Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Please help. Donate to the Canadian Charter Challenge Fund.
February 5, 2014 was the day we thought we would never see. It was the day the Canadian government announced it had caved to a foreign nation’s demands to invade our honest, law abiding lives as Canadian citizens and residents to seize our private and legal financial records. It was the day we learned the Canadian government considers us second class Canadians with limited rights under Canadian laws and Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Today is the day we begin our drive to fight back. February 28, 2014 is the day we launch our Canadian Charter Challenge Fund to raise money for a legal opinion from prominent constitutional lawyer, Joseph Arvay.
We must demand freedom. We must demand our government uphold our rights. We must demand the government place its citizens and residents over the demands of a foreign power.
We must demand our government place our rights over those of the bully oppressor. We must band together to fight for our cherished Canadian rights and freedoms. We must do it now.
Remember, the War of 1812 was not over until 1815. We should likewise expect our battle to be long, messy and expensive.
First published on 28 Feb 2014
@Duke How wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Calgary The one on the right raising her teacup. I’m still too paranoid to give out names.
Duke, now I’m even more into this fight — I, too, know your great grandmother would want that of us! It’s almost spring (I hope) and I’ll soon walk by her in admiration and tell her I almost know her great grandson. Thanks for the inspiration.
@ Duke of Devon
That is so cool. It didn’t take me long to figure out which one. You come from good Canadian stock.
“Prominent Canadians of American origin
Personally, I would not bother these people. They surely get harassed a lot by people (including strangers) who want something from them. “
Personally I would, and I do, and will always do, and I am successful at it throughout my life. If they will talk to me then I go for it.
THINK BIG! All it takes is one major stakeholder, one major company CEO, one major entertainer, one major investment guru to contribute the whole amount and it’s a done deal. Frankly I don’t understand your comment. Why should you worry about “prominent” Canadians? Sorry, I don’t get it.
and furthermore I am spending a lot of time doing research on this list
Hell, maybe the IRS will get to the same ones sooner or later anyway if they have a problem. One or more of the important people on the BoD of some of these companies will recognize the calling and contribute in a BIG way as in hundreds of thousands of dollars or even more. Go fishing noble ISA warriors
Question – Has info RE this up-and-running Charter Challenge effort been sent directly to the officers of Canada’s (or International) Democrats Abroad, Republicans Abroad, American Citizens Abroad, etc? Or are we just hoping they will find out somehow?
Also, what radio/TV/internet/print news organizations have been sent this information?
@Duke: Nellie McClung’s words will serve us well. “Never explain, never retract, never apologize. Just get the thing done and let them howl.”
Fascinating that those women fought to be legally recognized as “persons” We are fighting against the term “persons” being applied to us as in “US persons.”
I’m having some female persons here for tea this afternoon. We will raise a cup to your great grandmother.
Great idea.
I am speaking to Republicans Overseas about a brief mention about what we are doing.
Can someone out there please contact Democrats Abroad right away? You might just come up with some short text and ask them to post. Please let us all know the response from the Democrats.
Anybody care to speculate why this list has so few signees?
Create Congressional delegates for Americans living outside of the US to prevent “Taxation without Representation”
The U.S. is the only country in the world that taxes someone’s worldwide income, regardless of where they are living. The U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act become law in March 2010 with the intention of finding and taxing Americans hiding their assets outside of the US. Unfortunately for the approximately 6.32 million Americans living outside of the US, a population equivalent of Tennessee, this law has kicked us out of our banks and created general regulatory and tax nightmares. Though the complications from this Act are well known and documented, Congress has little initiative to change the situation as they are accountable only to those in their district and not to us. This is “Taxation without Representation.” Create congressional delegates for Americans living outside of the US
Created: Feb 20, 2014
We now have a nice post at the top of the Republicans Overseas website which is linked to the CCCF:
Finally have taken the time to read through all the great & helpful posts under this IBS heading.
1000 thanks to everyone who has been making this happen.
Yesterday I mailed my check-contribution and have emailed VERY broadly to friends & associates about the CCCF as well as the issue; plus, I asked them to forward on my email. After all, ALL Cdns (not just US “Persons”, no matter how broadly this is defined) are going to pay for this (financially and ethically).
Thanks, IRSCompliantForever,
Hope readers there know what to do next to help out in this important effort!
Right on, LM. I’ve done the same.
Dear [Democrats Abroad Press Officer]
I don’t know if this is possible, but could you please post this (see below) on the Democrats Abroad website as soon as possible? The identical text has just been posted on the Republicans Overseas website.
This short text makes no mention of any U.S. political party and we would like a posting on the websites of both major parties as our aims are all the same.
The simple text is self-explanatory.
Thank you,
“Canadians launch constitutional challenge fund to abolish FATCA
A group of concerned Canadians, organized by Dr. Stephen Kish and Lynne Swanson, have joined organizations worldwide in their efforts to abolish FATCA. They are seeking donations to begin a Canadian constitutional challenge to repeal an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) recently signed between Canada and the U.S. This IGA and the proposed legislation to enable it would allow Canadian banks to implement FATCA. This could violate Canadian Charter and privacy rights. The first phase of the fund (Canadian Charter Challenge Fund) will end March 21 or earlier if sufficient donations are received. “
Thanks for doing that so we can see which way that wind blows.
Dr. Stephen Kish took great delight this morning pointing out to me that my name is now on a Republican website. Yikes!
Re: (Blaze) “Dr. Stephen Kish took great delight this morning pointing out to me that my name is now on a Republican website. Yikes!”
Too funny. I’m still adjusting to being in agreement with the RNC for probably the first time ever.
He gave me that news a couple of weeks ago too. LOL:
and, I’m A-OK with that now!
@ Admin
1) Could this thread be stuck to the top until the C3f goal is reached? It’s drifting down the page.
2) We know IBS has nearly 7 million hits now but how many unique viewers does it have?
Hi, Em.
Petros does have it on the right-side of the page at the top, with a link “Join the discussion” that gets right to the post. Not effective?
@ Em
You took the words out of my mouth.
I never read the side-bar.
Until the campaign realized its goal, this post should be front and center.
I have also sent a similar request to the DA Press officer (in Washington).
The head of DA Canada was CCed on this email; I asked if it was possible to send out an email about this to all their Canadian members. They may not want to do this unless they got approval from DA central but every little bit of promotion helps…….