[We now have a NEW POST taking us up to May 1, 2015. This post will be retired from service.]
On August 11, 2014, Constitutional Litigator Joseph Arvay filed a FATCA IGA lawsuit in Canada Federal Court on behalf of Plaintiffs Ginny and Gwen, the Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty (en français), and all peoples worldwide. Read Alliance’s Claims and comment on our Alliance blog.
Chers amis et donateurs,
Ensemble, nous avons atteint notre but : ramasser les fonds nécessaires pour payer la troisième des cinq factures légales de notre poursuite judiciaire.
Ramasser 300 000 $ provenant de petits dons est un exploit tout à fait extraordinaire et nous invitons notre gouvernement canadien, ainsi que tous les autres gouvernements qui ont piétiné les droits de leurs citoyens, à en prendre bonne note.
Chaque jour, nous nous rapprochons de notre but. Déjà, nous avons ramassé plus de la moitié des fonds nécessaires pour payer les frais légaux de notre poursuite contre le gouvernement canadien et l’entente FATCA.
Si nous avons parcouru un si grand bout de chemin, c’est grâce à nos deux courageuses plaignantes, Ginny et Gwen, à nos donateurs provenant du Canada et de partout dans le monde, ainsi qu’aux administrateurs des sites Internet Isaac Brock Society et Maple Sandbox. Ils permettent tous à nos voix d’être entendues.
Merci !
L’équipe de l’ADSC
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Together we have reached our goal of paying off the third of five retainer fees for our Canadian FATCA IGA lawsuit.
Raising $300,000 from small donations is a pretty amazing achievement and we ask the Government of Canada, and those other governments who have also tossed away rights of their citizens, to take notice.
It’s still a marathon, but we are more than half way to pay off the Federal Court legal costs.
We have come so far because of our brave Plaintiffs, Ginny and Gwen, our Canadian and International donor-supporters, and the administrators of the Isaac Brock and Maple Sandbox websites who make it possible for our voices to be heard.
Thank you all,
—The ADCS-ADSC team
In the intro to this post there is a section “Read article by Michael DeSombre, President of Republicans Overseas, on “FATCA: The effects of Americans overseas” ”
There is a typo … it should refer to the effects ON Americans Overseas.
You suggest that we should crowdfund like the group that attracted more than $200k in four months to oppose the Enbridge Northern Gateway (a widely known issue).
—But our donors raised “more than $200k” in five months (June 1 to Nov 1) to oppose a Canadian law that most Canadians (including our politicians) have never heard of or understood.
I don’t think that we have been doing that badly.
@Stephen Kish “I don’t think that we have been doing that badly”
Ever so thankful!!!
Yes, Just Me taught us how. Hope he and others weigh in on the proceedings of the G20 meeting in Australia.
Something weird is happening … my last attempt at a post has disappeared from my PC screen. Anyway Calgary 411 … I agree …. Brockers more than most have a clue what GATCA is intended to be all about.
@ Stephen Kish – I agree wholeheartedly that what ADCS has achieved with the support of a multitude has been incredible. Never should this effort stop until FATCA (and maybe GATCA) are put to rest finally. All I am suggesting is that it might help to accelerate the collection of contributions by expanding the universe of contributors by using additional strategies. Of course every strategy takes someone’s time and effort to organize it.
Can you tell me what disappeared from your PC screen. Did it ever show up as a comment? What was the content and I’ll see if I can find it in all the comments. Unfortunately, if it was caught in spam some way, it will now be gone.
@Calgary411 – Thank you Calgary. Not necessary however – I re-posted almost the same words and they have appeared. I had the post fully written and then the Comment Box went blank ….. I then started again from scratch and reposted what you see now. I appreciate the offer of help however.
@Calgary411 – Thank you Calgary. Not necessary however – I re-posted almost the same words and they have appeared. I had the post fully written and then the Comment Box went blank ….. I then started again from scratch and reposted what you see now. I appreciate the offer of help however. Funny however that I am now getting a message that I have already posted THIS comment, Hmmmmmm.
And there they are: two comments from you. Isaac Brock has been down for awhile today — must be gremlins. Thanks for letting me know!
Gremlins in shades?
JC: If you’re reading this thread, *thank you, thank you, thank you* for quoting my article in the comments at Forbes! If it is possible to be delighted in the midst of this debacle, I am!
@MuzzledNoMore Thank you for the time, thoughtfulness and patience with producing such a fine and eloquent series. I hope that you don’t mind that I have these words on my quote list:
Citizenship Based Taxation – “CBT is the issue that needs to be addressed by the American people, their Congress and their President. CBT is un-American at its profoundest root. The Revolution that created the United States of America was, to use modern terminology, an anti-CBT revolt that threw off the yoke of taxation by the mother country.”
“….In the 1960s I was taught that prevention from leaving one’s country was one of the most infamous hallmarks of everything that was wrong with Communism. Yet America has effectively adopted a very similar and practical application of the same principle. CBT is an invisible ball and chain around the ankles of every American. FATCA is its enforcer. The solution is simple. The United States needs to abandon CBT and adopt RBT as its principle of income taxation like the rest of the world. This, and only this, will allow Americans to have real freedom in the 21st century mobile world.”
I suggested that Robert Wood that he publish the series in full. You might encourage him by communicating that it is not trademarked. Wood@woodllp.com
copywritted. A longer post would be a bit of a different approach for him yet I believe he is open to a bit of experimentation.
JC: Thank you so much for the Robert Wood information. I will contact him, and I so appreciate that you have already “broken the ice”! Many thanks!
JC: And, of course, I’m delighted and honoured that anything I have written would be on your quote list. Quote away!
@ Stephen Kish
The thermometer should soon be reaching the $20K tick mark. That feels encouraging. I know this is a tough time of year for donations but hopefully there will be a revival of “Surgite!” and a “surge” of donations in January (I’ll be there). My thanks to the resistors too and perhaps some are transitioning to becoming resistors. I’ll call you transistors for now and say everyone has to do what feels right for their particular situation and if we’ve learned anything the past few years it is that everyone has a different situation, some just by virtue of having to deal with this in countries where their numbers are fewer than in Canada. My best to one and all.
Mr. EmBee may seem like a “silent partner” but he’s pretty vocal on other fronts, trying to warn, educate and advocate. We just decided that I’d stick to Brock and he’d put his efforts into other places. I’m probably a tad more vocal though so let’s just call him the “slightly more silent partner”.
@EmBee, I am sorry to have given the impression that Mr. EmBee is not vocal and I made the change as you suggested in his description.
Wikipedia teaches that the transistor is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century
Rather than look towards January just yet, I’m hoping to utilize this holiday season (often described as the season of giving) to urge EVERYONE that I email to consider making a donation “towards the repair of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” I’ve written a brief presentation (for those who do not know the issue – – I think it was posted on IBS a week or two ago]; it includes IBS and ACDS websites.
Until New Years, I am putting this “footer” at the bottom of EVERY email I send – – along with well wishes for the holiday season.
The IGA and the constitutional challenge against this infringement of basic Canadian Law, and the establishment of 2nd class citizenship based on national origin or parentage, should be something that concerns ALL Canadians. For love of our country, maybe others will send a “small (or not so small) contribution.
@ LM
Good work and let’s hope the ADCS fund gets a boost in December too. All donations, large and small, will set the thermometer rising — a lovely sight in a Canadian winter.
You go gal !!!! What you wrote is absolutely amazing and should be put out there for thousands of expats and homelanders to read and consider. YES!!!
That article makes it pretty clear how it’s now necessary to protect ourselves from our protectors:
…”The first duty of a sovereign is to protect his people. Allegiance is a two-way street. We pay taxes for protection, not be handed over to foreign rulers”…
…”Unless tight legal controls and remedies are used to rein in rampant tax bureaucracies and automatic data handover, it is obvious that hundreds of thousands, even millions, of affluent people in Western countries will be forced to seek the assistance of lawyers to create anonymous wealth-holding structures, not to avoid tax, but merely to secure the privacy and security as basic human rights to which they should be entitled as a matter of course”…
Challenges to the US income tax system as being illegal or unconstitutional are consistently rejected by the courts as frivolous.
@ NorthernShrike
Yes “frivolous” is the term they use to justify rejection of these claims but in essence the role of the courts is to protect government and corporate interests so their rulings will often be a reflection of this.