[We now have a NEW POST taking us up to May 1, 2015. This post will be retired from service.]
On August 11, 2014, Constitutional Litigator Joseph Arvay filed a FATCA IGA lawsuit in Canada Federal Court on behalf of Plaintiffs Ginny and Gwen, the Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty (en français), and all peoples worldwide. Read Alliance’s Claims and comment on our Alliance blog.
Chers amis et donateurs,
Ensemble, nous avons atteint notre but : ramasser les fonds nécessaires pour payer la troisième des cinq factures légales de notre poursuite judiciaire.
Ramasser 300 000 $ provenant de petits dons est un exploit tout à fait extraordinaire et nous invitons notre gouvernement canadien, ainsi que tous les autres gouvernements qui ont piétiné les droits de leurs citoyens, à en prendre bonne note.
Chaque jour, nous nous rapprochons de notre but. Déjà, nous avons ramassé plus de la moitié des fonds nécessaires pour payer les frais légaux de notre poursuite contre le gouvernement canadien et l’entente FATCA.
Si nous avons parcouru un si grand bout de chemin, c’est grâce à nos deux courageuses plaignantes, Ginny et Gwen, à nos donateurs provenant du Canada et de partout dans le monde, ainsi qu’aux administrateurs des sites Internet Isaac Brock Society et Maple Sandbox. Ils permettent tous à nos voix d’être entendues.
Merci !
L’équipe de l’ADSC
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Together we have reached our goal of paying off the third of five retainer fees for our Canadian FATCA IGA lawsuit.
Raising $300,000 from small donations is a pretty amazing achievement and we ask the Government of Canada, and those other governments who have also tossed away rights of their citizens, to take notice.
It’s still a marathon, but we are more than half way to pay off the Federal Court legal costs.
We have come so far because of our brave Plaintiffs, Ginny and Gwen, our Canadian and International donor-supporters, and the administrators of the Isaac Brock and Maple Sandbox websites who make it possible for our voices to be heard.
Thank you all,
—The ADCS-ADSC team
Too sad for words — the definition of their “OMG” moment and the panic that comes with it, The Mom.
@The Mom, I was telling someone about this situation the other day. She was incredulous that she had not seen anything in the newspaper and that the government is not helping us. It is so scary that this is not common knowledge, so many people are going to be hurt by the US and our own government is helping them.
@mettleman you did him a favor. But there are about a million Americans living in Canada. Figure about half of them know about this? so far they’re living in ignorant bliss but as they buy TFSAs and open other new accounts and then are confronted with identifying themselves as US citizens, it’s going to get interesting. And when the CRA sends their tax info to the IRS, and all those letters start going out from the IRS to them, then the ride is going to get rough. I can’t help thinking that this is gonna get ugly.
A million Americans living in Canada? Add to that figure those they are associated with , individually and in business including marriages and joint accounts for various reasons. Any association with anyone ‘deemed’ A “US Person” opens everyone up to IRS scrutiny and confiscation. And ‘US Person” designation is at the whim of the IRS as just who that is , what it means and who is and will be caught in the net trolling for dollars that do not belong to them. The figure therefore is much much higher than supposed and infiltrates the entire social fabric of Canada, both socially and financially.
GIVE to our lawsuit. Give ’til it hurts! Because if we do not fight this beast here and NOW our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren will be ruined!
Let’s look back at the “more needed” updates during our previous $100,000 tranche (deadline was November 1st) …
October 10 — 18750
October 11 — 16323 (Sat of Thanksgiving Day long weekend))
October 12 — 16323
October 13 — 16323
October 14 — 10041 (a very good day)
October 15 — 7479
October 16 — 5410
October 17 — 3834
October 18 — 2622
October 19 — 2091
October 20 — 1649
October 21 — 0
We did it then in a dozen days. We can do it again. Right?
@hdxlch “And when the CRA sends their tax info to the IRS, and all those letters start going out from the IRS to them, then the ride is going to get rough.”
In Canada, the UK, Germany, Mexico and other places, those IRS letters will start showing up in the mail.
Thats when the howling will occur and there will be a demand to terminate those IGAs unilaterally.
Right, we can!! Thanks for providing to encourage us on, EmBee.
$16,301 ($1350/day) more needed in 12 days to make the February 1 payment for Canadian FATCA IGA lawsuit
It feels like the 12 days of Christmas, only meeting our February 1st deadline means the gift of support for Ginny and Gwen; the gift of relief for Stephen and the whole ADCS team; and another big step closer to the gift of providing a hearty defence of Canada’s sovereignty which in turn will bring the gift of inspiration for other countries to follow suit. All donations of all sizes are welcomed so we can obtain these gifts.
As Embee has noted above, donating to the ADCS challenge brings many gifts – one of which is the “….hearty defence of Canada’s sovereignty which in turn will bring the gift of inspiration for other countries to follow suit..”
As Kathy noted on another thread http://isaacbrocksociety.ca/media-and-blog-articles-open-for-comments/comment-page-110/#comment-5305810, and as I agreed, we really need to challenge our Canadian federal government and defend the sovereignty of Canadian law inside Canadian borders.
In our comments, Kathy and I ask why for instance the Cons fought for Canadian sovereignty over steel, softwood lumber, and banking (ex. Dodd Frank/Volcker rule), but NOT for Canadian sovereignty in order to resist FATCA and its significiant costs (to be paid for by ALL Canadian taxpayers and accountholders) and instead sold us down the river to the US?
This is a choice the Cons have made, and they are using your taxpayer funds to defend their capitulation.
WE MUST raise this money. Only we are standing on guard for Canadian sovereignty in this arena. Our own federal government and political representatives in the majority, who swore to serve Canadians and to uphold the Charter, the Constitution and other Canadian laws, have chosen to not to fulfill their sworn duty in that regard. It appears that we must compel them to respect Canadian sovereignty.
Another donation coming after the 25th. Have to pace them against my incoming funds!
Got to keep ADCS moving forward….
And let us not forget that some of those whose vote was cast are not now seeking re-election.
Causing havoc and wreaking destruction and walking away scot free and collecting a pension we pay for in the bargain.
Let’s rally around the words of FuriousAC:
“I believe God’s will resides with our lawsuit and our effort to wrest ourselves from the grasp of the evil and greedy. Many around the world are with us, silent and otherwise. It is also important to note that many freedom loving people in the US are also under serious assault. Our lawsuit also gives them hope.
Just think of it: There are three reasons we are Canada today. The first reason is Isaac Brock. The second reason is Laura Secord. The third reason is an American Colonel who was a coward. All combined to ensure an almost impossible outcome: Canada did NOT get swallowed up by the US. We are here. We are Canadian and we will fight. Our own government and anybody else who intend to trample us under their jackboots!”
We must slam the door in the face of the US has on all *US persons* because if we don’t do this… more & more of our rights will be taken away because we are the unrepresented section of society… even our own gov’ts won’t do anything for us…. this is the only game in town that we know is heading to court… we can’t wait for anyone else… If we don’t do this… we will live in fear & anxiety for the dreaded letter or when we cross any borders,…. if they we will have all our info to use against us
So please donate… let our voices be heard in the world… If we don’t do this for ourselves… what about our next generation… we already feel bad enough that some of us already tainted the next generation… its our job & duty to leave them with something better then this curse we all don’t want….
@ Stephen Kish
Regarding the latest update …
Those are the valiant words of FuriousAC, not mine. I should have put them in blockquotes in my comment but I wasn’t sure the bold part would be preserved. Sorry. Could it be changed to @FuriousAC SAYS?
@EmBee, Sorry, I was not careful in reading your comment — the quote is now corrected.
11 days
Wonderful — glad the post office people made you smile when handing over envelopes with 13 new donations, Stephen.
Now, who was it who reminded us before?
— we will make it!!!! Thanks All — 11 days!
I have been slugging it out with a DA operative, Randy Caldwell, over at AARO’s facebook page. Perhaps others care to join in the discussion?
The name of the thread posted by Keith Redman is called: “Once Democrats Abroad posts their actions and support for Americans overseas, I will be posting that as well.”
Perhaps I should have mentioned, Caldwell is trying to trash the ADSC and Bopp lawsuits. He said they are both just money making scams.
I interpret his efforts as an indication the Democrats are starting to feel the heat.
Thank you for letting us know about the AARO discussion and for putting up a good fight.
I don’t do Facebook, and so can’t access the site, but I just asked Tricia, our ADCS Treasurer and Director, to look into this. Perhaps she will comment on the AARO site.
Wow, that Randy Caldwell is an utter dink! But who cares what he thinks anyway? The courts will decide, and no bogus bleatings of ignorant sods such as he is, will make one iota of difference.
” bogus bleatings of ignorant sods”
Yes! THAT just made my day!!
Thanks for letting us know, though I couldn’t find the part that said anything about money-making scams.
Randy Caldwell seems to be more involved in the DA vs RO issue than anything else.
Randy Caldwell (Head of DA in Germany) wrote this in the same thread on which you commented:
“I will not be wasting my money on that bogus lawsuit.”
“The lawsuit started by anyone is bogus as it is. It is a money making scheme playing off your ill-informed anger.”
“Being based on bogosity doesn’t mean it will win or even be taken up. The Canada lawsuit is only about child birthright citizenship and not the totality of the US-Canada agreement concerning FuFat. Under US law they are legal US citizens and by international treaties recognized as such even in Canada.”
The good part about duking it out with the likes of Randy is that it shows how morally weak the Democrats’ position on FATCA, FBAR and CBT really is. We need to continue provoking as much debate with these people as possible and in front of as wide of an audience as possible.
On a related note, it appears that ACA is dominated by DA, hence their soft “same country exemption” approach towards FATCA, cooperation/collaboration with compliance vultures, and refusal to make public the CBT vs. RBT debate video.
@Walter. I think that Arvay should see this post as in my humble (like the common man on the proverbial Clapham Omnibus) opinion, the Statements made by Randy Caldwell are libelous and published for all the world to see. This is not an Opinion that Caldwell has expressed (neither Professional nor UN-Professional) … the Statement purports to be a statement of FACT as in “The lawsuit started by anyone is bogus as it is. It is a money making scheme playing off your ill-informed anger.” Caldwell purports to have knowledge of something when he does not in fact have any such knowledge … yet he has published same for the world to see. Caldwell ACTIVELY SEEKS by his publication to bring the Isaac Brock Society and its Attorneys into disrepute and for them to suffer the opprobrium of the world at large. By his Statement, Caldwell alleges knowledge that the behavior of the Society and its Attorney are effectively a conspiracy to defraud. That is MY view of Mr Caldwell’s behaviour. Disgraceful behaviour in my view.
We are today almost at a number lower than $10,000 because of the committed donors who are giving way past the point of hurting.
Ten days