanda H. Nussbaum and Martin T. Hamilton, Mondaq.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act, Democrats Abroad.
TCJA and US Expats, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal, Patriot Rising.
IRS Issues Proposed FATCA Regulations, Adrienne M. Baker, Joseph A. Riley and Jeff J. Kang, Lexology.
IRS Issues Proposed Regulations on FATCA, Other Reporting Conditions, ABA Banking Journal, US.
How the IRS as Gutted, Paul Kiel and Jesse Eisenger, ProPublica, US.
December 2018 International Tax Reform Updates- FATCA -GILTI – TTFI, Anthony Parent interviews Keith Redmond and John Richardson, IRS Medic. (video)
Explaining GILTI – Individual Impact, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Luxembourg: Exchange Of Information Vs Data Protection: A Brave New World Of Transparency, Antoine Dupuis and Guilles Sturbois, Mondaq.
2018.12.00 (December 2018 edition)
EU parliament versus FATCA, Financier Worldwide.
Newsletter, Purple Expat.
Articles from earlier in 2018 are in the Media and Blog Articles 2018 Archive. Links to previous years’ archives are also at that link.
Happy New Year, everyone! 🙂
“Donald Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: the expat American’s perspective”
The writer talks about shoe shops but I suspect he may be thinking more of, say, a small expat US tax company.
Not for comment, but very interesting, though fulltext not readily available for those without academic database access;
New article by Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels;
‘The disinterested state: negative diasporic policy as an expression of state inclusion and national exclusion’
“….Focusing on U.S. citizens abroad, the article argues that there is negative diasporic outreach on the part of the state – ‘disinterested’ from the state’s perspective, but ‘denouncing’ from that of the diaspora. Negative diasporic outreach is exemplified by the 2010 FATCA legislation, which sought to root out tax evaders resident in the U.S., but has, instead, affected millions of American emigrants through increased financial control and the repercussions of those policies, and has resulted in sharply higher citizenship renunciation figures. Impact on an American diaspora was not considered in the law’s proposal, debate and passage into law. Second, the article argues that this negative diasporic outreach, in combination with the continued facilitation of the right to vote, is a reflection of the inclusion of these American emigrants in the American state, but their simultaneous exclusion from the American nation.”
Very interesting! There is some commentary on the article in another article in the same issue.
@plaxy, and @all who might be interested in reading the fulltext of the article above, or others (ex. from Tax Notes international, etc.) , in my experience, database access for fulltext is sometimes available to those who seek to use university libraries in person, as ‘guests’ for the day.
Yes – unfortunately (though understandably), often not from home.
@Plaxy @Badger Thank you. We need like buttons!
Happy New Year’s everyone.
Love this name for the recently enacted tax bill: “The US Donor Relief Act of 2017”–stiglitz-2018-01
“Swiss court stops handover of bank employee details to US”
“Relief for some US bankers in Switzerland as court blocks tax case info disclosure”
Plaxy: Good to see a “foreign” court telling the U.S. that, no, it can’t have everything it wants. May this New Year bring us more of same!
Happy New Year, all!
MuzzledNoMore – I agree. And here’s an even more cheery bit of news: a story in the NYT about the acquittal of a Swiss banker who took on the US Courts – and won.
See for a link to the report.
I too want to know;
‘Show Me the Money! Where are all the FATCA Fat Cats?’
By Professor William Byrnes, Texas A&M University School of Law (01/01/2018
“…Is it plausible that Americans have hidden US$10 trillion dollars in the global financial system? Probably not because it is reasonably estimated that globally every investment fund, every retirement account, and all the bank accounts combined have an asset value of approximately US$75 trillion. Thus, to generate this illusionary US$150 billion in lost tax dollars, US tax evaders would need to own and have hidden more than 10 per cent of global wealth…..”…….
As per the above, to take it further;
Is it plausible that those deemed by the US to be UStaxablepersons living ‘abroad’ can possibly be ‘hiding’ massive amounts of income locally and legally that have not at least been taxed and registered or somehow overseen by their home government?
The answer is of course no, but that doesn’t stop the FATCAnatics from continuing to pretend. And the FATCAnatics adding increasingly hysterical claims that FATCA and FBAR are needed to prevent crimes that go far beyond taxation, such as claims that without FATCA human trafficking, etc. will run rampant Ex. “.The evidence was overwhelming of human trafficking, of — of — of drugs smuggling, of — of tax cheats. So overwhelming that in a Congress which is not known as passing a lot of bills…….”
….”So I have to ask you, when you say you would like repeal, do you really mean you want no law on the books that went after the bad guys so that we could make sure that the good guys weren’t, in fact, caught?……..” D-N.Y. DEL. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON from ‘Transcript of Hearing April 26, 2017 House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform-Meadows’
Still NO cost/benefit analysis, and still NO robust basis proffered for claiming that those of us living and working and banking legally outside the US owe the US anything on our ordinary local bank accounts. Stilll NO basis for judging and sentencing all those living ordinary lives outside the US as guilty before the fact.
Only remedy for continued character assassination by the FATCAnatics like Norton? Forced relinquishing of my US birthright.
I’m presenting a paper at a conference in Melbourne at the end of next week. The paper is based on my blog posts on investment constraints, but is much more technical. If you’re interested, the paper is available at
Very intersting paper, Karen. And I’m not even an investor.
That’s a great paper, Karen. I’m glad you’ll be presenting it at a conference, raising awareness with the attendees as well as on the internet. I made a post for it at this link, Investing With One Hand Tied Behind Your Back — An Australian Perspective on United States Tax Rules for Nonresident Citizens.
That’s great news Karen, we’ll done and hope it is received well and that it will bring about more awareness of this travesty…
Maybe you should have called it
‘Investing with a big hole in your pocket’? 🙂
Very interesting indeed! Look forward to hearing about the conference.
Transition tax – IRS Guidance:
Finally someone writing about Mfid 2, the withdrawal of U.S. domiciled ETFs and U.S. expats in Europe. What the article doesn’t point out is that this will kill off the ability of a lot of U.S. persons to invest for their retirement.
Commenters don’t realize that the IRS has the last laugh. I wonder how many would support the 14th Amendment if it meant increasing the US tax base into the world? I can’t find a link to the Today Show the article references.
IRS Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson has released latest report to Congress; IR-2018-3, Jan. 10, 2018
Haven’t had a chance to even skim it.
Thank you for the TAS Report, Badger, and the new article by Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels.
All we need is for someone to be listening.
I’m talking to my congressman’s (Posey’s) Legislative Director tomorrow after she gets off the phone with Treasury about the transition tax on foreign corporations like mine. I think she’s been listening.
@Badger- I am not seeing the kind of language in the TAS report as in previous ones. It appears supportive of the current system. The passport revocation section did not mention U.S. persons resident overseas. And yes penalties are part of the 50K. There was some comment and recommendation on international information returns yet this seems slight and also not recognising U.S. Persons resident overseas.
Have I missed something?
@badger & JC: FATCA, mailing delays, and passport revocation sections are significantly toned down from previous years, but the section about inconsistent legal authority to waive continuance penalties is new and has some interesting data