Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Please help. Donate to the Canadian Charter Challenge Fund.
February 5, 2014 was the day we thought we would never see. It was the day the Canadian government announced it had caved to a foreign nation’s demands to invade our honest, law abiding lives as Canadian citizens and residents to seize our private and legal financial records. It was the day we learned the Canadian government considers us second class Canadians with limited rights under Canadian laws and Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Today is the day we begin our drive to fight back. February 28, 2014 is the day we launch our Canadian Charter Challenge Fund to raise money for a legal opinion from prominent constitutional lawyer, Joseph Arvay.
We must demand freedom. We must demand our government uphold our rights. We must demand the government place its citizens and residents over the demands of a foreign power.
We must demand our government place our rights over those of the bully oppressor. We must band together to fight for our cherished Canadian rights and freedoms. We must do it now.
Remember, the War of 1812 was not over until 1815. We should likewise expect our battle to be long, messy and expensive.
First published on 28 Feb 2014
Do you mean Republicans Overseas, noone? I will be doing my part on some of that today.
Good luck and best in your meeting, Suki!
To those who have spent so much time in developing this funding initiative:
This is one absolutely fantastic piece of work! Absolutely fantastic.
Each of you has done Canada proud and are demonstrating the finest attributes of what responsible citizenship (whether U.S. or Canadian) should be. Homelanders should be taking note.
RESPS are not exempt from US taxation. RESPS are exempt from FATCA reporting.
Same goes for TFSA’s and RDSPs. The Canadian government is confusing people by not making this clear, and by promoting their exemption (from FATCA reporting) as a bonus. I guess it is a bonus, if you are trying to game the system, which it appears our own government is encouraging us to do by patting itself on the back for having made them exempt from FATCA reporting.
This is Great News!
Just Donated!
I like your idea of something like “” OR “”.
Here’s what I put into an email to a reporter I will talk with this morning (not on the Challenge opinion, but I will be discussing that and forward to him as well):
Re: CBC, I sent a link to CCCF to Amber Hildebrandt, the CBC reporter who interviewed Calgary411 and myself for the CBC article a month or so ago on accidental Americans.
The donations continue to come in.
Thank you all.
Great job and so quickly done!
I’d like to echo Nervousinvestors’ first comment, item 7, about routing information for foreign bank transfers. Wire transfers are a common means of making payment in many countries,
Done.. as promised
Anyone who wants to wire transfer: please use the email form to make an inquiry and someone will respond soon with the needed information to do that.
I am going now to the bank to get this information.
From: caroltapanila
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 8:39 AM
To: ; Minister James Flaherty ; ; ;
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; Abby Deshman, CCLA ; J. Paul Dube ; ; Justin Trudeau ; James Fitz-Morris ; Amber Hildebrandt, CBC ; Adam Geller, Associated Press ; Patrick Cain ; Michael Nicin, CARP ; Michael Bernard, The Enterprise ; Joel Crocker, PLAN (RDSP)
Subject: Further to my Submission Department of Finance, Canada US IGA – Carol Tapanila
My Canadian Government Representatives,
This is further to my submission of February 22, 2014 regarding the IGA Canada signed with the U.S.:
To have watched / listened to the Credit Suisse hearings, Part 1 and Part 2, on Wednesday was more than I could bear to know we are all lumped in with those who really are out for US fraud and tax evasion. I don’t consider myself or my son or most of the whatever 7 million figure of US expats around the world are those persons. We are painted with the same exceptional US brush. To now see Finance Minister Flaherty’s words, makes me finally realize that my Canadian born son (as all other ‘US Persons’ in Canada) is now deemed second class to any other Canadian no matter where they are from or their parents’ “national origin” and not to be protected by the country of his birth. Two-tiered Canadian citizenship :
That the Government of Canada has signed an IGA with the US to allow our local CANADIAN “foreign financial institutions” to turn confidential financial information for persons identified as US Persons over to the CRA for them to then be able to turn the information over to the IRS and now the Finance Minister of that government makes that statement gives me no peace. I am no longer a US citizen and my son, being born and lived all his life in Canada and never registered with the US, would have no US representative to share his concerns with if he were able to do that.
The IGA “exception” the Conservative government boasts about is for the banks – they do not have to turn Canadian registered account information for US Persons over to the CRA, but there is no exception for US citizens in still having to report that to the US. So many so-called one million (or however many) US Persons in Canada and their families (many “Accidental Americans”) knew nothing about US citizenship-based taxation and their US tax responsibilities and the US did a very poor job of educating us (or for that matter all the new immigrants to the US who, with joint accounts with family back in their ‘old country’, are now caught up in this – and they, unfortunately, live within the boundaries of the US). I believe many who will be deemed US Persons in Canada still do not know – until they are faced with the new requirement for opening a Canadian banking account to certify they do not have a “national origin” of or relationship with anyone who is “US”. Not ALL Canadians will have the same rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
FYI and possible donation if you do believe that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms should protect ALL in our country:
Carol Tapanila
Calgary, AB, CANADA
Hazy and others,
We now have (we believe) all of the information needed for wire transfers including IBAN number, SWIFT code, etc.
We will NOT be posting this routing information, but it can be requested individually through the website.
A very nice donation just came through…..
@Calgary, Thank you for letting our government reps know that we are serious.
Amazing job getting this funding initiative up and running. Contributed double what I pledged. Hope to be in a position to do more as required later. I continue to be amazed by the work you are doing and feel privileged to be a small part of this.
@Canadian Cop – as am i; so grateful to know that such a multitude of good people are “out there” in the wild.
@IRSCompliantForever – I assume that those of us who have already requested the information will receive it later in the day ? I will be on the road for much of the rest of today but look forward to depositing my contribution later.
Sorry, but I work in this business and no one will take this site seriously without a proper domain name. It’s about $15/year ( I would purchase it for you and transfer it but I don’t want my info attached to the whois, even temporarily. I can, however, mail a cheque.
Also, if you don’t add a proper title to the tags search engines will index your site as “Home”.
Otherwise, great work and congratulations! This is very exciting.
Oops. Forgot about the filter. I meant to say tags…
Oh, geez. Sorry, everyone. How about <title> ? Anyway, “title” with pointy brackets. 🙂
I just emailed you the info for wire transfers. Please let me knows if it works.
Just checked Webydo’s plans. I’ll send $20 for domain + another $10 for a Premium Webydo account, since it is required for a custom domain. Cheers –
I just sent some money for the Charter fight. Thanks to all for organizing this. I also sent an email off to Mr. Harper to express my disgust of how they have turned their backs on Canadian citizens. Maybe the Conservatives need to go back to elementary school and learn how to say NO to bullies!
The website does not seem to allow donations directly via a (non Canadian) credit card? That would be a great addition and help a bit with confidentiality (PayPal is not confidential). Can that be added? It would help I think.