Bubblebustin says:
Thank you Calgary411 for posting this for me.
As some of you already know, I heard back from Canada’s Revenue Minister, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, as to whether my Canadian banking information had been sent to the CRA in last year’s FATCA IGA information reporting.
As it turned out, three information slips were reported from two different investment firms where I had signed a W-9 at some point. None of my other bank accounts where I had not signed a W-9 were reported although one of my bank’s managers knew I was a USP. She retired before it came time to report that account. It’s good to know that the CRA isn’t being extra helpful to the IRS by providing information slips on bank accounts that it is aware of through Canadian tax reporting – yet.
The letter contains a contact number for the Director with the Canadian Competent Authority Services Division others may find useful in trying to get straight answers when having to deal with FATCA.
Thanks very much, Bubblebustin, for sharing with other Canadian Brockers your CRA Letter (linked above)!
Just one of many Great American boondoggles, Maz57.
Thanks for sharing this information with us @Bubblebustin. Every little bit of information gathered and shared here helps to pierce the veil of obfuscation and deliberate stonewalling that helps this government to carry on the timehonoured tradition of subverting due process, democracy and citizen rights where the CONS left off.
This government should stop feeding us photo ops of the PM with his shirt off, and start delivering on the Liberal promises of transparency and accountability. And I don’t give a damn what the Mrs. PM is wearing either.
And to the Minister of Revenue;
Dear Mme Lebouthillier, hope you had a least a couple of queasy minutes of trouble justifying to your conscience the delay in answering a simple question posed by your fellow “..Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian” taxpayer Bubblebustin. Did the CRA give Canadian sited and Canadian owned private and financial data to a foreign government or not? What did they transmit? Shouldn’t have taken so long for a substantive reply.
After all, ” ‘A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian’ taxpayer. As your fellow Liberal Minister said; “…. We believe very strongly that there should be only one class of Canadians, that all Canadians are equal, that a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian from coast to coast to coast,” ( Immigration Minister John McCallum http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2016/02/25/a-canadian-is-a-canadian-is-a-canadian-liberals-repeal-conservative-citizenship-act/ ).
Through persistence, Bubblebustin has shared with other *US Person* Canadians information that none could get from their own Canadian MPs — or the Canadian Minister of Revenue at first.
John McCallum might give his views on whether or not *US Persons* in Canada* are merely US citizens abiding here or whether all of us truly are *Canadians are Canadians are Canadians*. Does anyone here have his ear?
This says it well, badger: Contrast Between Photo-Op Justin And Policy Trudeau Is Night And Day
Our issues and many more need a transparent front and centre, a get down to business by PM Trudeau and the Liberal Ministers and MPs.
@Calgary– Great article– one which I’ll be forwarding to my friends who love Justin.
Mme Lebouthillier and the rest of the Trudeau government is supposed to be bound by this;
“……. Canadians need to have faith in their government’s honesty and willingness to listen. I expect that our work will be informed by performance measurement, evidence, and feedback from Canadians. We will direct our resources to those initiatives that are having the greatest, positive impact on the lives of Canadians, and that will allow us to meet our commitments to them. I expect you to report regularly on your progress toward fulfilling our commitments and to help develop effective measures that assess the impact of the organizations for which you are answerable…….”……
……”We have also committed to set a higher bar for openness and transparency in government. It is time to shine more light on government to ensure it remains focused on the people it serves. Government and its information should be open by default. If we want Canadians to trust their government, we need a government that trusts Canadians. It is important that we acknowledge mistakes when we make them. Canadians do not expect us to be perfect – they expect us to be honest, open, and sincere in our efforts to serve the public interest…..”…….
……….”We will be a government that governs for all Canadians, and I expect you, in your work, to bring Canadians together.”…..
……….”The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) exists to serve Canadians. As Minister of National Revenue, your overarching goal will be to ensure that the CRA is fairer, more helpful, and easier to use. You will lead the government’s work to overhaul its service model so that people who interact with the CRA feel like valued clients, not just taxpayers…..”
……….”We have committed to an open, honest government that is accountable to Canadians, lives up to the highest ethical standards, and applies the utmost care and prudence in the handling of public funds. I expect you to embody these values in your work and observe the highest ethical standards in everything you do. When dealing with our Cabinet colleagues, Parliament, stakeholders, or the public, it is important that your behaviour and decisions meet Canadians’ well-founded expectations of our government. I want Canadians to look on their own government with pride and trust………”……….
….”You will be provided with a copy of Open and Accountable Government http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2015/11/27/open-and-accountable-government to assist you as you undertake your responsibilities. I ask that you carefully read it and ensure that your staff does so as well…”….
…….”Together, we will work tirelessly to honour the trust Canadians have given us.”
I certainly did not see anything in the Minister’s performance or that of this government in ‘splaining away their rank hypocrisy in their actions re FATCA https://openparliament.ca/committees/ethics/42-1/8/diane-lebouthillier-1/only/ . Nor anything in their actions that evidenced ANY of the principles they espouse in the quotes above. Without matching honourable actions, their ‘transparency’, etc. are merely cynical, hypocritical, self serving adverts selling bs to the Canadians they were sworn to serve.
@calgary, fantastic article, thanks for the link http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/james-di-fiore/justin-trudeau-transparency_b_11594200.html .
Ex. “.A pattern has emerged since last October, and it includes a prime minister who uses the photo op to distract the public from the more conservative facets of his party’s agenda..”….
..”The media, meanwhile, is complicit, if not galvanized by the difference in styles between Harper and Trudeau. They seem to be playing along, willful dance partners in a communications tango, singing from the PMO songbook by covering Trudeau as if he were a rock star and not a world leader.
After a decade of zero access to the prime minister’s office, members of the press seem just happy to be there, forgetting their role as an institution whose existence is to call truth to power, not publish photos that will garner the most clicks…”..
Making sure that those ‘sunny ways’ are foremost in your mind http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/the-unmediated-photo-is-themessage/article31389091/ and hoping that no-one will notice they took up the CON mantle in defending the denial of our constitutional and Charter rights to appease a foreign power.
Applies to FATCA; a reminder of why privacy rights are important in democracies:
Governments should be transparent, and citizens and members of society should have protection for their right to privacy. Bubblebustin should not have had to jump through hoops with her bank, the CRA, her MP and the Revenue Minister in order to obtain information that was sent to a foreign power.
The information should never have been collected in the first place, much less transmitted to a foreign country. Citizens in a democracy are supposed to enjoy the right to the presumption of innocence. Seizing and extraterritorially transmitting personal and financial information belonging to Canadian citizens and residents is a default presumption of guilt before the fact – it discriminates on the basis of any foreign national ‘origin’ /status, and elevates a foreign country’s laws above those of Canada. The CONS and now the ‘Sunny Glib Libs’ have enshrined and now defend in Canada, their elevation of acquired, inherited or naturalized US citizenship status as more salient – set above Canadian citizenship – even when standing on CANADIAN autonomous soil within Canada’s sovereign boundaries.
Which other nationalities will the Fibbin Libs decide make certain subgroups of Canadians part of a permanent second lower tier of citizen?
I am once again forced to mention Jon Robson’s Fourth Branch of Government video.
I wonder how accurate is the data that is being sent to the IRS? There are bound to be mistakes, errors and wrong filings. Does the IRS even have the resources to deal with the incoming data? The whole thing is just bullying from a bankrupt government.
One thing I did forget to mention about my renunciation this week is that the consular officer that dealt with my paperwork said they were processing CLNs a bit quicker now. I guess I will find out. It was strangely informal with even chit chat about my home state which my consular officer was also from.
Yeah I agree, the FI’s won’t do more than is absolutely required to cover themselves, and even the CRA won’t care, it’s just a cost to their business with zero benefit. The general public who are entrapped in this mess won’t cooperate, so the data will mostly be garbage as much as they can get away with. Everyone who now knows about this fiasco will simply lie and not volunteer additional information past what they absolutely have to – we should always be doing this anyway, so it’s a good lesson to learn.
Watch out, on those bank forms they’ll ask you to sign off allowing the bank to share your data with whoever they please, don’t agree to it, there’s no reason why they need that waiver from you. If they try to coerce you into agreeing to the data share, just hold firm, they’ll eventually let it slide, if not, then that’s not the place to be doing any business with.
The Canada-US IGA is the definition of a fishing expedition, which is normally illegal here in Canada.
The worse thing we can do is cooperate, no one should even renounce, it’s dangerous to do that unless you’ve already been exposed. The more information they have on you, the more harm they will do to you. Do not volunteer any information past what is absolutely required. Before answering everything on a form, imagine that you are a gay Muslim and Donald Trump is asking the questions.
@Middle Finger, you’re right about the fishing expedition. And since FATCA is enforcement of a foreign, US tax system and law, the offense against the presumption of innocence of affected Canadians before guilt is even more insupportable. Parentage and birthplace aren’t taxable or information return conditions in Canada, nor are they in the rest of the world except for the US. It is absurd, insulting and unforgivable that the Fibbin Libs are now hypocritically stating that they support the FATCA IGA and its blatant discrimination against a class of Canadians contrary to our constitutional and Charter rights https://ipolitics.ca/2016/03/17/trudeau-liberals-reverse-position-on-controversial-irs-information-sharing-deal/ and contrary to their strong opposition before they won the last federal election http://maplesandbox.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Liberal-FATCA-Comments.pdf . Their opposition was substantive and not merely based on objection to CON process. That is evident in the content of their objections – on the official record – for history to judge them. And by the way, despite Liberal MP Brison and others pointing out the deficiencies of the current Canada US Tax Treaty in the mistreatment of Canadian disability and education grants (RESPs, RDSPs) https://openparliament.ca/debates/2014/6/11/scott-brison-3/ https://openparliament.ca/debates/2014/6/11/scott-brison-4/ the Trudeau Libs have shown no interest whatsoever in a remedy for affected Canadian children and those with disabilities.
Liberal MP Dubourg stated;
“…. Under that agreement [FATCA], Canadian banks will now give information about those people to the Canada Revenue Agency, and that agency will do the dirty work of transmitting the information to the IRS, the American counterpart of the Canada Revenue Agency. This is what was recently signed. We are truly appalled by it, because doing this kind of thing to assist the Americans is not appropriate…..”
Neither of them objected solely or even primarily on the basis of a flawed ‘process’ as Mme Lebouthillier current Minister of Revenue is trying to mis/lead us to believe after the fact in her attempt at ‘splainin’ before the Ethics committee https://openparliament.ca/committees/ethics/42-1/8/diane-lebouthillier-8/ https://openparliament.ca/committees/ethics/42-1/8/diane-lebouthillier-22/ . The Liberal MP criticisms BEFORE they came to power were first and foremost for the ACTION and EFFECT of FATCA in Canada and the content of the IGA legislation, with additional criticism of the CON railroading of Parliament via an omnibus bill – abusing their majority at that time to stifle and limit parliamentary debate and any substantial analysis of the IGA and implementing legislation.
It is so blatantly disingenuous for the Liberal MPs Brison, Dubourg, Goodale, Garneau, etc. to be part of Minister Lebouthillier’s bad faith bs forcefed to Parliament and their fellow Canadians. The Minister has no clothes under the FATCA mantle she parades before us, and it seriously compromises the reputation of otherwise good MPs for them to join in the charade http://ipolitics.ca/2016/03/22/brison-garneau-endorse-deal-to-share-canadian-banking-records-with-irs/ https://openparliament.ca/committees/ethics/42-1/8/diane-lebouthillier-9/ .
I look forward to the next phase of the ADCS lawsuit, as the Liberal FATCA mantle already shows signs that it is a threadbare and gaping garment in terms of constitutionality and our Charter. Which is a point that Liberal MP Garneau made before he was constrained by King Justin’s election. MP Garneau said:
“…While I and the Liberal Party of Canada have strong and profound disagreements with FATCA and its implementation, particularly as it infringes on privacy rights and the charter, forces the Canada Revenue Agency to do the IRS’ dirty work, and infringes upon our sovereignty, I will save that for a debate for another day…..” https://openparliament.ca/debates/2014/4/28/marc-garneau-4/ .
MP Goodale said;
“Mr. Speaker, there is concern across the country among many law-abiding Canadian citizens and taxpayers about the long arm of the U.S. tax collection department. Even the Canadian Bankers Association is upset. The Americans are trying to enforce their laws beyond their borders and are threatening Canadians to that effect.
So far, the government has offered Canadians tea and sympathy. Will the government do something a little more tangible? Will it set up an advocacy centre to actively inform and assist Canadians who are unfairly being put upon by the extraterritorial excursions of the U.S. IRS?” https://openparliament.ca/debates/2011/9/30/ralph-goodale-1/ .
Still waiting for that day to come, MP Garneau where you and fellow Liberal MP colleagues, honestly and openly debate the sovereignty, privacy rights and the Charter issues you raised in your very clear statement to Parliamentarians on April 28th, 2014. Will you and the Liberal Party of Canada ever honestly acknowledge to the Canadians you are sworn to serve that it was more than CON process which was the root of your earlier professed “.. strong and profound disagreements with FATCA and its implementation” or will you stick with your recent feeble and disingenuous recantation that you “….. take the position that our government is taking now and has been expressed by the minister of revenue,” made on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 http://ipolitics.ca/2016/03/22/brison-garneau-endorse-deal-to-share-canadian-banking-records-with-irs/ ? MP Goodale, now that your party is actually in power, you provide not even the tepid “tea and sympathy” you accused the CONS of, but rather your Liberals are actively abusing Canadian taxpayer revenues in funding the DOJ defence in SUPPORT of FATCA in Canada, denying the rights of your fellow “law-abiding Canadian citizens and taxpayers”.
How power corrupts.
To put it more simply, the Libs are no better than the Cons, and that is why we had to take this to a court challenge, but I think we all this was going to happen no matter which party was to be elected, right?
We’re fighting against much more than just the IGA, that nonsense is just another symptom of a much bigger problem. We’re fighting against a corrupt and broken system of government that is allowed to lie and is never held accountable for any of its illegal actions. Whenever I see a government pay compensation, it always comes out of the innocent tax payers pocket, while the people ultimately responsible never have to truly pay for their crimes.
Even if the court rules in our favor, will it really change anything? Probably not, and we’ll just see IGA v 2.0 appear overnight, with a few tweaks here and there to make it “legal”, wait and see.
Please no one cooperate with this crap, it’s just not going to end if you do!
@Middle Finger: “Please no one cooperate with this crap, it’s just not going to end if you do!”
After boggling my mind and countless wasted hours trying to comply, that is exactly my conclusion. I, too, was hopeful the newly elected Libs might do the right thing but by now it is obvious they are no better than the last gang of thieves. No wonder the electorate is cynical about the political process. The system works for everyone but the general public they are supposed to be serving.
I have no qualms about lying to any of those bastards (banksters or governments) because that is exactly what they have been doing to us from the get-go. They can all go to hell. They broke our system so now its time for us to break theirs. My personal mantra has now become “no more mister nice guy”.
Apologies but I don’t know where else to post this.
August 18, 2016 article in Forbes by Patrick Gleason:
“Stopping Mistreatment of Americans Abroad Should Be Part of Tax Reform”
Gleason argues for repeaingl CBT as part of tax reform. I see Paul Ryan’s picture in the article and it reminds me of the guy who told me 10 months ago that Republicans in Congress are debating repealing CBT and going to RBT. (Haven’t heard anything since, btw). Of course, if a Democrat is elected to the White House, she will just veto anything the Republicans want to pass. But I’m surmising…
I don’t know who Gleason is, but the article appears to be on the whole quite positive. Nothing new for Brockers, for sure. But the fact that this issue is being kept alive in the US media is impt…
Hello and welcome Sally1!
Thanks for finding and posting that article link. Probably the best place to put other articles would be at http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/media-and-blog-articles-open-for-comments-part-3-of-3/ where readers check in frequently in order to see what is new, and which provides people with links to online opportunities for us to raise issues and make arguments against FATCA, FBAR and other egregious wrongs of US extraterritorial CBT in order to educate the article’s author/s and other readers.
Sometimes if the article is very specifically related to another previous thread, you can search the IBS site via keyword, or through the archive link http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/blog-archive/ to see past topics, though that is not very efficient now that IBS has grown. The sidebar also provides some other options.
@Middle Finger, re;
“…the Libs are no better than the Cons, and that is why we had to take this to a court challenge, but I think we all this was going to happen no matter which party was to be elected, right? .”
It didn’t surprise me – though it seemed to me that Liberal MP reputations and ethics were clearly compromised publicly when some of them opposed the FATCA IGA in no uncertain terms initially, and then recanted – a betrayal which is now enshrined in the formal public record of Parliament or in correspondence to constituents http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/liberal-party-canada-fatca-quotes/ http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/2016/08/17/bubblebustin-passes-along-some-information-to-help-other-canadians-searching-for-whether-or-not-their-banking-information-was-sent-to-cra-for-fatca-information-reporting/comment-page-2/#comment-7648556 . I underestimated how low some people will stoop no matter how clearly hypocritical or how disingenuous – if and when their party tells them to jump or it is politically expedient. Ex. “…….In 2014, Garneau accused the IRS of trying to get the Canada Revenue Agency to “do its dirty work” through the deal – a deal he now supports.
“I take the position that our government is taking now and has been expressed by the minister of revenue,” he said Tuesday.” http://ipolitics.ca/2016/03/22/brison-garneau-endorse-deal-to-share-canadian-banking-records-with-irs/
If I was Garneau, I’d be very ashamed of the public aboutface followed by “what she said”….
Thanks very much for directing me to the appropriate place to post whatever I find of use that may concern Brockers! I didn’t know the link you listed existed…
Again, many thanks, Badger. All the best to you…
You’re very welcome.Glad to be of help. Sometimes I don’t know where best to post something either, or how to find past threads to update.
You can try to search the site using the search box up top right side, or try a Google search like this one:
isaacbrocksociety.ca AND ” insert search term or phrase”
Also, IBS used to be a .com, so you could also try isaacbrocksociety AND ” ______________ ” . I don’t know if that would capture the posts previous to the domain name change to .ca
All the best to you too!
Finance Minister Lebouthillier and the CRA want you to know that while they are helping the US Treasury to FATCAnize Canada and whereas they take months to respond to legitimate questions put to them by Canadian taxpayers like @bubblebustin;
August 29, 2016
“The Government of Canada is committed to overhauling its service model to ensure tax fairness for the middle class. It recognizes the importance of small businesses in creating jobs and supporting the economy.
Today, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, P.C., M.P., Minister of National Revenue, hosted a roundtable on service at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for members of the business community in Toronto, Ontario. Minister Lebouthillier’s mandate includes reviewing access to CRA services so that people who deal with the CRA are treated like important clients rather than simply as taxpayers. Service excellence is a top priority for the Government and the CRA.”…………..
Minister Lebouthillier says she just wants to help Canadians, and she explains why a social worker from a tiny island ( http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-402-x/2011000/chap/geo/geo03-eng.htm ) with no background or credentials directly related to her portfolio was the best choice of all possible Liberals to be Finance Minister of Canada:
“… Lebouthillier, who represents Gaspésie-Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Que., was involved in local government before being elected federally. She’s worked as an elected warden of the Regional County Municipality of Rocher Percé, and in the office of a local member of Quebec’s National Assembly. She also owns a small business, La Ferme du Petit Moulin, which hosts tourists.”
“But it’s her more than 23 years as a social worker that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has asked her to draw on as head of CRA, says Lebouthillier.”
“When the prime minister named me minister of revenue, to be honest I was very surprised and I said to him, ‘Listen, I’m a social worker by training, not a tax specialist,’ ” Lebouthillier recalls.”
“And he responded by saying, “It is precisely because you are a social worker that you will be much closer to the people and you will understand the human aspect much faster. You will work with the agency to help those who are disadvantaged and less educated. Your work will provide these people with access to the programs they need to make their lives easier.’
” http://www.advisor.ca/news/cra-minister-on-tax-evasion-no-one-will-be-immune-206372 .
And on her commitment to serving Canadian taxpayers:
Minister Hon. Diane Lebouthillier said:
” Thank you for your question.
I do, indeed, consider client service a priority. The fact that the Prime Minister chose a social worker as Minister of National Revenue was no mere happenstance. Since we’re speaking to the issue of services to the public, I should mention that, for me, people who face greater challenges, and might not have their tax returns prepared by accounting firms, are important. “………..
Tell that to Canadians facing “greater challenges” – like those Canadian families whose Canadian children’s legal, local RESPs and RDSPs are not being protected from foreign, US extraterritorial taxation because of the gaping holes in the current (and lo these many past years) version of the Canada US tax treaty.
Minister Lebouthillier should explain how “service to the public” is such a priority for her that it took months for a Canadian citizen by birth, @bubblebustin to find out what and whether her legal local Canadian financial and personal data was sent over the border to a foreign country – the US. I guess she wasn’t talking about Canadian resident taxpayers with a US parent or birthplace in the good news announcements she is regularly issuing for our consumption (ex. http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=1033239 ).
Another stellar performance by a Finance Minister who is abusing Canadian taxpayers by misusing our own Canadian tax revenues to defend putting the interests of a foreign country’s treasury above our own sovereign interests.
Perhaps the Minister can explain why her concern for Canadians, and “people who face greater challenges”, and her empathy born from 23 years as a social worker doesn’t extend to Canadian children like this one;
https://ipolitics.ca/2016/04/14/baby-girl-drawn-into-cra-irs-information-sharing-controversy/ or for CRA compliant Canadian resident taxpayers are being forced to pay for expensive US tax preparation to prove they owe zero to a foreign country – and why Minister Lebouthillier defends the CRA seizure and transmission to a foreign country without cause, of their legal local Canadian account information.
Read the entire proceedings to see the Minister again duck and weave legitimate questions put to her, by repeatedly deflecting them to Ted Gallivan of the CRA – just for fun, count how many times she does;
Keep in mind that this is the Minster whose CRA will be turning over Canadian personal and financial data to a foreign country – the US, again, in fewer than a month’s time – by Sept. 30th, and most likely weeks before. Keep in mind that this is the Minister of Finance who is using the DofJ government of Canada lawyers – paid for with the tax revenues collected from ALL Canadians – to defend Dept of Finance and CRA discrimination against a specific group of Canadians based only on a status extraterritorially defined by a foreign government law as to a US status conferred by parentage, US citizenship, US birthplace, joint accounts held with a Canadian dual business partner or family member , etc. This discrimination applies only to a subgroup of Canadians, and is a presumption of guilt before innocence. A giant fishing expedition by a foreign country, facilitated by the Minister based on no evidence whatsoever, and no economic or residency connection to the foreign country in question.
Thanks for that, Badger.
Let’s hope that our Revenue Minister was more responsive and compassionate as a social worker, or she’s left a lot of broken people in her wake…
Interesting development here.
I found myself driving by my MP and Parliamentary Secretary to Canada’s Foreign Minister’s office, and saw as I passed that she was there so I hopped out to have a word with her. She said she was flying out the door but asked me if I was at a meeting in our constituency where the subject of US taxation was brought up. I said I hadn’t, but would love to hear what happened. She had her secretary make an appointment for her to call me, which is scheduled for Monday.
I have some choice questions for her – do others?
Oops, that’s I “found”, not “founding”.