FATCA and the EU
April 2019
July 2018
06: EU Lawmakers Vote to Kick-Start FATCA Talks With United States
05: Independence Day attempt in European Parliament–the Empire lives well
July 2017
11: Refreshing: @SophieintVeld calls EU answer to plight of #AccidentalAmericans “bullshit”
September 2016
30: #FATCA Came Last to EU, but Mandatory Fingerprinting was First
August 2015
31: Parliamentary Question: Legality of intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) on FATCA
January 2015
10: EU Residents/Citizens: This is For You
September 2014
13: US seeks additional Customs Pre-Clearance locations in the EU
August 2013
24: European Parliament opposes exchanging bank data with the US
June 2013
May 2013
31: Public Hearing on FATCA at the European Parliament in Brussels
23: EU Parliament Hearing on FATCA May 28th
April 2013
04: MEP Sophia In’t Veld discusses FATCA in EU Parliament
March 2013
25: Question and Answer on FATCA in the European Parliament
February 2013
26: EU Tax Chief Urges U.S. Support for Transactions Levy @BloombergNews
April 2012
19: US bullies the EU into sharing passenger data
March 2012
10: Two prominent members of European Parliament raise concern over FATCA five agreement
February 2012
16: Are China, Russia, the EU and Switzerland poised to give in to FATCA?
January 2012
The FATCA study posted by Plaxy above is very helpful. It has some very good arguments as to why/how FATCA violates EU law plus some ideas for action on both sides of the Atlantic. I hope other OECD governments read it and realise that the one-way street of FATCA data, especially data on their own residents and citizens, must be addressed. Yes, they all wanted FATCA initially, but the report shows some disillusionment as FATCA has not been the multilateral exchange that EU policymakers had hoped for.
Mods – I think a separate post about this report would be appropriate.
There is to be a plenary debate soon, which may (or may not) lead to EC action.
” they all wanted FATCA initially, but the report shows some disillusionment as FATCA has not been the multilateral exchange that EU policymakers had hoped for.”
Important to note that this is a report commissioned by the Parliament, not the EC. Parliamentary reservations about FATCA were expressed from early on, in 2013:
Whether the policy-makers have begun to share Parliament’s misgivings, remains to be seen. Personally I doubt it, but I hope that the FATCA problems may play into the ongoing Apple wars and eventually result in change.
@Karen, I agree that the report deserves its own post. As you note, it raises issues that equally or significantly apply to other jurisdictions other than the EU, quite apart from the EU specifics (ex. Canada).
Perhaps this can help us with our own local struggles and lawsuits (and the UN complaint) having another official body from not just one country, but a block the size of the EU raise many of the issues we’ve been talking about for years. And it cannot be dismissed as the work of individual ‘Americans’ living ‘abroad’ who “don’t want to pay their fair share” etc. as Canadian MPs in support of the IGA did so cynically and ignorantly during the passage of the IGA enabling legislation here.
The EU is also specifically and importantly explicitly noting that they owe a duty to EU citizens and residents – which is not negated by whether the US claims jurisdiction over them as well (I do quibble with the report’s mention of family, cultural and other NON-economic ties in defining who is or isn’t an ‘Accidental’ as a justification of defining taxable persons – since those ties or affinities have nothing to do with taxes).
The CRA in Canada has been pretending that the FATCA IGA is necessary in order for Canada to receive information for its own domestic tax administration (but refuses to give any information that would substantiate that) and that this is somehow necessary on top of the reciprocal portions of the arrangements that had already been present for some time via our Canada/US tax treaty pre-FATCA – which were based on actual residency, not citizenship or quasi-citizenship (ex. greencards). This report helps to undermine those claims by our government and our Canada Revenue Agency in defence of the FATCA IGA and underscores that there is no compelling social policy goal being achieved by suspension/abrogation of our Charter of Rights and constitutional rights in this instance since there is no evidence that FATCA achieves its stated goals, there is no evidence that Canadians are using our local banking system to evade US taxes, there is no evidence that the group deemed to be ‘US persons’ with ‘US indicia’ are committing any crime or more likely to be tax evaders, or even to owe the US any taxes.
The true reason that Canada signed the IGA was to avoid unwarranted economic sanction by the US – the stated FATCA withholding extortionate threat, and I would argue probably also other hidden and unstated and unrelated (to US CBT) trade, economic, and/or other politial issues (ex. oil pipelines, border ‘harmonization’, etc.). Our governments are not transparent to the citizens in whose name they purport to act.
Lots of good stuff in this report.
“U.S. on Course to Land on European Tax Blacklist: EU Official”
Bloomberg report on the referral to the OECD Forum:
“EU Requests OECD Review of U.S. Tax Law’s Harmful Provisions”
Heh heh heh… 😉
An interesting development…
BBC: “Airbnb to report homeowners’ income to Danish tax authorities”
Exchange of information appears to be getting fashionable nowadays…
I’ve written a post on the FATCA report that was submitted to the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament last week: http://fixthetaxtreaty.org/2018/05/22/fatca-developments-in-europe/
AirBnB’s website says:
Now why would a non-US-person with no US listings need to prove they’re not subject to US tax reporting on their non-US-source AirBnB earnings?
US place of birth?
“Give us your SSN and sign this W-9, or show us your CLN and sign this W8-BEN”
Is that the deal, for US-born hosts, wherever resident?
Same with Tripadvisor:
“What if I am not a US citizen / don’t advertise US properties?
As a US company we are required to collect basic tax information to certify that you are not a US Citizen/US company and/or have withholding requirements.”
This is absolute sh*t. So glad my children don’t have this indelible place-of-birth curse.
Is this the new thread we can come to comment even if slightly off topic? 😉
Plaxy: Indeed quite the mess when Airbnb and Tripadvisor start hunting for US person indicia. WTF?
I too am ecstatic that my kids were born elsewhere.
Are they really obligated by law to do this? I doubt it. Does Uber ask its drivers around the world if they are US persons? As far as I know, only banks have to do this. In addition, many exemptions are provided for local banks in the IGAs, although where I live they all seem to WANT to get US indicia.
Fred (B):
“Is this the new thread we can come to comment even if slightly off topic? ;-)”
“Are they really obligated by law to do this? I doubt it. ”
Unfortunately I think they probably are, under US law. So they can withhold US tax. 🙁
And local tax agencies probably won’t be far behind, as per Duality’s post above.
“many exemptions are provided for local banks in the IGAs, although where I live they all seem to WANT to get US indicia.”
Something I’ve learned during this FATCA saga – US birth / indicia now sets money-laundering alarm bells ringing for prudent bank managers. I think we have HSBC to thank for that.
In view of the spreading plague, combined with the depressing response of the EC to the PETI FATCA report, I’ve messaged my offspring today suggesting they consider renunciation, in order to get CLNs to invalidate their baby passports. Just in case.
so joe the innkeeper iists his loft in Elbonia on Trip Advisor Joe is unAmerican. He accepts a 5k deposit for a weeks rental from Sally from New Jersey.
I suppose in the twisted logic of the revenoors, that is US Source income. Holy Toledo,
I think Joe is OK as long as he wasn’t born in the US (which of course makes his money US money unless he can prove renunciation).
Elbonia may take an interest, of course.
The more I think about all this, including Europe’s taxation and reporting frenzy (at least in my part of Europe) the more the US is starting to look like the safest place to put my money. At least it would if I had any money!!!
Probably. Got the name, might as well have the game. 🙁
Amendments to the Resolution on FATCA proposed by the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2F%2FEP%2F%2FNONSGML%2BCOMPARL%2BPE-622.251%2B01%2BDOC%2BPDF%2BV0%2F%2FEN
Excellent. Admirable. Thank you, AA Collective / PETI Committee.
Now if only the Council and Commission will do their part. Please.
Karen, thanks for posting.
If this has not already been posted, there is a new Written Question issued by Cecilia Wikström on behalf of the Committee on Petitions:
“And that an information campaign is immediately launched to inform French citizens living
in the US about the implications of US nationality and tax laws”
I particularly like this from the link posted by Karen.
I wonder what that campaign will say? Perhaps it should just say that you are playing with fire having anything to do with the USA at all? Perhaps it should come as some sort of a travel warning, like not going to live in Syria right now because human rights are not respected, something you’ll come to learn when you try and leave?
Still, it’s refreshing to see this issue is now being seen for what it is.
Further to my last posting, the subject of the Written Question: “The adverse effects of FATCA on EU citizens and in particular ‘accidental Americans’ “
In my opinion, Cecilia Wikström should not make a distinction between EU citizens and ‘accidental Americans’ who are also EU citizens.
It’s the title of the study.
No it isn’t. I must have dreamed that. Apologies.
re the eu and FATCA – suggestions to organize by country.