Do you believe that Treasury is accurately reporting the number of people renouncing U.S. citizenship? Given the long wait times in Canada, can the absurdly small number of renunciations reported by Treasury be accurate?
From @HelenBurggraf: Questions continue to be asked, as U.S. list of Q4 renunciants contains fewer than 300 names. Given wait times of up to one year to renounce in Canada this number cannot be believed and that's a #FATCA!
— U.S. Citizen Abroad (@USCitizenAbroad) February 29, 2020
Closing renunciation centres in Halifax and Quebec City will increase wait times and make it more difficult for dual citizens to renounce
Friday Feb 28, 2020 the State Department announced that Halifax and Quebec City no longer processing renunciations of U.S. citizenship. Dual citizens in Canada must attend: Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver or Calgary. Increased wait + more expense for those in Atlantic Canada
— U.S. Citizen Abroad (@USCitizenAbroad) February 29, 2020
If you send an email to: you will see that neither Halifax nor Quebec City is on the list of Consulates where a renunciation appointment can be scheduled.
I renounced at the London UK Embassy last January 2019 and still my name has not appeared in the registry? You would think over a year later it would so I am sure there is under reporting going on
USC: Many thanks!
Portland: Our Human Rights Complaint was submitted to the United Nations in the summer of 2014. It has not been dealt with in a timely manner. As you so rightly point out, catastrophe upon catastrophe has befallen the world since then, pushing our “piddling” concerns farther to the back of the stove. This is NEVER going to change. There have always been, and will always be, people in worse straits than ourselves. Does that mean OUR issues are not worthy of address? Are we to just fold our tents and give up? If we believed that, why are we all here?
I say this only because I felt Portland’s comment required it. I’ll make no further mention of the U.N. on this thread as I have no intention of diverting the discussion away from the subject of the removal of renunciation services from two of Canada’s major cities.
You might find this of interest …
I may do a post on it.
FYI, I applied for a renunciation appointment in July 2022. I specifically asked for Halifax but gave my alternate as Ottawa, assuming that’s where I’d have to go. But I got an email confirmation last week that I have an appointment, and guess what … it’s in Halifax!! I’m very pleased.
Thanks for letting us know, as we like to get an idea of the wait times. It’s terrible that the wait is so incredibly long here in Canada. I’m glad to hear that you do have an appointment now and that you won’t have to travel far.