She also attacks Gerard Depardieu. I was trying post a comment asking whether she still pays taxes to the US and it was too bad her hubby didn’t have to go to Vietnam(he was a draft dodger). I find Francis rather hypocritical as she had no problem in the 1960s and 1970s with her own husband trying to avoid compulsary military service but bitterly complains about Global “Citizens” trying to avoid their national “obligations”.
Gosh this begins to piss you off. Sorry, but read this…
.The number of fraudulent tax returns filed by prisoners and identified by the IRS has increased from more than 18,000 tax returns in Calendar Year 2004 to more than 91,000 tax returns in Calendar Year 2010. The refunds claimed on these tax returns increased from $68 million to $757 million.
FATCA revenue for all the fuss, expense and collateral damage is est at $800 million, so what they hope to get is offset with what they allow to happen!