Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments – Part 5 of 11 (Year 2018)
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Media and Blog Articles
EmBee suggested that it would be good if there was a thread for new articles, so that people would be aware of where to comment. So, I created this permanent page. I’ll make a permanent list of links posted here and keep adding to it, but not deleting, so we’ll end up having sort of a “bibliography” of FATCA/CBT articles. [Note: Some articles are not open for comments]
For more articles on FATCA, enter FATCA into Google then click on the link “more news for fatca” just below the most recent featured article.
From JC: To see #FATCA on Twitter for latest breaking news. JC finds that is quite a good source and there even are some international articles that one may read using Google Translate. Others may help certain tweets and articles remain in elevated position by retweeting them.
From Badger: On an important archival note, please use the Internet Archive Wayback machine (see bottom right ‘Save Page Now’ box to enter URLs of webpages you want saved for posterity, and try to save backup copies of articles and other items of interest in some other form – such as a datastick or external drive. Some important and very significant webpages and the fulltexts of articles are no longer available (although some can be retrieved if someone using the Wayback machine saved them).
Be sure to read the comment stream for this thread — there are usually very recent articles mentioned
New bill could lessen tax woes for Canadian residents with US citizenship: but the outlook is bleak for thousands grappling with Trump’s repatriation tax, Elizabeth Thompson, CBC News, Canada.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act of 2018! Let’s Get This Passed! Anthony Parent, John Richardson, Keith Redmond, IRS Medic. US.
TTFI bill introduced today, great news for Americans living in Canada, Reddit Forum.
FATCA: Significant Relief in New Proposed Regulations, Jeremy Naylor, Amanda H. Nussbaum and Martin T. Hamilton, Mondaq.
Tax Fairness for Americans Abroad Act, Democrats Abroad.
TCJA and US Expats, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal, Patriot Rising.
IRS Issues Proposed FATCA Regulations, Adrienne M. Baker, Joseph A. Riley and Jeff J. Kang, Lexology.
IRS Issues Proposed Regulations on FATCA, Other Reporting Conditions, ABA Banking Journal, US.
How the IRS as Gutted, Paul Kiel and Jesse Eisenger, ProPublica, US.
December 2018 International Tax Reform Updates- FATCA -GILTI – TTFI, Anthony Parent interviews Keith Redmond and John Richardson, IRS Medic. (video)
Explaining GILTI – Individual Impact, Karen Alpert, Fix the Tax Treaty, Australia.
Luxembourg: Exchange Of Information Vs Data Protection: A Brave New World Of Transparency, Antoine Dupuis and Guilles Sturbois, Mondaq.
2018.12.00 (December 2018 edition)
EU parliament versus FATCA, Financier Worldwide.
Newsletter, Purple Expat.
Articles from earlier in 2018 are in the Media and Blog Articles 2018 Archive. Links to previous years’ archives are also at that link.
I wonder – Donald Dewees been assessed for US transition tax on the Canadian earnings of his Canadian corporation, (deemed by the US to have been distributed and repatriated to the US) as a result of the Canadian government’s enforcement of US tax law in Canada?
If so – I wonder if Donald Dewees would have grounds for suing Canada.
Just a thought.
“One of the ironies: the Canadian government itself enforced American law in Canada by withholding the Canadian tax refund of Canadian resident Donald Dewees, in order to force him to pay a very large US tax penalty for not filing Form 5471 reporting the Canadian earnings of his Canadian corporation to the IRS.”
Not ironic at all. Shpuld have been and be expected. Canada has decided to protect its banks and will do whatever the US says to individuals to protect them. As we can see here.
“If so – I wonder if Donald Dewees would have grounds for suing Canada.“
Does he have any money left, or at least enough to sue Canada?
“Does he have any money left, or at least enough to sue Canada?”
I don’t know. His lawyer might, or might know a man who does.
You never know who’s listening.
My purpose for asking was to point out that it is expensive to take the Canadian gov. to court. How much has been spent thus far in the FARCA challenge?
“My purpose for asking was to point out that it is expensive to take the Canadian gov. to court.”
Indeed. Dewees might need funding.
Or he might have dissolved his corporation and thus escaped the transition tax.
This CBC interview is well worth listening to. The guest, Christopher Hedges, whom some of you may know much more about than me, has a very dark vision of the USA’s future.
I have also been watching the excellent Ken Burns series on the Vietnam War. I have long thought that FATCA is nothing compared to what the US gov. (successive administrations) did to thousands of young American men in the 1960’s. This series illuminates this a thousand times.
@ Mr. A.
Chris Hedges writes:
“Resistance accepts that even if we fail, there is an inner freedom that comes with defiance, and perhaps this is the only freedom and true happiness we will ever know. To resist evil is the highest achievement of human life. It is the supreme act of love.”
So, instead of Happy New Year we should be saying, “Have a Revolting New Year.” No, that doesn’t sound quite right. Maybe it would be enough to say “Have a Resilient New Year”. Resist if you can but otherwise at least try to withstand the forces of evil. Not everyone is a high achiever. Certainly not me. Kazia and Gwen are though, for sure.
Yes, his words are powerful. I’m not sure how “evil” FATCA is, but it is certainly wrong, and we all must resist it any way we can.
Mr. A: “Amen”
Not acknowledging US citizenship and not filing US tax forms are two simple but effective forms of resistance, for those who are able to do so.
Not filing US tax forms is more common sense than resistance, IMO. Since CBT is optional, there’s nothing to resist.
Optional until passport expires.
This thread is now closed due to its length and the start of a New Year. Please comment on the new thread, Media and Blog Articles Open for Comments, Part 6 of 6. Thanks.
Best wishes to all and to success in our anti-FATCA/anti-CBT projects in 2019!