Dear Supporters,
Many of you probably predicted that I would not be saying this today, but this message is not a dream: You came up with yet another $100,000 payment — now making a total of $400,000 provided to the Arvay team.
In the last twelve days you actually donated more than $40,000 — an amazing achievement for small donors. This accomplishment proves to all those people who want us to fail — that we are very determined.
You gave until it hurt and then you gave a lot more. It’s hard not to get teary-eyed over the generosity of our supporters, who have come through every time.
We know that the pace of your litigation is painfully slow, and this is unfortunately as expected. The Government will continue to do its best to slow down the process, but we now have the assistance of a case management judge to help keep the process moving more fairly.
We filed in August 2014 and it has taken a very long time (one year) before we are finally into a (summary) trial (August 4-5, 2015). We cannot predict the outcomes of this trial, based on only part of our arguments and, with your continued support, we will prepare for all possibilities.
[Happy birthday Gwen!]
Thank you for your trust,
Stephen Kish,
ADCS-ADSC Chair,— on behalf of Plaintiffs Ginny and Gwen, their families, and the ADCS-ADSC Directors
Chers amis et donateurs,
Certains d’entre vous avaient probablement pensé que je ne pourrais pasvous annoncer une si bonne nouvelle aujourd’hui. Mais voilà : ensemble, nous avons réussi à ramasser un autre montant de 100 000 $, ce qui fait un total de 400 000 $ à remettre à l’équipe de MeArvay.
Dans les 12 derniers jours seulement, vous avez donné plus de 40 000 $, un exploit tout à fait extraordinaire pour des « petits donateurs ». À tous ceux qui souhaitent nous voir échouer, cette réussite prouve que nous sommes des plus déterminés. Et que nous réussirons.
Vous avez donné jusqu’à ce que ça fasse mal, puis vous avez donné encore. Difficile de rester insensible devant une si grande générosité.
Nous sommes bien conscients du fait que notre litige avance de façon péniblement lente. Malheureusement, tout ça est normal. Le gouvernement continue à ralentirle processus, mais on nous a maintenant attitré un juge responsable de la gestion de notre dossier qui veillera à ce que le processus progresse de façon plus juste.
En août 2014, nous avons engagé une poursuite contre le gouvernement canadien. Près d’un an plus tard, nous avons enfin la date pour notre procès sommaire : les 4 et 5 août 2015. Impossible de prévoir le dénouement de ce procès, basé uniquement sur une partie de nos arguments juridiques. Mais avec votre appui, nous serons prêts pour toutes les possibilités.
(Bonne fête, Gwen !)
Au nom de nos deux plaignantes, Ginny et Gwen, de leurs familles et des directeurs de l’ADCS-ADSC, je vous remercie de votre confiance.
Stephen Kish,
Président de l’ADCS-ADSC
Donation sent in this afternoon from our family. We will send more in the future. This is our commitment to this challenge and for our country..
Thanks for the info on the march, Calgary411. If I’m in Vancouver, I’ll go. Also my deceased mother’s birthday…
Take a look at this guys and send your comments to the IRS about expat taxes!
Thanks, James…
Comments should not be sent to the IRS (unless by way of a cc). Here is information from the post:
Step-by-Step Instructions
Submit your comments on tax reform to each of the two most relevant working groups:
The Individual Income Tax Working Group can be reached at:
The International Tax Working Group can be reached at:
Earlier related posts at Brock:
Stephen wrote: “… I discovered that all of the roads around our neighborhood post office have been ripped up into oblivion and the post office is unsure when mail (our donations) can be next delivered.”
@ all of our Paypals
I hope you can keep Stephen’s spirits up while he waits for the road blockage in the snail mail to be resolved.
@ Stephen Kish
😉 There’s something on the way from Mr. E. too.
EmBee and Stephen, the road disruption around the post office is almost but not quite enough to make me believe in a conspiracy theory. My cheque is in the mail and I trust that it will be delivered well before the end of the month.
Oh, oh! Looks like Stephen hasn’t been able to navigate the road block near the post office yet today. Or worse yet he tried and fell into an excavation. Watch your step, Stephen. Safety first!
Late last week CRA deposited in my checking account my 2014 tax refund for several hundred dollars. I sent a cheque in the full amount (literally to the last penny; pennies still exist on cheques and credit cards if nowhere else in Canada) to the ADCS fund.
The refund was “found money” and not essential to my other financial needs, so I think a donation to ADCS was an excellent use of it, even without a tax receipt (wouldn’t a tax receipt for ADCS be fun, but in this case I’m dreaming in Technicolor).
If you’re getting a tax refund from CRA (or any other country’s tax agency) this month, a donation to ADCS would be an excellent use of the money. And one that is badly needed, given the current shortfall the sovereignty meter is showing.
The Financial Times article seems to be behind some sort of subscription thing …. anyway …. glad that there is coverage.
For right now, *google* “US expatriates’ taxing questions”; click on FT link to the article; answer a question to read the article.
I do not like the number today — $2666 per day needed. 🙁
It is because of all of us that the coverage is increasing and anger towards the American government seems to be growing because of Obama’s fatca. This incredibly inhumane treatment of people born in the USA must stop. Anyone who is contemplating a donation, please remember the words of the American hero John Walsh “YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”
“The dialogue will continue.” — Thank you Tricia for all that hard work and Stephen Kish, John Richardson, Marilyn Ginsberg and Anonymous Canadian for your journey to the SFC. You make my heart sing and may the Brock force be with you.
(Not to come across as preaching) — This is so amazing – the dedication of these people on behalf of all of us. None of this travel and accommodation, etc., and other work behind the scenes is out of the donations we give which ONLY will go for the legal challenge law firm fees we are paying in installments. The other over and above never-ending work comes with personal costs, including for some time from their employment (and other things in their lives).
As our recognition and appreciation for all a small group does for us, every one of us needs to make sure that we are doing our part as best we can in donations and continued *Brocking* to reach our goals — on both sides of the Canadian (and other countries) / US border. We must — this is for us and this is for our children. This is for the future of anyone who wants to venture from the US *homeland* to live or work or for whatever reason.
What a world we live in. You can get $800,000+ for refusing to make pizzas for gays, but getting donations to support justice can be a real challenge. I just pushed the button again and regret that it’s only a drop towards the filling of the bucket. I might be forced to take me into the back room and rough me up a bit, to see if I can get more.
Anyone reading these comments who hasn’t yet donated, please do. If we want to make the world a better place, we must all contribute something, somewhere. You will feel better for your effort.
@ProudAussie…The pizza shop owners did not refuse service to gays…just said they could not be a part of a same sex wedding. Big difference. The crowdfunded windfall was from donors who know bullying when they see it…something we all know about I should think. These people were threatened with death and their business closed down all for an opinion based upon their religion. That’s not America as envisioned by the Founders. In 2008 Obama was for traditional marriage. He “evolves” however when necessary. Pray he “evolves” on FATCA (FATChance!)
I had to read — a few times — the update about Stephen, John, and the others being in Washington DC, in discussions with Senate Finance Committee staff. This is major, and another amazing effort on everyone’s behalf. I am just stunned and amazed, and want to say “Thank you”.
As for the thermometer, I fret like EmBee and others. I actually had a dream about it a week or so ago — that the thermometer was at $67K one night, but then was at $40K remaining when I woke up. Too bad that wasn’t real. I had been reading some old articles before going to sleep, including one from July 2014 with this quote from N. Green: “I will…continue to champion the legal and constitutional challenges being prepared by the likes of American super-lawyer Jim Bopp Jnr and the Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty.” I was looking for any follow-up. And I lament that contributions I make won’t move the thermometer in a noticeable way. All the “smaller” contributions do add up, but yes, it would be nice if there were some “bigger” help.
Some time ago … last year(?) maybe …. as I recollect there was a news report of a FATCA seminar or similar event at which the IRS representative made the statement to the effect that data collected under FATCA would NOT get full Tax Confidential status UNLESS and UNTIL the IRS commenced an actual audit of a particular taxpayer. There has been an exchange on Twitter in which @ADCSovereignty has asked for the source reference for this. Personally I am absolutely certain that this occurred and am asking Brockers to test their memories to try to find the source article which I feel that I read as part of the Brock site or a link from here … tall order ? Yeah but Brockers achieve tall orders on a routine basis. I wonder if Allison Christians recollects the statement or might have another document saying the same thing in her file.
“The dialogue will continue.” What excellent news. I hope that “anonymous Canadian citizen” was able to make it safely back across the border to Canada without being ambushed.
@Calgary411 – all I can say is Ditto. All of these folks are just far beyond fantastic.
I know that none of these are what you are looking for, but may be useful to someone so am putting them here. I will continue to look, but am off to another project right now.
The Financial Times article seems to be behind some sort of subscription thing …. anyway …. glad that there is coverage.
…I find when a page gets blocked behind a registration or survey pop-up, I can usually save the page (File > Save As >) and download it, then access it from my downloads folder.
Wow, remember how everyone says one of the major benefits of having American citizenship is how the USA will come rescue you if you need emergency evacuations? Check out this article from Fox News website: Hope the link works:
Tom Alciere / nervous investor and others,
Try this: *google* “US expatriates’ taxing questions”; click on FT link to the article; answer a question to read the article.