Seems that the US has always planned to annex Canada one way or another and the war of 1812 was just the first attempt. FATCA and the Canadian IGA are the latest attempts in a long history of planned US invasions of Canada. Perhaps all this “around the world” business is just a ruse to disguise the fact that the US is trying to make us a part of their country, YET AGAIN.
We CANNOT allow this to happen! We MUST fight for our sovereignty and win, YET AGAIN!
Another sneaky attempt that has, so far, somewhat succeeded (notice that there is acknowledgement by both Harper and Obama of “Canadian Sovereignty” during their joint press conference):
Badger: Paraphrased your comment to @pmharper
Wildlife Photog @pro_photog1970 11s
@pmharper – “Friends” don’t extort friends or establish 30% economic sanctions against their banks. #FATCA. #CanadianSovereignty
Video summary of the U.S,. plan to invade Canada
That video includes Canada’s plan to invade the US too.
Hmm. The US taxes plane tickets for flights not only inside the US, but within 200 miles of the US. Canada should tax incomes earned within 1,000 kilometres of Canada.