Dear Mr. xxx,
Thank you for contacting me about the ongoing situation regarding the potential for Canadian citizens born in the United States to be pursued for US income tax by the IRS.
As you know, the situation is complicated and the legal status of Canadians born in the US, the threat of IRS action, and the possibility of real punitive action is still unclear. As a Canadian citizen born in the US, I can assure you that I share your concerns and am dedicated to defending the equality rights of all affected citizens.
I am dedicated to taking action on your behalf. I have sent correspondence to the Prime Minister on the issue. The government has taken the position I urged and is forcefully advocating that the US stop targeting law-abiding Canadians in pursuit of those US citizens hiding in the Cayman Islands.
In addition, I recently met with the US Ambassador to Canada, David Jacobson. He is also very much absorbed by the controversy. His main message to me was that I should share with my constituents his wish that we “stay calm.” He indicated to me that he understands the issues and is working closely with officials at all levels of government in the US and Canada to find a pragmatic solution to this problem.
You are not alone in this situation. Many are seeking a solution to the problem. I will keep you posted as I work to find a sensible approach. In the meantime, please keep me posted through my constituency office of any changes in your situation.
Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P.
Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands
Leader of the Green Party of Canada