DONORS: We Did It!!
We just made our target of $18,500
The Donation button is now closed, only six days after the launch of the Canadian Charter Challenge Fund ~ and well AHEAD of our three week schedule.
Thank you all so much for being part of this important first in fighting the FATCA invasion into our honest, productive lives as Canadian citizens and residents. Together, we can make a difference.
- We will sign today a contract between Lynne Swanson and Stephen Kish, on behalf of all of the donors, and the Vancouver law firm of Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy, which will provide a legal opinion on the constitutionality of the proposed IGA legislation. We are issuing a bank draft to pay most of the legal fee with the remainder provided once the cheques and donations still in the mail have cleared the bank.
- We are hoping that there will be little if any money received beyond the requested $18,500. Should there be extra monies, these will be distributed per the details provided in the CCCF website.
- Approximately 30 days from today we will conduct a final accounting of all monies received, expended, and all fees paid and publish this information on the CCCF website.
Remember, this is just the first step, and we all know that the next step will be much more difficult.
“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step” ~Martin Luther King Jr.~
Stephen Kish and Lynne Swanson thank you for having the faith to take that first step with us.
You know what happens to a “headliner” / someone who embarrasses the powers that be? Here’s what I am told:
I will be in contact with my Aboriginal representative at the Native Law of Canada in Saskatchewan later today to forward all of the information on the Charter Challenge currently started. This can also be tried in Canada’s “Native court system” which differs from other courts. It would be nice to see two challenges.
@Anne Frank
Excellent points and great analogies.
I’m sure we can all think of plenty of scenarios that would be more practical than how CBT is currently being imposed, but without an end to it, they are just bandaids that any future administration can remove on a whim in their thirst for more revenue. As Calgary411 says “I don’t want a work-around” – I want a stake hammered through CBT’s heart and its head nailed on the wall of every other greedy mis-deed created in the minds of men. Period.
This “notorious person” says “I don’t want a work-around — I want something that makes some common sense.” I agree with your part of that sentence, but I’d better not say it! I’d better sit down, shut up and be a good girl (but I still type with my middle finger).
@NativeCanadian, I like your idea about raising money for campaigning….too late now, but maybe that is what we should have done with the left over CCCF contributions.
Not to be a busybody… ok.. I can’t help it… lol… I suggest nothing be done until the lawyer’s summary in terms of monetary anything so that strategic planning can be done after. Another words… get the best bang with the funds collected that will be the most effective way to deal with the enemy….
I wish I could post a photo (in this case a political cartoon) but take a look at this on page one of an OpEdNews article (an eye-opener for some). THE PEOPLE DON’T KNOW THEIR TRUE POWER.
More cheques, money orders, and cash at the P.O. Box this morning —all deposited — but this will be winding down very soon.
All tellers at the bank know me now with one saying that we should have our own teller for the donation fund.
As @Em says, perhaps we are just finding out about our true power.
That’s a good one Em. My husband and I were rolling our eyes just this morning about how the crisis in the Ukraine is being played by the major US news outlets. It seems that everything is the next golden opportunity to bash the other side, and not much more than that.
United we stand, divided we fall – and there is a great power at play that’s aimed to keep the American electorate divided.
@Blaze @IRS Compliant……
Could you start a thread where Brockers could make comments or observations which you could then hand to the Attorney?
Why? Not trying to get specific answers but the Brock Collective (pun on Borg Collective) might have some thoughts that the attorney could build upon.
Like a Canadian living in Canada is Canadian regardless if he/she has another clinging nationality or gum clinging on the shoe.
Further to Canadian Medical Association
Would any MDs consider lobbying the Canadian Medical Association regarding the FATCA IGA and its possible impact on their members and supporting legal action if such an action moves forward?
Also note its deleterious affect on patients. Maybe everyone affected by FATCA should make their physicians aware of it!
If the action moved forward and the CMA reached out to its members simply with information and a donation channel… If ONLY 1% of CMA members contributed $250 each to a FATCA Charter Challenge it could raise $192,500 !
(77,000 x 1% x $250)
@Anne Frank, you are definately on to something. Thats partly why I suggested a thread where thoughts could be put down for the attorney to look at, so he could walk in our shoes.
Regardless if its Canada or the EU, I ponder how you can make an IGA work?
I do not know of any country that recognizes “Dual nationality” formally in law. So to what kind of IGA could work, what questions van a bank ask without running afoul of discrmination?
They can ask citizenship. If you are US and you are a permanent resident then you are stuffed.
Maybe they could ask, “Do you have a US Passport?” If you do that implies you have allegiance to the USA.
They can not ask place of birth no more than they can ask religion.
Philisophically I think anyone with any form of clinging nationality needs to ask themselves if they have allegiance to that other nation. If yes, they pay the piper.
The more I think about it, the problem goes back to the US Supreme Court that narrowly voted to make US nationality rather sticky.
I wish for any obstacle, any hurdle.
Barbed wire, land mines, biological weapon – anything to see this FATCA juggernaut slow way down.
I am ready to donate to the cause to stick anything in the path of this disgust by the US treasury.
I would not be do upset if I knew the US internal revenue were a reasonable upright bunch but you know they will screw every last person who makes the slightest innocent mistake or oversight.
Make no mistake the US internal revenue people are salivating not at potential normal tax revenue but the massive penalties that go with newcomers to this despicable game.
Old pensioners will get 5 figure penalty bills for a missed report, working mothers will have to spend 10% of their income on the filing assistance fees of accountants. God forbid lawyer fees. Life with the IRS sword constantly over our heads ready to come down is no way to go. I can guarantee you all this is what we will all hear as a result of FATCA. Immoral, overreaching acts by an out of control government agency hell bent on siphoning money from anyone dumb enough to fall into the IRS web.
If you think you are at risk of being required to report and have assets in America you had better sell and get rid of every last penny within US borders because I am telling you the IRS will confiscate every last dime to your name , belch , and ask who is the next victim.
My accountant tells me that the IRS is urgently moving their Canadian OVDI participants into Streamlined and waiving FBAR penalties and penalties on tax owed. Crossing my fingers that I’ll get a cheque in the mail soon.
My goodness. I just come in from shoveling a ton of snow and find that even though I don’t know how to post a photo, someone else does and did it for me. Thanks! 🙂
@ bubblebustin
Fingers crossed that the cheque and closure are in the mail. It’s been a long worrisome slog for you and Mr. Bubblebustin.
Awesome news Bubble! I’m sooo ready to enter the streamlined program and the comment about no fbar penalties and no penalties on tax owed just made my day! 🙂
Em, I’d like to post this photo but don’t know how
Do you know how to do this?
@ ChearsBigEars
I don’t know how to do that. Someone in admin. saw my comment and posted it for me. (They are good like that — even fix typos sometimes.) I like your image of the Brock Buttons. It would make an interesting desktop image too.