Dear Supporters,
Many of you probably predicted that I would not be saying this today, but this message is not a dream: You came up with yet another $100,000 payment — now making a total of $400,000 provided to the Arvay team.
In the last twelve days you actually donated more than $40,000 — an amazing achievement for small donors. This accomplishment proves to all those people who want us to fail — that we are very determined.
You gave until it hurt and then you gave a lot more. It’s hard not to get teary-eyed over the generosity of our supporters, who have come through every time.
We know that the pace of your litigation is painfully slow, and this is unfortunately as expected. The Government will continue to do its best to slow down the process, but we now have the assistance of a case management judge to help keep the process moving more fairly.
We filed in August 2014 and it has taken a very long time (one year) before we are finally into a (summary) trial (August 4-5, 2015). We cannot predict the outcomes of this trial, based on only part of our arguments and, with your continued support, we will prepare for all possibilities.
[Happy birthday Gwen!]
Thank you for your trust,
Stephen Kish,
ADCS-ADSC Chair,— on behalf of Plaintiffs Ginny and Gwen, their families, and the ADCS-ADSC Directors
Chers amis et donateurs,
Certains d’entre vous avaient probablement pensé que je ne pourrais pasvous annoncer une si bonne nouvelle aujourd’hui. Mais voilà : ensemble, nous avons réussi à ramasser un autre montant de 100 000 $, ce qui fait un total de 400 000 $ à remettre à l’équipe de MeArvay.
Dans les 12 derniers jours seulement, vous avez donné plus de 40 000 $, un exploit tout à fait extraordinaire pour des « petits donateurs ». À tous ceux qui souhaitent nous voir échouer, cette réussite prouve que nous sommes des plus déterminés. Et que nous réussirons.
Vous avez donné jusqu’à ce que ça fasse mal, puis vous avez donné encore. Difficile de rester insensible devant une si grande générosité.
Nous sommes bien conscients du fait que notre litige avance de façon péniblement lente. Malheureusement, tout ça est normal. Le gouvernement continue à ralentirle processus, mais on nous a maintenant attitré un juge responsable de la gestion de notre dossier qui veillera à ce que le processus progresse de façon plus juste.
En août 2014, nous avons engagé une poursuite contre le gouvernement canadien. Près d’un an plus tard, nous avons enfin la date pour notre procès sommaire : les 4 et 5 août 2015. Impossible de prévoir le dénouement de ce procès, basé uniquement sur une partie de nos arguments juridiques. Mais avec votre appui, nous serons prêts pour toutes les possibilités.
(Bonne fête, Gwen !)
Au nom de nos deux plaignantes, Ginny et Gwen, de leurs familles et des directeurs de l’ADCS-ADSC, je vous remercie de votre confiance.
Stephen Kish,
Président de l’ADCS-ADSC
My bad; “the proof OF the pudding is in the eating.”
Cheers LSG!
It is “FATCA” and not “FACTA”.
Latter makes it sound like fact.
Might need a separate Blog Post ….
The first para or so is pasted here … go to the link for the full story.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
After Crying “Conspiracy Theory,” CNN Touts North American Union
Written by Alex Newman
Just a few years ago, it was all a baseless “conspiracy theory.” Now, promotion of a European Union-style merger between the United States, Mexico, and Canada is being shouted from the rooftops — by U.S. taxpayer-funded globalists writing in the very same media outlet, CNN, that tried to ridicule GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul over the North American Union issue just a few years ago. Indeed, according to the recent opinion piece by two mid-level operatives for the “New America Foundation,” the future of the United States does not rest with the U.S. Constitution, “We the People,” or even the Supreme Court. Instead, it “lies in North America,” claimed New America’s Andrés Martinez and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan.
Attn: Brock Swat Team:
I just peppered the leading post on the Facebook page for the House Ways and Means Committee with more articles and comments about the plight of expats. The Ways and Means post is about Corporate Tax Reform and is written by, get this, SANDY LEVIN (brother of creator of FATCA Carl Levin) and JACK REED, creator of the infamous REED AMENDMENT, which bans people who renounce US citizenship for tax purposes from ever visiting the US again.
This is our chance to get our message right into the belly of the beast. These are some of the main people directly responsible for making life unbearable for Americans living abroad. Lets break out of our echo chamber and give them a constructive earful!
I am determined to wake these people up about the suffering of expats!
Anyone interested in sending them a few comments or more articles please do so.
@ Walter
That was awesome “peppering”. Well done! I’m not a facebookie but I certainly appreciate your effort and that of the others who added their own pepper. One of them even used some cayenne pepper I’d say.
Jamie Flowers wrote:
We’ll be entering this 90 day period with only a $4000 cushion (last time it was $10,000) so that means right from the gitgo we need more than $1000 per day to reach the May 1st deadline. I want the ADCS team to know that I will be able to send the same amount as I did in January … sometime during the next 3 months but I’m not sure exactly when it will. (I have to stockpile a few pension cheques first.) It would be fascinating to see a complete list of the countries outside of Canada that donations have come from. I still remember how intrigued I was when we got a donation from the Vatican. My best to our hardworking ADSC team and to everyone … Surgite!
@ Walter … I wouldn’t be sad if you peppered the Ways and Means committee with ” I am Canada, Hear Me Roar, Mr. President.
@ Walter, thank you for posting so many links on the FB page and getting the comments going.
Responding to:
John Hanson wrote:
” … taxing Americans based on citizenship is wrong. The issue is money leaving the country and landing in more tax-friendly territory. Tax those monies as they leave, not after they land. Yes you can use it to boost the American economy — investment, debt reduction, jobs, etc — but you do so at the cost of the rest of the world’s economies. Every dollar you take from foreign citizens, corporate or individual, and money removed from their economies. This is money, in most cases, that belongs in those economies. I have lived in Canada for nearly 45 years, yet you treat me as a tax cheat. You call me a tax cheat in so many words. Your socialist-oriented websites certainly do. Yet you suck money away from Canada and other countries in the name of patriotism. Looked at from abroad it is a financial invasion. It is a de facto war. …”
His is a single comment directly to this article
I just posted the following at
When the US passed FATCA it was essentially an act of financial war against every country on earth. FATCA starts with the presumption that since the US Dollar is the reserve currency used world wide (following Bretton Woods) then most major transactions occur in US Dollars around the world and every such transaction is cleared through a US Bank and is thus susceptible to being held hostage by the US. FATCA therefore starts by declaring that EVERY Transaction of money passing through or leaving the US will be subject to a 30% tax as it transits the US Banking System UNLESS every financial institution in the world disobeys the banking laws around the world, the Constitutions and Charters of Rights of their own countries and reports to the US whatever information the US decides that it wants this week. This is an unacceptable piece of arrogance and needs to be repealed urgently. The US needs to do the right thing and repeal this abusive law now.
Other arguments against Citizenship Based Taxation and so on are equally valid and the US needs to bring its Tax System into the modern era and abandon the nonsense of seeking to tax its Diaspora no matter where they reside around the world – a practice that the US shares with only one other country on earth … Eritrea in East Africa.
Other countries are now starting to line up to do versions of the same thing to tax their Diaspora resident in the US …. Columbia has gone far in this process already, Ghana is apparently on its way … this will become a world wide taxation of the US by every other country on earth if the madness is not stopped now. The US must not continue with this immorality. The US is fundamentally a better place than this suggests. Can you imagine Canada taxing Ted Cruz’ income in the US (he was born in Canada and therefore has right to Canadian Citizenship) ? or Kenya taxing president Obama’s income in the US (his father was Kenyan and Obama therefore has a right to Kenyan Citizenship) ? Anyway enough, please let good sense rule the actions of the US Congress.
Litigation has commenced in Canada to declare compliance with FATCA contrary to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Constitution. Support that Litigation at and study a wealth of detailed discussion and linked research papers at
The preamble to this post contains the following “You can SEND DONATIONS by cheque, cash of any currency, PayPal, and transfers. Vous pouvez donner n’importe quel montant. Vos dons de $ 25 sont utiles.”
This is NOT good advice for many around the world. Many countries have, or have had until recently, laws preventing the sending of cash or cheques in local currencies out of their countries. The Bahamas is one such though they are not particularly strenuous in their enforcement of Exchange Control so far as I am aware. Many also have, or had until recently, laws making it a criminal offense to send cash (foreign exchange) out of their countries. This was true of Jamaica for example for many years until the 1990s … indeed prison terms were given to people caught doing these things. I am also not sure that Zimbabwean money (for example) is accepted by any bank in Toronto. I recommend that you moderate the language used in the statement.
You write:
William Shakespeare might have said:
To send or not to send.
Whether tis better for “U.S. persons” to risk prison from antiquated and unknown laws, or
Whether tis better to guarantee that that “U.S. persons” continue to live in the “prison of citizenship-based taxation” – a prison built – one legislative brick at a time.”
For more on U.S. citizenship abroad, prison, and the imprisonment of U.S. citizens abroad, please browse
You will certainly conclude that the bigger risk is to NOT contribute to ADCS.
@Uscitizen abroad. I never suggested that folks should not contribute to the cause. Do read again. The method is the problem to b worked around whilst ADCS should not b seen as encouraging the breaking of laws around d the world. Nor encouraging people to send cash that is uncashable in Canada.
I’ve just read Christina Warren‘s words in this morning’s IBS post It Hurts My Heart…. How well Christina expresses the feelings of so many of us —
for me not for the actual renouncing of my US citizenship, as I absolutely was told when I became a Canadian citizen in 1975 that I would be, by doing so, losing my US citizenship. You all know my story told so many years ago now and my description of it having, similarly, taken the joy from my life. Even though I have been able to renounce and have in hand my Certificate of Loss of Nationality of US citizenship, I simply cannot regain that joy of life I once had until all members of my family are totally free of the intrusion of US citizenship-based taxation on our lives — or specifically on the life and the future I am able to leave for my son when I am no longer here. Since he, because of *a mental incapacity* cannot renounce a US-defined US citizenship because he would not understand the concept of *citizenship* and because a parent, a guardian or trustee cannot renounce on behalf of such a person, even with a court order, I am not sure whether I will ever have peace of mind that I have done everything I can so he will be OK and with the part of my modest inheritance he will have — i.e. I will never be sure that the US will not be able to attach their CBT fingers onto it first.
So many comments here at Brock talk in one way or another about this emotional assault on our lives, the one before Christina’s being, just yesterday, WhiteKat Speaks From the Heart. The only way I know to appease the continued anger that I and so many of us have for all of the injustice and hurt in our hearts is to fight back.
I’ve made my February monthly donation to Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty and will look under my own sofa cushions for any other dimes or loonies I can find before the US IRS appropriates them (as a US tax lawyer agrees that the US is doing at about 4:18 into the video of proceedings of my/our Canadian Parliament to Conservative MP Mark Adler). Can you look under yours and continue your donations? We will find enough.
Obama proposes to lower tax rate for US corporation’s foreign earnings. Rather than move to a RBT system for US companies, he’s lowering the rate hoping to maintain the status quo.
It doesn’t bode well for eliminating CBT until he’s out of office. Why would he abolish CBT for individuals while at the same time keeping it for Corporations?
Corporate inversions will continue because the tax rate is irrelevant, inversions give US corporations freedom with their foreign earnings when inverting to a RBT country.
Obama doesn’t get it.
Regarding the article by Alex Newman at The New American.
All too real and all too true as he says:
“Of course, The New American has been exposing the plot to surrender American independence to a continental regime for almost a decade. The founding father of the bid to impose a North American regime on the United States, Council on Foreign Relations operative Robert Pastor, even credited The John Birch Society, a constitutionalist organization and affiliate of this magazine, with stopping the plot. However, as recent developments show clearly, the extremist movement to subvert self-government and national sovereignty by powerful forces across North America is still alive and well. And unless the people of the United States, Canada, and Mexico get educated and organized to stop it, the threat of an EU-style continental regime to rule “North America” will continue to grow.
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe after growing up in Latin America. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at
Related articles:
CFR Globalists Outline Strategy for “North American Community”
“After America Comes North America,” Gen. Petraeus Boasts
Globalist Henry Kissinger Outlines “New World Order”
The EU: Regionalization Trumps Sovereignty
Obama EPA Funding Schemes in Mexico as “Integration” Proceeds
WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme
North American Union: From NAFTA to the NAU
North American Integration Continues After Robert Pastor
U.S. Government and Top Mexican Drug Cartel Exposed as Partners
North American Union Moves Closer After Trilateral Summit
U.S. & Canada Agree to Common “Perimeter”
Note the above lists of previous articles on this issue alone.
The title of one article should garner our particular attention:
US.& Canada Agree to Common “Perimeter”
My reaction: REALLY? No more permission for that particular give away of sovereignty than other efforts by our government. NO government should be making plans and signing deals without the permission of the people who elected them. Elected to office DOES NOT MEAN the power of kingship. And as Alex notes in his article:
Unless the people of the US and Canada wake up and do something then the plans move apace to globalize and remove borders and sovereignty of countries worldwide.
Greece has suddenly realized the value of borders, sovereignty and their own currency after DECADES of pillage by the ECB..and other countries will be next to realize and then do something about it.
I hope we wake up before it is too late for us and Canada. And all freedom loving individuals wherever they may be in this old world of ours.
Although this mini-discussion is off track again from the purpose of this thread and should be moved to another …
If there is no common sense at all between the USA and its neighbours Canada and Mexico (sovereign and separate countries), before any kind of North American Union negotiated behind the backs of those who live here, let’s look at this perhaps fairer proposal by the true and native people of North America…
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
I value Canada’s and Mexico’s sovereignty from the US which would find a way to impose US citizenship taxation on all of North America by any North American Union, so I will continue to support Alliance for Defence of Canadian Sovereignty at
@Calgary “I simply cannot regain that joy of life I once had until all members of my family are totally free of the intrusion of US citizenship-based taxation on our lives”
You should have Great Joy in that you have helped spread the word in saving hundreds if not thousands. Knowledge is power, you have given knowledge to others of which I am just one.
@Calgary ” — or specifically on the life and the future I am able to leave for my son when I am no longer here. ”
You have empowered others who WILL be fighting long after you leave this earth. Your son is protected in that others have started carrying the banner with you.
That includes men and women on all continents who are united against this unjust oppression. Your son in Calgary is protected men in Dublin and women in Madrid….and all other points.
After I pass, my children will be carrying the banner and fighting to protect your son, your son of Canada.
George, leave it to you.
I agree with you that knowledge is power and that is what we are about here at Isaac Brock. I am but one of the many, including YOU, who will not give up trying to educate others with any US-defined relationship to the US of the cash cow theft from individuals, families and, indeed countries, through US citizenship-based taxation law. We must also continue to include in that education our own government representatives and fellow countrymen as our rights in our own country’s are overridden by US law. I thank you once again!
Here is an oldie but goodie that I came across while “peppering’ the House Ways and Means Committee Facebook pages. It includes personal accounts from about 20 different expats explaining why they are renouncing US citizenship:
I am continuing with my “peppering” of the House Ways and Means Committee Facebook pages, Democrats and Republicans alike, with news articles I pulled from various archives to include those compiled from the news archives of the Isaac Brock Society as well as the US Citizens in Canada Info Shop.
A guy named Hector David Pinto just made some really good comments on the Democrat’s FB page:
“Congressmen, you say that the US tax code is unfair because it contains loopholes, which are provisions that unintentionally benefit certain people or companies, and you want to fix that. OK. But the tax code is also unfair because it contains the opposite of loopholes (for which I don’t have a name), which are provisions that unintentionally HARM certain people. I don’t know about you, but for me fixing this is much more important that fixing loopholes. If someone benefits from a loophole, I say good for them, I’m not an envious person. You can deal with that later if you want. But if someone is actually being harmed because of something that wasn’t even intended and doesn’t make sense, for me that’s the higher priority by far. And the worst of these cases is in the area of international taxation of individuals: the United States taxes the income not generated here from people who don’t live here. There is simply no logical justification for this. And I’m not the only one who is saying this, literally the entire world agrees: the US is the only country that does this (with the sole infamous exception of Eritrea). That’s right, not the only developed country, the only country, period. Please fix this first, do justice for these real people suffering from this insanity, instead of being obsessed with multinational corporations.”
“In other words, you say that corporations are abusing international law, by doing complex arrangements that are technically allowed but not expected. Well, the US government is also abusing international law, by relying on citizenship jurisdiction, which is technically allowed but not logical and not used in the area of taxation by anyone else. Please fix yourself first before trying to fix others.”
So let’s please keep this up (keep commenting about the articles) so that when the submissions are sent to the Ways and Means Committee again they will already know that we mean business and are NOT going to stop until all “NON-RESIDENT AMERICANS” are FREE!
@ Walter
Psst … That “guy” is one of us. He’s our champion on the other side of the border. 😉
That is great! He writes with such clarity and common sense logic (must be an engineer).
Would there be any chance of publishing a breakdown of where the ADCS donations have come from? It would be great to see the number of countries round the world that have contributed to this effort so that it can be seen to be a global effort, not just a Canadian story. The lawsuit may be in Canada but persons worldwide are helping to fund it.
@Osgood and @Embee,
Yes, we will publish a breakdown of the different countries that donations have come from — but at the moment we are swamped and can’t promise when this will be done.
@Osgood, I concur. But NOT in terms of amount but rather a list of countries that money is coming from.