As a bit of fun in the Monday night program “Independent Nation,”John Richardson mentioned an old song “Indiana Wants Me.” I decided to ask our talented lyricist, Em, to re-set the words as she had done for our theme for the evening ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas FATCA.
What she has created describes our situation so well, I think it should become the theme song for all expat efforts to fight FATCA & the IGA’s, CBT & the discrimination against Americans abroad. It would be great if we could re-record it.
Just noticed, the singer-songwriter, R. Dean Taylor is a Canadian!
Parody of “Indiana Wants Me” by Canadian singer-songwriter R. Dean Taylor
Now the U.S. wants me
Lord, I can’t go back there
Now the U.S. wants me
Lord, I can’t go back there
I wish Media
Had heard me
If a bill ever needed dying, it did
Congress had no right to say what they said about me
They were so cold and heartless calling ‘tax cheat’
Out there, FATCA is coming
I’ve been so tired of running
Now the U.S. wants me
Lord, I can’t go back there
Now the U.S. wants me
Lord, I can’t go back there
I wish Congressmen
Had heard me
It hurts to see the tyrants they’ve become
And to know I’ll never see the dawn of freedom in both lands
I’ll never see the end of fines or tax demands
If just once more I could see
Hope, our strength and our pride of country
Now the U.S. wants me
Lord, I can’t go back there
Now the U.S. wants me
Lord, I can’t go back there
I wish Parliament
Had heard me
I hope this message finds it way to you
Forgive them not for the pain they’ve put me through
And all my fears
I’ll look back to the memories of pre-FATCA years
Red lights are flashing around me
Good Lord, it looks like they found me
Oh the U.S. found me
Lord, don’t take me back there
Oh the U.S. found me
Lord, don’t take me back there
I wish Canada
Had heard me
Oh the U.S. found me
Lord, don’t take me back there
(This is the IRS, you are surrounded, give yourself up)
Every time I play that song in my head I get an ear worm. Nice to have a change up in the lyrics. Thanks!
Remarkable way with words @Em, as always.
: )
@ Bubblebustin
Ear worm? Never heard that expression before. The song made me weepy but that was mostly because I had to try to sing along to get the lyrics to fit and my singing is very bad.
Great job, brilliant!
Thanks for posting the original, too. A big nostalgia hit since I haven’t heard that song since I was a child.
I have never heard of ear worm either.
An ear worm is a fragment of a song or piece of music that one hears over and over inside one’s head. Common when learning a new piece of music – so much so, to the point of driving one crazy!
@ Tricia
That’s what I suspected it meant. Those can be part of tinnitus (which I’ve had all my life) so there are times I actually have 2 songs going on in my head at the same time. It can take many days to force a change in tunes. This is just one of my excuses for being crazy — FATCA is the main one though.
I don’t think they can be part of tinnitus. As far as I know, they are completely a mental phenomena. One time, there was one plaguing me for the better part of 6 months. I knew it wasn’t one of the pieces I was learning and after a couple months, knew it wasn’t something I had played before. I was convinced it was a little diddle from something of Prokofiev. But no matter how hard I tried, I could not identify it. One evening, I was in a washroom after a concert in Banff. And somebody in the next stall hummed it. I nearly lost it. “What is that, what is that?” I asked, hoping I wouldn’t have frightened whoever it was. “Oh, she says, it’s from the “Sound of Music.” I couldn’t believe my luck! Because the only way to get those kind to stop (at least for me), is to identify them. The ones that come from daily practising – totally hopeless torture.
@ Tricia
Whether part of tinnitus or part of hearing loss or whatever, “ear worms” or are most annoying. I have never known what silence is, unless it was the first couple of years of my life, and then I was probably busy making sure nobody else in the family knew what silence was. I read once that Barbara Streisand has tinnitus so if she hears tunes in her head they would probably be in perfect pitch — not so mine, sadly.–discover-cure-surprisingly-simple.html
@Tricia and EmBee
I’ve had tinnitus for years, and now suffer from vertigo. There’s supposed to be a relationship between the two, but I’ve never heard of tinnitus associated an ear worm, either.
There may be a relationship between ear worms (aka brain worm) and obsessive-compulsive disorder however, at least according to this Wikipedia entry: