Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Please help. Donate to the Canadian Charter Challenge Fund.
February 5, 2014 was the day we thought we would never see. It was the day the Canadian government announced it had caved to a foreign nation’s demands to invade our honest, law abiding lives as Canadian citizens and residents to seize our private and legal financial records. It was the day we learned the Canadian government considers us second class Canadians with limited rights under Canadian laws and Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Today is the day we begin our drive to fight back. February 28, 2014 is the day we launch our Canadian Charter Challenge Fund to raise money for a legal opinion from prominent constitutional lawyer, Joseph Arvay.
We must demand freedom. We must demand our government uphold our rights. We must demand the government place its citizens and residents over the demands of a foreign power.
We must demand our government place our rights over those of the bully oppressor. We must band together to fight for our cherished Canadian rights and freedoms. We must do it now.
Remember, the War of 1812 was not over until 1815. We should likewise expect our battle to be long, messy and expensive.
First published on 28 Feb 2014
Rather than wait for the website people to fix the problem, I went in and managed to do so. The glitch should be history now.
FYI, GwEvil, an Accidental and a subversive, will NOT be revealing his/her true identity!
Oh my. Just when I think (and boldly state) that I have a good sense of who’s who I find out I didn’t manage to make the connection between IRSCF and Stephen Kish. Sheesh! Anyway I’m grateful to “both” of them and I’ll spend the rest of the day making the mental fusion. 🙂 I am just Em for the purposes of the internet and the other, the real, me is probably not as hidden as I would wish her to be. After all, she (the other me) signed a cheque to CCCF. Meanwhile, the all-seeing, all-knowing, CSEC/NSA probably has us all pegged.
In my opinion there will be future fundraisers and maybe even a store so everyone needs to have a UPS box, with mail going to a DBA alias (other than your real name on the contract if necessary) for privacy.
What is the difference between a mailbox at The UPS Store and a PO Box at the post office?
“With a mailbox at The UPS Store, you get a real street address, not just a P.O. Box number. If you’re a business owner, having a real street address as your mailbox can provide you with a professional image for your business. The UPS Store also offers many additional services that the post office does not, services like package acceptance from all carriers, package notification and Call-in MailCheck®, all aimed to save you valuable time.”
24-hour access**
Pick up your mail when it’s convenient for you. Your mail and packages stay safe and confidential.
There have been around 300 tweets from our C3f promoting tweeties — nobledreamer, US_ExpatCanada, grouchy and mad (love that gravatar) with great back-up from Lynne, Marvin, atticusincanada and some others. The message is out on Facebook too. This is really working those old “internet tubes” for all they’re worth, isn’t it. We can all work C3f into comment sections, e-mail friends and family — what else? I’d love to see the $18,500 goal reached as soon as possible but I know from watching online petitions that the rate drops drastically after the initial call goes out.
Em, why hasn’t anyone posted the names of known Americans here in high places in business and commerce and why hasn’t anyone written a form letter asking for donations that we all can use to do an internet fundraising blitz?
From Green Party finance critic minutes ago
“I will put this out via social networks.”
@ ChearsBigEars
Good info about UPS. Thanks. I think someone was doing research re: Americans in Canada — quite recently. Can’t remember who. We all know about Diane “The Merger” Francis but don’t look to her for a donation. You can write that form letter and put it in a comment if you like. The C3f has been put together with amazing speed, by necessity, so there are definitely more ways to help and I’ll be acting on, whenever possible, any suggestions that pop up.
@Chears, the UPS Store is probably better as you say but I selected a PO box from the Post Office for the CCCF cheque mailings because it is just a half a block away from where I work — and we needed to do this quickly. We don’t have a real named organization yet but will need one for Step 2.
Hope to see the first cheques arrive at the PO box on Monday.
@ IRSCompliantForever
Would it be possible to post cheque numbers (last 3 digits only, no names or amounts) so we can be sure our cheques arrived safe and sound in your PO Box? But only if it isn’t giving away too much information, of course. I won’t be getting a bank statement until after the deadline and the process for getting a current balance is not as simple in my small town circumstances as it is for others. My bank branch (more like a twig) is in a closet in a store and only has a phone connection to the branch office. No, I’m not kidding.
@ Blaze
Took up your suggestion and bought a bank draft this afternoon by paying cash and did not have to supply my bank account number. However, I did have to sign two receipts using my real name. And the bank fee was $7.50. It costs money to stay anonymous. I will be sending this bank draft to the FUND shortly.
Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp,
Or what’s a heaven for?
———- Robert Browning (1855, fr. Andrea del Sarto)
Your suggestion seems like a good idea to me but I want to run this by our CCCF head security/data privacy officer (Tricia) first.
@Mister Magoo: Thanks for doing that and clarifying what is involved in a bank draft. If it’s any consolation, by you paying the $7.50 for the bank draft, that is money we don’t have to pay a fee to PayPal! (We pay either 3 or 4% to PayPal for each donation that comes in that way. IRSCF or Noble Dreamer could confirm what the amount is.
If we go to an established crowdfunding site, the fees are even higher plus a fee for PayPal or credit card. GwEvil researched all of that as well as setting up our own crowdfunding Charter Challenge Fund site.
W haven’t yet decided what we will do for the next step, but these are all points that we need to consider.
Donations are coming in even on a Saturday evening and it is so difficult for us NOT to send each of you a personal email of thanks. We don’t send this acknowledgement because we want to keep the web-based communication with you to a minimum.
Thank you all.
Oops again — No, I’m not kidding.
Stupid double negative. I meant I was not kidding about my bank being in a closet. It really is. Maybe it’s a good thing we don’t have an Edit button anymore. I’d wear it out and nobody would get to use it.
I have written a cheque which will be in the mail on Monday morning.
How nice to see you here after such a long time! Hope you are well, happy (& free?)
I have a suggestion…
Blaze and IRSC have the email addresses of most or all donors. If we are getting close to the goal, but donations are slowing down, you could email us and say something like, “Hey folks, we have one week to raise another $2K. Can you reach a little deeper any of you?”
In my absence I understand I have developed some title? LOL! In that vein, I can offer you assurance that for an instrument showing a closet as a logo, once received, confirmation will be given. ;-P
@ Tricia, head security/data privacy officer
Thank you! Not that I don’t trust our post office but …
Tweeters – above is a list of people that you can look up and tweet about C3F.
I have gone through A and B
I just sent a donation via PayPal.
To clarify my concerns, I don’t think we’d be better off with the IGA putting us all under the sovereignty of the U.S., but it does set some limits on what Canadian banks and other institutions have to do to comply with FATCA. Without the IGA,, and without Canadian laws PROHIBITING banks, etc., from complying with FATCA, they can do whatever the IRS says so they can keep doing business in the U.S. The government of Canada must not only end its cooperation with FATCA, it must compel all chartered institutions such as banks, etc., to respect the rights of all Canadians – citizens and legal residents – equally, without discrimination.
Prominent Canadians of American origin
Personally, I would not bother these people. They surely get harassed a lot by people (including strangers) who want something from them. But that’s just my opinion. I think that what is more important is getting the suit (or possible suit) known within Canada as widely as possible. A sympathetic piece (including reference to the donation website) in a major newspaper would be a big help.
In their judgement, the British Privy Council were disbelieving of the outdated and provincial ideas of the Supreme Court of Canada
One of these Alberta ladies was my great grandmother. She would be proud of our efforts and would tell us never to give up.
Very interesting story. Thanks.
Which of these wonderful women, The Famous Five, was your great grandmother, Duke? I love seeing their statues when walking weather is better in Calgary than it is this weekend.