[We now have a NEW POST taking us up to February 1, 2015. This post will be retired from service.]
Dear Donors,
Together, we reached our goal of $100,000 to pay the November 1 legal bill 11 days ahead of schedule!
Thank you Canadian donors from coast to coast and our friends from around the world for your generosity, support and determination — and especially for not being afraid.
The name of our non-profit corporation is the “Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty.”
We were very deliberate in including in our name the word “sovereignty”, which forms a cornerstone of our Claims against the Government of Canada.
Canada and dozens of other countries throughout the world gave into a bully because their “leaders” were afraid of harm caused by a trading “partner” — and they gave their sovereignties away.
Help us convince by example the Leaders and Governments of all countries worldwide that they should return their sovereignties back to their Peoples.
Please continue to support our lawsuit.
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller)
— Plaintiffs Ginny and Gwen, and the ADCS-ADSC team
Chers donateurs,
Ensemble, nous avons atteint notre but d’amasser 100 000 $ pour payer notre facture légale du 1er novembre 11 jours d’avance !
Un gros merci à vous, donateurs canadiens, et à nos amis de tous les coins du monde pour votre grande générosité, soutien et détermination. Et surtout pour votre courage.
Le nom de notre organisme sans but lucratif est « l’Alliance pour la défense de la souveraineté canadienne ».
Nous avons choisi délibérément le mot « souveraineté » puisqu’il constitue la base fondamentale de nos revendications envers le gouvernement du Canada.
Le Canada et des dizaines d’autres pays se sont pliés devant l’intimidation des États-Unis parce que leurs « leaders » ont eu peur des menaces de notre « partenaire » commercial. Ils ont donc vendu leur souveraineté à rabais.
Aidez-nous à convaincre les dirigeants et les gouvernements de tous ces pays qu’ils se doivent de remettre leur souveraineté à leurs peuples.
S’il vous plaît, continuez à soutenir notre cause.
« Seuls, nous pouvons faire si peu. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire beaucoup. » (Helen Keller)
— Ginny, Gwen et toute l’équipe de l’ADCS-ADSC
DONATE to www.adcs-adsc.ca (ADSC en français).
Like @Schubert, Windsor Ontario has a special place in my heart.
We left the United States via the Windsor Airport, where we happily checked into the charter flight on a NON US Passport!
But before arriving at the airport, had a quick bite to eat at Sir Cedric Fish & Chips. We had the fish and chips wrapped so we could eat them at a park on the river overlooking “that other place.”
Windsor was so beautiful compared to Detroit USA.
Thats how I said goodbye.
I like the title of the Forbes article “Canadians File Suit To Block FATCA And Prohibit Handover Of U.S. Names To IRS.”
There is nothing and I mean nothing worse than being called an American or US Citizen.
The plaintiffs are not ex-pats, they are not Polish Citizens even if Poland considers them such by descent, they are not German Citizens even if Germany considers them German by descent, they are not US Citizens if they have done nothing to take on such citizenship regardless of place of birth.
Shedding citizenship beyond a primary-uni citizenship is a human right. Restricting that shedding in ANY manner is a violation of ones inalienable rights. The Expatriation Act (US) of 1868 which remains law is correct.
I do not do Facebook and the Windsor Star takes only Facebook comments …. perhaps one kind person would post the following on my behalf:
I am not a US Person (at least not that I know of – it seems that that definition is not restricted to those born in the US nor even those with Green Cards … but drags in other people around Canada and the world – all of us should contribute to supporting this case whether we live in Canada or elsewhere around the world) I am so proud to make my little contribution to the case launched by these wonderfully brave people. I can only urge that multitudes come forward and add their contributions too at http://www.adcs-adsc.ca/
Nice opinion piece in the National Post by Marni Soupcoff of the Canadian Constitution Foundation. I am not familiar with this organisation, but from membership on board of directors and advisory board, it is conservative leaning.
That’s a really great article, NorthernShrike. Frames the issue perfectly, with elegance and thought for what principles as Canadians we should uphold. This has been one the best pieces I’ve read that could engage “regular” Canadians to any great degree. Should really be its own post.
Re: the Marni Soupcoff article (National Post)
I liked it too. (Left my now way over-used comment there.) There’s a great media surge right now thanks to Ginny and Gwen but we have to make sure they don’t drop the issue in a few days because sadly until the lawsuit is successful, FATCA will continue to pile up victims like Patricia Anderson d’Addario (see Ways and Means Committee testimonies). And of course the Windsor Star’s pound salt piece got fist pumps from me — more please!
Oh The Irony!!!
Marni Soupcoff is the executive director of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, a right wing advocacy group.
The CCF was founded by none other than-wait for it- John Weston!!
Being a loyal foot soldier, John is a great fan of the IGA.
This is from a Vancouverr Sun interview when Weston was elected.
Wow, that will make the day for a few people here — especially Bubblebustin! Thanks so much for that tidbit, KalC. Is there any connection to the Fraser Institute?
Bubblebustin, maybe time for another communication to Mr. Weston, thanking him for CCF’s National Post contribution by way of Marni Soupcoff. Good for Marni. Would you get a response? Will he be thrilled?
This is very interesting, thanks for finding that KalC. Calgary, I don’t communicate with Mr Weston that often, other than to send the occasional tormenting tweet, but I am however meeting with his Liberal opponent soon to talk about the FATCA IGA and a few other Tory initiated concerns we have, so I will be thrilled to pass this on to her (hehe).
just emailed mr. weston asking him if he was “thrilled” with this newspaper article.
he should be seeing as he was the founder of the group. 🙂
I can imagine that mettleman, also a constituent of Mr Weston’s, would also like to see a separate post of this latest development concerning our MP.
Would that be seething or seeing — both seem to work.
y didn’t ccf show this interest when we contacted them months ago?.
yes you are correct both would work.
unfortunatly for mr. weston….he made his bed….now he has to lay in it…..
“To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose. Give off light, or darkness, Padawan. Be a candle, or the night”
i think we are becoming the candle for the world……….
That is a hoot with Weston and CCF!!!!!
Oh, the irony!!
Perhaps because of some loyalty to John Weston, Blaze.
加拿大助美国海外追税 2女控违宪+出卖主权
加拿大家园 iask.ca 2014-08-14 08:47 来源: 明报 作者:
助美海外追税 2妇控渥京违宪
多伦多市民迪根(Gwen Deegan)与温莎居民希利斯(Ginny Hillis)兴讼,控告加拿大司法部。
在诉状中,她们指控渥太华违反宪法,遵从美国的追税新法,亦即《海外帐户纳税法》(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act)。
Wow — thanks, Stephen. How did you come across this, which looks like a Toronto publication?
Google Translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iask.ca%2Fnews%2Fcanada%2F2014%2F08%2F282641.html&edit-text=
Douglas Todd, who published an column about Pat a couple of weeks ago in the Vancouver Sun, has written another article about the court challenge.
“U.S. Persons” in Canada Express Fear and Loathing of Tax Crackdown
It’s a longer article and it gives some background to the situation about US CBT as well and quotes several people, including Elizabeth May,
The article mentions ADCS, Isaac Brock Society and Maple Sandbox.
calgary herald is calling canadian government appallingly wimpy on fatca.
all this media coverage is great, but most of them were also appallingly wimpy 4 years with their silence or singing the irs hymn about tax cheats in canada who needed 2 come clean b4 it was 2 late.
Whoooohooo!! Check out Murray Rankin’s latest Facebook post!!!!!
Thanks to this lawsuit and the publicity donations are now rolling in faster than Lucy can wrap them. People are no longer asleep at the switch. Millionaires are lining up I hear.
Here’s proof
@Maryanne = I and I suppose others do not use facebook …. it would be lovely to see what Murray Rankin is saying …. any chance of copying the statement and posting it here ? Please ?
I’m not a Facebook member either. I googled “Murray Rankin Facebook” and this link came up. https://www.facebook.com/MurrayRankinMP I think some people opt for a private Facebook page, but his is viewable to anyone.