As Bill C-31 winds its way through the Canadian parliamentary system, those who defend the FATCA IGA legislation buried within 300+ pages of the omnibus bill it is hidden in, respond to the cry of the victims, by repeating the message, ‘Well, you might win a Charter Challenge, but if you do, it will hurt ALL Canadians’.
Should the estimated one million Canadians, deemed ‘US persons’ by a foreign nation, and their family members feel guilty about actively opposing this deal with the devil? Should they all just shut-up, and take one for the team? After all there are 30-something million other Canadians who are not affected by a FATCA IGA with the USA, who could care less, or so it seems.
Are Canadian citizens, deemed ‘US persons’, asking their fellow Canadians too much by insisting they risk their economic well being in exchange for the rights and freedoms, and economic well being of the ‘US persons’ in their midst?
Do Canadians want to live in a country where the majority is protected – until it’s not – at the expense of others who find themselves in the cross-hairs of a foreign nation through no fault of their own?
Has Canada become a mockery of a country with a reputation for high standards of human rights and freedoms?
Has Canada never been what many thought it was, with those deemed ‘US persons’, the first to be disillusioned by the reality that none of us are free, and none of us are protected, as is evidenced when a bigger power comes knocking and demanding tribute from those it illegitimately considers its own?
NorthernStar, in an email she shared with me, writes the following comment with regard to an article written by Don Cayo published at the Vancouver Sun:
I refused the offer. and I got off lightly….
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